Chapter 1048 Chapter 1057, on fire
After yesterday's loss, the little devil never thought that he could easily win Jiuzhai.Especially after seeing the solid fortifications behind the cliff, he was even more prepared to make a great sacrifice.

Of course, the devils sacrificed first, of course the puppet soldiers, this is a very good consumable.

After the attack just now, the devil saw the defensive capacity of the mouth of the Sanli Gorge, which can block a group charge of 200 people at most.If the charging soldiers were elite enough, perhaps with fewer people, they could reach the mouth of the Sanli Gorge.And this attack, the devil was serious.For example, the flamethrower from Eagle Sauce's house was used.

The devil played like a chicken thief, instead of letting the fire-breathing soldiers wear their own military uniforms, they mixed in with the puppet army, intending to launch an attack at the end.And that's not counting, behind a company of the puppet army, two squads of devils also launched an attack, targeting both sides of the gorge.Well, one team on each side is just enough for them to allocate.

"Hit...don't spare the bullets, hit hard! Where's the shotgun? Little stone, push the shotgun over and give the shotgun down two shots!" In a certain fortification on the cliff, watching more and more puppet troops below , The devils also came up, the young squad leader Chen Wenshui roared loudly, and kept pulling the trigger in his hand.

"Squad leader, here we come..." Xiao Shitou heard the roar, and pushed a shotgun from the passage behind, hitting an unused shooting hole.

"Don't stand still, just watch and shoot by yourself, if the shells are gone, move it yourself!" Squad leader Chen glanced at the small stone, and continued to shoot while shouting.

"Okay, I've been waiting for a long time! We have spent so much effort to get this guy in, and today is finally the time to use it!" Xiao Shitou observed through the bulletproof baffle of the shotgun while talking. Hole, looking down.At the same time, he pulled open the thick bolt with his hands, casually slapped a shell into the barrel, and then pushed the bolt to push the shell into place.

Boom... With a roar, the shotgun vibrated, and a large group of flames spewed out from the design opening on the cliff, with countless steel ball fragments in the middle, flying towards the puppet army's team.

"Ahem cough cough... It's really enjoyable!" Little Shitou didn't bother to look at the situation below, but lowered his head to look at the condition of the shotgun, and continued to pull the bolt to reload.

"Shitou, you bastard, did you take the wrong shell? It's black gunpowder. You don't think we're strong enough here, do you?" At this time, squad leader Chen's roar sounded again.

"Squad leader, hold on, the first shot is black powder, and the back is good!" Shitou looked at the bullet platoon, and then said.

"You son of a bitch, you need a few more shots of black powder, and our bunker will be able to emit smoke! Magazines, one magazine... the barrel needs to be replaced!" shouted the machine gunner on the other side. road.

"The magazine is here!" Hearing the roar, the sub-machine gunner put down the semi-automatic in his hand, pulled out two magazines directly from the backpack beside him with his left hand, held the spare barrel in his right hand, and approached the machine gun firing port.

"Hurry up!" At this time, Da Zhuang has already opened the buckle of the barrel cover, the gun is tilted to one side, the butt of the gun is pressed down, and the barrel also slips down a section due to gravity.

"Immediately!" The deputy machine gunner put on a leather glove with his left hand, reached out and took out the scorching gun barrel, and put it on the table beside him, while quickly inserting the new barrel into the sleeve with his right hand.

After doing this, the machine gunner returns the bolt, resets the casing, snaps the buckle, and the new barrel is ready for use.At the same time, the deputy machine gunner also replaced the new magazine.Don't be too familiar with this kind of work, the two of them cooperated with the training, and the replacement work was completed in only three or four seconds.

Boom... At the same time, another cannon shot out from the small stone, countless steel balls hit the ground outside Sanli Gorge, and also hit the bodies of countless puppet soldiers.

" this the power of Balu's mysterious and powerful offensive weapon?" Seeing the fire point still smoking on the cliff, Shimada said in surprise.

He can't be surprised, because with the two shots just now, within the distance from 50 meters to 100 meters in front of the firepower point, they directly covered a range of seven to eighty meters wide.Within this range, almost all the puppet troops have lost their combat effectiveness.The lucky ones were directly beaten to death; the worse ones are still twitching on the ground and unable to make a sound.

"Hope, the fire-breathing soldiers won't be discovered... Well, no matter how bad the eight roads are, you haven't seen the good things from Yingjiang's house, right? I'll give them a surprise later!" Shimada has already set his sights on the fake On the three fire-breathing soldiers behind the army.

Sanli Gorge, South Entrance, on the top of the cliff, in a hidden corner, sniper Zhang Yihe was holding a Ma Sihuan sniper rifle, quietly watching the battle down the mountain.

That's right, Sanlixia's defensive measures are not only the solid fortifications hidden deep in the cliff, but also some fortifications and individual soldiers on the top of the cliff.The cliff here is tens of meters high, and the little devil didn't even notice that there were people on it.And here is actually one of the observation points to observe the battlefield here.

"Old Zhang, there is a situation! Look over there..." Zhang Yihe never fired, and neither did the dozen or so snipers who were with him on the top of the cliff.But now, the situation has come, it's time for them to act!
"Look at that, the one carrying the jar should be the fire-breathing soldier the detachment leader said!" The observer pointed to the fire-breathing soldier in the puppet army.

"Ha...whether it is or not, he's dead! Look for it again!" Zhang Yihe poked the muzzle out of the cliff a little while speaking, then aimed at a fire-breathing soldier, and gently pulled the trigger.

Pa... Ma Sihuan's crisp gunshots were not obvious in the battlefield environment below.However, the consequence of this shot was that it directly pierced through the large jar carried by the fire-breathing soldier.Then, the fun thing came, the tank was not mixed oil, but high-pressure inert gas.

I saw that a large amount of gas spewed out from the opening of the tank, directly flying the fire-breathing soldier up, directly knocking down two soldiers of the puppet army, and the three guys rolled together.

"I'm going, what is this? It's so strong?" Zhang Yihe was surprised by his own shot. He has never seen this thing before. It's so fresh!
He was still fresh here, and there were more gunshots from the side. It was another sniper who fired.And their target turned out to be this unlucky guy who fell to the ground.

Well, this unlucky guy was really unlucky enough. One shot hit him in the shoulder, and the other shot broke the oil tank, and the sticky oil gushed out directly.As for the undead, there was a flame on the ground, and I don't know what it was burning.

Then... Boom... The flames rose, and the unlucky devil soldier was covered with flames immediately, and the flames became bigger and bigger...

(End of this chapter)

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