Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1254 and Chapter 1263 are all related to the 9 teams

Chapter 1254 and Chapter 1263 are all related to the Nine Teams
"Detachment Captain, I think so! The enemy situation that has been determined now is that the 36th Division has dispatched 3 infantry brigades, a search squadron, and two puppet army regiments of the Imperial Association, with a strength of more than 5000. These are our intelligence personnel. According to the information obtained, the devil's goal is very clear, which is to enter the base area to grab food." Zhang Henshui said on the phone.

"More than 5000 people?" Hu Changyi was not frightened by the force, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "With more than 5000 people, how many veterans can there be? A group of recruits, even if they have been training in the country for a long time, but It's also a recruit! It seems that the head of the headquarters is really training our team with these ghosts and puppet troops!" Hu Changyi said.

"That's right! I just wanted to inform you. I hung up the phone and set off from the station immediately. I will arrive in Xijing Town tomorrow morning at the latest!" Zhang Henshui hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Hu Changyi also hung up the phone, but he didn't leave here because he had a hunch that there would be another call.

Sure enough, within a minute of putting down the phone, the phone rang again, this time it was a call from the first team, and it was Lai Dongxing himself calling.content?Naturally, the machine team also received combat orders.

After talking on the phone with Lai Dongxing, Guo Shaoxing called again, asking about the defensive operation this time.As the captain of the Seventh Detachment, Guo Shaoxing grew from being a guard company commander to a detachment leader, and the one who helped them the most was the Ninth Detachment.Even the independent infantry brigade of the Nine Detachments has only been withdrawn for a few months.

Guo Shaoxing was under a lot of pressure this time, because the target of the devil's raid this time was his defense zone.Although there are still some basic regiments, militias, and guerrillas in Division 2 in the defense zone, as a regiment-level unit with the most powerful troops and the best firepower in the defense zone, Guo Shaoxing feels a little stressed.

"Put your heart in your stomach and let your team guard the nodes that enter the mountain. Including Panlong Town, Shimen Village, Li Jiapo, and Xianwang Village, these places are firmly guarded. The rest, we Help you solve it! I still don’t believe it, 4 basic regiments, numerous guerrillas, militias, two mobile detachments, plus my quick reaction brigade, can’t beat the devil’s mopping up team?” Hu Changyi said.

"Is that so? Then I'm relieved!" Hearing the dispatched teams, Guo Shaoxing directly put his heart in his stomach.What more can I say?Listen to the following teams that are closely related to the Ninth Detachment. Except for some recruits in the Second Machine Detachment, the rest are veterans!Veterans of hundreds of battles dare not say it, but they are all veterans who have won at least three battles!
After talking on the phone with Guo Shaoxing, Hu Changyi felt that he had reached his limit, but unexpectedly the phone rang again.When Hu Changyi picked up the phone, he heard Li Yuexuan's voice: "Detachment Captain, I have been listening all the time. You didn't use a confidential call just now? Are you so careless?"

"Hmm... It's not enough caution! Let me review this mistake. Tell me, where are you now? Will you also participate in this battle?" Hu Changyi said.

"I can talk to you, and the location is the closest to the 36th Division. I want to tell you good news. In fact, the main force of this battle against the devils is our Ninth Detachment. Well, we are also involved!"

After Li Yuexuan finished speaking, he put down the phone, but Hu Changyi quickly picked up the phone again, and used another dedicated line to call the headquarters directly.

"That's right, this time, your Ninth Team is not the protagonist, but if you look at the teams participating in the battle, which one has nothing to do with your Ninth Team? It's not an exaggeration to say that your Ninth Team is the main force of the battle. Well, the ammunition for this battle You need to prepare enough supplies, and..." The chief of staff took the trouble to tell Hu Changyi the next arrangement on the phone, so that Hu Changyi had a good idea.

After putting down the phone, Hu Changyi let out a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, in just a few years, there are so many teams that were born out of the Nine Detachments!In addition, the Independent Regiment, the New First Regiment and the New Second Regiment, which are closely related to the Ninth Detachment, are two detachments.Let's put it this way, the garrisons in Jinzhong and Southeast Shanxi have the shadow of the Nine Detachments subtly influencing them.

Feeling a little proud in his heart, Hu Changyi hurried to find Minister Zhang to mobilize supplies for this battle.Also, they mobilized the transportation team of the logistics department and their own logistics support team to quickly help Xin Xiaomao's artillery battalion from the Ninth Detachment to the side of the mountain, and put it on the side of Wenzhuang's former brigade headquarters. Important fire support for the next battle.

Team Nine is busy!As soon as Guo Dezhu said hello, all the logistics support teams were mobilized immediately, even the 1000 militiamen of the Second Brigade of the Ming Army were also mobilized.Next, the truck transported and sent the rocket launcher and 120 heavy force to the transition line on the ridge of Taihang Mountain.For the rest of the road, people carried animals on shoulders, and sent all the artillery and rocket launchers of the Artillery Battalion across the mountain in one day.

After crossing the mountain, the trucks of the Seventh Detachment stopped at the foot of the mountain road, which immediately gave the artillery battalion the ability to march on mobile.At the same time, Guo Shaoxing also handed over his artillery battalion to Xin Xiaomao to lead.

Everyone has no opinion on this point!Who is Xin Xiaomao?Although he was the younger brother among the siblings fleeing from the Northeast, he still wanted to marry his older sister.However, Xin Xiaomao was under the tutelage of Director Zhao, the gunner. In these years of battles, Xin Xiaomao used his record to convince everyone that entrusting the artillery to him would definitely bring out the greatest combat effectiveness.

At the same time, the mobile detachment is also ready to go, on the Licheng side, ready to fight out from here at any time, cutting off the escape route of the mopping up devils.

The battle of the machine team was too dependent on cars and roads, so they did not gather at Xijing Town.However, the quick response brigade with all the members of the Ninth Detachment on horseback was the second machine detachment who rode over with all the members on horseback. They joined forces at Xijing Town and rushed over the mountains and mountains towards Shimen Village.At the same time, it can also help the artillery battalion bring some ammunition there.

In fact, the artillery shell factory of Jiuzhai Arsenal is on the west side of Zuohui Mountain, so it is faster to replenish.However, since there are enough manpower, it is always right to bring more shells over there!You can't be blindfolded when you get on the sedan chair, can you?

In short, after one day and one night, about 2600 elite troops had already appeared in this defense area on the east side of Wu Township, and more than 1000 elite troops were waiting to attack quickly.

What's worse now is that the little devil came to the door!

As the saying goes, they are busy transporting troops across the mountains and actively preparing for war to protect food. If the Japanese invaders come to knock on the door, close the door and beat the dog to beat his mother!
(End of this chapter)

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