Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1046 Chapter 1055, the soldiers are excellent

Chapter 1046 Chapter 1055, the soldiers are excellent
Jiuzhai, Lijiatan, the village closest to Li Yuexuan's battle site, most of the villagers are still sleeping underground... Cough, don't get me wrong, they are really underground, in the tunnel.

Of course, some vigilant militiamen and soldiers of the third brigade were still awake, especially when the news of the battle on the mountain reached here, everyone became even more sober.

"There was heavy gunfire and flares just now. I'm afraid the Second Battalion is fighting the devil's sneak attack troops?" Someone in the village said.

"Maybe it's the Special Forces. After all, when it was dark, they were still looking for things in the village!" Someone also answered.

"I don't feel like the fighting style of the Special Forces. Who doesn't know that the Special Forces like to kill the enemy silently? Let the enemy die without knowing how they died?" Some people retorted.

"Ahem...Everyone, it's okay to call and ask? Even if you don't ask, you have to report to the headquarters, right?" Finally someone said the most correct choice.

It is necessary to call to report, so at this moment, in the headquarters of the Ninth Detachment, the phones rang intensively.The phones connecting the Second Brigade and the Third Brigade are ringing, several of them.

After some phone calls, word of Li Yuexuan's annihilation of a squadron that was trying to sneak up on rock climbing at night reached the ears of the commanders and fighters of each company.Then, another discussion.

Of course, the Second Brigade got the news a little earlier, and even Li Yuexuan and his communications soldiers reported the results directly through the Second Brigade's phone call.

When everything was over, half an hour had passed, and the whole Jiuzhaigou was still quiet, and there was no other movement on the little devil's side.

Of course, when faced with the question about changing the fighting style, Li Yuexuan gave the answer: "The detachment leader said that you should not use guns if you can solve devils with shells. Now that we are fighting with our backs to the arsenal, we will be stronger." The firepower output to kill the enemy, because we don't worry that the logistics can't keep up."

Chirp chirp chirp...boom boom boom...When the headquarters was on the phone, the devil was not idle in the south.The devil artillery, who couldn't bear it anymore, finally attacked those piles of bonfires and sandbag walls.

The little devil didn't play too much this time, but the [-] infantry artillery approached and fired directly, blowing up the fire and the sandbag wall behind it, blowing it out, and blowing up some corpses by the way.However, all of this didn't make the soldiers guarding Sanlixia panic, they just rested as they wanted.Except for... the sentinel looked through the observation port, and there was no response.

Time passed quickly, and it was night in the blink of an eye.When the sky was getting dark, Li Yuexuan led his people down to the hillside on the cliff under the top of the mountain, seeming to collect the spoils left by the devils.

The little devils who came here this time were all elites, and they brought a lot of machine guns, a lot of 40-type rifles, and more ammunition.Although Li Yuexuan led more than [-] people to clean the battlefield, the speed was still not fast.However, as the second brigade came over with a main force to join the defense here, Li Yuexuan had more manpower at his disposal.

Then...the weapons are packed, the ammunition is packed, the documents on the devil's body are protected, and the property is specially placed.After cleaning up, the corpses of these devils will be thrown back wherever they came from.

Rumbling... Three trucks caught fire, and Li Yuexuan and the others got into the truck one after another, and returned to the arsenal's factory area with last night's spoils.

At this moment, at the south entrance of Sanli Gorge, the devil's attack began.

The little devil's operation failed last night. This news was actually limited to the rank of the captain, and no devil soldier dared to know.

And this morning, after breakfast, a small group of devil soldiers, under the command of the commander, came to attack Sanlixia.

Chirp, chirp, chirp... Boom boom... It's still an artillery start, this is the devil's old routine, there is nothing to say.Just as the shells were bombing, a brigade of puppet troops had already gathered in front of the devil's position.In the back, there is a squadron of devils as a supervisory team, supervising the operations of these puppet troops.I have to say that the puppet army is really a good consumable, and the little devil also knows how to rule China with flowers.

"Death to death..." The devil's squadron leader swung his knife himself, and the point of the blade was the direction of attack.

"One company, let me attack!" The captain of the 7th Brigade of the Imperial Association Army, holding a shovel in his hand, ordered a company commander.

"Attack..." The puppet company commander knew that he couldn't disobey orders, so he could only bring his own company to attack Sanlixia with his life.

"United Captain, Nakano from the Armored Squadron has been ordered to arrive!" Just as the puppet troops were rushing to attack, Takagi Dazuo waited for the Armored Squadron that had rushed over overnight.

"Yuxi, you have worked hard all night, go down to rest, adjust your state, and look forward to your chance to give the enemy a fatal blow!" Takagi Takagi said to Nakano very politely.

"Ha Yi, willing to die for the empire!" After Nakano nodded, he followed the logistics officer to rest.And the car transport team that followed Nakano did put down the baggage they brought, loaded up the ashes jars full, and drove back towards Changzhi City.Of course, none of this escaped the eyes of the scouts of the Ninth Detachment.

In Sanlixia, seeing the swarming puppet troops, the soldiers of the third brigade not only did not fear, but their adrenal glands soared, and the whole person became excited.

"Hit..." Someone yelled loudly with a metal horn in the passage behind, and the sound was transmitted to every firing hole.

"Comrades, fire!" Hearing this roar, the squad leaders of each firepower point also roared loudly, and then took their semi-automatics, went to the nearest shooting hole, and fired at the puppet army.

Da da da... Da da da... Da da da da da... Pa... For each firepower point, there are at least three people guarding it, holding several shooting holes.

At this time, the continuous machine guns at high places kept firing at the rear of the puppet army, blocking the advance of the puppet army behind; Commander in officer uniform.At the same time, ordinary soldiers and precision shooters fired at any target that could be attacked.

At this time, the puppet army was desperately approaching their fortifications, and it was a good time to shoot.

In some hidden and inconspicuous corners, snipers and precision shooters aimed their guns at the devils and heavy machine guns farther away, providing cover for the fortifications.

Facing the orderly division of labor of the soldiers of the three brigades, and their precise and deadly bullets, the charging puppet army company was wiped out before reaching a distance of 100 meters from the mouth of the Sanli Gorge.Don't doubt the fighting power of the Eight Route Army, the soldiers of the Nine Detachment are just that good.

(End of this chapter)

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