Chapter 1041 Chapter 1050, delay?
Takagi knew very well in his heart that this was a tactic of the Eight Routes to delay the attack, and the purpose was to delay time.However, Takagi had to think about the things inside.

Eight Road's telegram is in clear code, that is to say, every step of the radio station at home has received this telegram, and they also know that Eight Road wants to return the body.Is this a small thing?According to previous combat experience, usually their own side won the battle, and then went to the battlefield to collect the remains of their own soldiers, not even many.What's more, it is to arrest some civilians and let them restrain Chinese soldiers.

But now... there are a total of 1178 corpses in the hands of Ba Lu.Well, don't ask why it is accurate to single digits, it is written on the eight-way telegram.But now, I am afraid that all the soldiers in my family know about this matter. If they disagree, how will the soldiers' emotions be soothed?But Balu said that if he doesn't accept it, he can just find a place to bury it... This is no small matter.

Of course, this is not a bad thing!Takagi thought for a while, then called Yamanouchi himself, and then the devil who was holding a bayonet just now and was about to attack, now put down his gun and was about to carry the corpse.

"You guys, be sure to observe well!" The one who spoke was General Takagi. In front of him were some elite veterans of the devil, many of whom were at the level of small captains, but now they were all dressed as soldiers.

"After the bombardment just now, the fortifications of the Eighth Route were exposed. Your goal is to check the terrain of the canyon and the location of the fortifications while moving the corpses. It is best to check the equipment of the Eighth Route that came into contact with you ...In addition, just to see if there is any possibility of air strikes and bombings... Even if air strikes are not possible, you should take this opportunity to check the defensive deployment of the eight routes as clearly as possible, and formulate an offensive route. ! And the next attack depends on you!" Takagi nodded to the devils.

"Hay!" The elite devils in front of him also nodded in response.Then, these devils dispersed separately and mixed into the corpse collection team.

At this time, a truck had already driven out of Sanlixia, and it rumbled to a stop about 100 meters outside of Sanlixia. The driver also turned the front of the car so that the rear of the car was facing the devil.

Then, a wooden sign on the back of the car was displayed in front of the devil, and there was a line of writing on it, which was actually in Japanese: "Move the body away by yourself, don't move the car, there are many more behind!"

At this time, the driver of the car had already opened the door and got out of the car, then closed the door with a bang, and ran towards Sanlixia without looking back.

"Go up..." Seeing this scene, the devil could only go up to carry the corpse.

Gululu... The devil emptied the carriage that was pulling the luggage, and drove to the truck, and then moved the corpses of the devils one by one and put them on the carriage, and took them away when they were full.

The devils were very efficient, and it didn't take long to finish moving the corpses, and then retreated 100 meters in unison, waiting there.At this time, the previous driver ran out again and drove the truck back with the engine still on, leaving only the exhaust fumes and the wobbly wooden sign to the devils.

Not long after the car drove in, there were militiamen yelling at the livestock, driving the horse-drawn carts, donkey carts, ox carts, and ox carts. They still stopped at the place where the trucks were parked before, then turned around, lowered the shafts, and the brackets were installed. He drove his own animals back to Sanlixia.

And when everyone was handing over the corpses, in the fortifications on both sides of the mouth of the Sanli Gorge, many precision shooters were holding semi-automatics, aiming at the devils on the opposite side, guarding against the devils playing tricks.

On the devil's side, the devil officers who had mixed into the corpse collection team also looked at the mouth of the gorge and the fortifications on both sides.Don't look at the distance of 100 meters, in fact, this location is just right, and it is comprehensive enough to see where you can go up to attack...

Everyone seems to have a tacit understanding, and they are all ready to stop fighting today.After all, there are more than 1000 devils. According to the current speed, it would be great if they can all be moved before dark.And as some corpses were moved to the devil's position, some familiar devil soldiers couldn't help feeling sad when they saw the corpses of their relatives and friends, and some even cried bitterly.

"Baga, you cowards, pigs! Crying can't solve the problem, only by killing the Chinese people across the way can you avenge your relatives! Stand up, don't cry, go and cremate your relatives and friends yourself! Then, kill those Chinese people, take the ashes of your relatives and friends, and go back!" Takagi Dazuo visited the battlefield in person, boosted morale, and then returned to the headquarters.

"Captain, I just received a call from the general. The general said that the aviation force has been notified and can carry out air strikes here at any time tomorrow, but we need to guide the target. In addition, Nakano has already set off with the armored squadron. We can reach here at this point!" Someone in the headquarters reported to Takagi.

"Yaoxi! This is good news. With the armored force, the fortifications of the Eighth Route will not be a problem! In addition, we must do a good job of guarding at night, and we must not be attacked by the Eighth Route! arrange it this way, let some soldiers Stay on the ground, relax your vigilance, and then you personally lead a large force to hide on the mountain behind, maybe you will gain something! Also, what does the artillery wing say?" Takagi said.

"The Artillery Wing will also be in place tonight! There will be 36 artillery pieces firing together tomorrow morning!" said the Wing Chief of Staff.

"That's very good! Well... Prepare special bombs, and use them if necessary!" Takagi suddenly felt that the time for exchanging corpses was not in vain.

I also feel that the delay is not in vain, and there is also our headquarters here.No, the chief is also holding a map and studying the mobilization of troops.

"What did the 386 brigade say? Where are you? When will you arrive in Licheng?" the deputy commander asked.

"The 386th brigade handed over the defense of the base area to the 18th and 17th regiments. The brigade commander led the 16th regiment, the cavalry battalion, the assault battalion, and some artillery. They are marching quietly overnight. It is estimated that in the You will be able to reach the outskirts of Licheng the day after tomorrow. Also, on the side of the New Seventh Brigade, in addition to the 21st Regiment guarding Shexian County, the other two main regiments also secretly entered Shexian County. Oh, and the New Second Regiment , has already entered Licheng through the tunnel, and the Xinyi Regiment has also rushed back from the north, and is secretly stationing in Huangjia Town! Also, it is Li Yunlong, that stupefied guy, who is making a fuss and has to come over and fight the devils!"

Well, the division commander who moved the headquarters to the headquarters again personally answered the chief's question.

"Okay, Li Yunlong is a stupefaction, he will go to the top as soon as there is a war! Since he wants to fight, let him change with the new regiment, and let the new regiment guard the headquarters. If necessary, can we move east? There is also the eighth detachment over there! Zhao Fengnian has also developed very well in the past two years. On the surface, the strength of a detachment is actually... haha..."

Well, this is what the two sides are doing behind the scenes.Delay?They are all consciously procrastinating, and then quietly arrange.But who will win?Also see the next chapter decomposition.

(End of this chapter)

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