Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1275 Chapter 1284, Occupy the County

Chapter 1275 Chapter 1284, Occupy the County
In Wuxiang City, Hu Weidong, the newly appointed armored assault company commander of the Quick Reaction Brigade, personally drove a modified Japanese armored vehicle as the lead vehicle on Dongxi Street.

Listening to the jingling sound of bullet casings falling on the ceiling above his head, Hu Weidong Quan regarded it as the most beautiful music.Even though the roar of the 12.7mm heavy machine gun upset him, he still maintained the calmest state of mind.Behind him, the convoy of the armored assault company walked or stopped, forming a strong fortress at every street and alley, covering the advancing team.

Seeing that the devil's defensive position in front was no longer able to counterattack, Hu Weidong signaled the driver Xiaodong to continue moving forward, but he himself looked through the bulletproof glass in front and looked at the sight of the vehicle's shotgun.At the same time, his finger was also on the trigger of the shotgun.

Rumbling... The armored vehicle drove over a few scattered sandbags, but in the end it was blocked by a large pile of sandbags piled up on the street.There was no way, the truck had to stop, and then the machine gunners and machine gunners guarded the surrounding area, and the commando soldiers came up to artificially clear the sandbags.

"Those tanks can easily crush such obstacles, but it's a pity we can't drive the tanks out!" Hu Weidong pulled the bulletproof fence at the top of his head and looked forward through the bulletproof glass. He didn't see the devil's reinforcements , had no choice but to continue sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

"Company Commander Hu, Company Commander..." At this moment, the soldiers from the first battalion of the new regiment patted on the window next to them, looking very anxious.

"What's going on?" Hu Weidong pulled the bulletproof fence aside, curious to see what the soldier had to say.

"The devil... the devil fled towards the west gate of the city, we can't catch up!" The little soldier blushed, this was a team that came from another block to look for reinforcements.

"Then what are you talking about? Come in quickly and take us to chase!" Hu Weidong opened the car door, pulled the thin little soldier in, and then he got in again.Before getting into the car, he took out the tin horn and shouted to the team behind him: "Comrades, we found the devils running away here, let's go after them! The infantry keep up, and those who can't keep up hang on the car!"

Cough cough, in order to make it easier for the soldiers to get on the truck, there are some holes around the trucks, people can step on the hand and be taken away by the truck...

The sandbags in front had been moved away by the soldiers. Hu Weidong asked the soldiers to direct the direction. He turned his body to the left to give the soldiers as much vision and riding space as possible.

Then, the soldiers commanded the armored vehicle, rumbling forward along the street.

"Quickly, turn left from there, let's block the devils!" The little soldier is a native of Wuxiang County, and he is very familiar with the streets here.Under his command, the convoy drove very fast, and finally crossed a street, and the convoy lay across another wide street.

Then, the soldiers in the car rejoiced, because just to the east of them, there was an old devil, leading more than 200 middle-aged devils, running towards this direction, wheezing.

What else is there to say?Go straight to it!So, the soldiers directly raised their hands and quickly pulled the trigger.

At this moment, Fujimoto, who was running with almost no strength, had only one cry in his heart: "Baga, it's over, it's over..."

It seemed to have heard Fujimoto's call. Amidst the rattling gunshots, countless bullets swept across the street, killing all the devils who had fought for the first time since joining the army.

The process of fighting?What process is needed!Eight trucks parked on the street, filling the street to the brim, and then dozens of infantrymen ran from the side streets to this side.And these fighters, the worst in their hands are semi-automatic weapons.Under the firepower of vehicle-mounted machine guns and vehicle-mounted shotguns, the devils simply have no ability to resist.

The gunfire stopped, and the battle was not yet over. Hu Weidong's voice sounded: "Machine gunners, machine gun fire, stay alert; commandos, go up and fill the devils with guns one by one!"

Hu Weidong is now the supreme commander here.In the blood of Qi's army, the only concept of killing Japanese pirates is naturally not to stay behind.

In fact, no matter whether it is the commando of the new regiment or the commando of the quick response brigade, they don't want to catch the devils and take them back to serve as uncles.Therefore, it was enough to strike just now, and a devil must be hit by at least three bullets.

The commandos walked across the street stepping on pieces of meat and blood. Anyone who found a complete body would shoot a bullet in the back of the head as a final insurance.

But this scene was seen by the people hiding in the county, and they were also afraid in their hearts.Eight roads, is it so cruel?
If there is fear, there is naturally joy!Eighth Road is our team, is this kind of Eighth Road a good Eighth Road!
After completing the job of replenishing the gun, the commandos looked for valuable targets from the pile of bloody corpses.Not to mention, Fujimoto's Major's military uniform was particularly conspicuous among the devils, and was pulled out by the soldiers first.

"What a tragedy, was this shot by a heavy machine gun? He lost half of his body!" Dragging half of the devil, the soldiers put him on the side of the street, and then searched for a suitable lower body to match him.As for whether it belongs to one person?It's not easy to tell.

At this time, someone actually found a camera in the devil's backpack and took it out excitedly.

"Haha... Camera, this is a good thing! Our detachment leader has one, and your regiment commander also has one. When our brigade commander seized one, we were very happy!"

"Well... who can take a picture? Let's take a picture here, and we can pass it on to our descendants!"

"I will, I will... I was an apprentice in the county photo studio!" At this time, the little soldier who was crowded in the car and led the way got out and snatched the camera.

So, on this sunny October afternoon, a group of soldiers covered in blood stood on the street full of devil corpses, leaving precious photos one after another.Perhaps in the future, these photos will become extremely important video data to be protected?But now, after taking photos, the soldiers continue to complete the next task.

what task?The four gates of the county seat were guarded, and then the remaining enemies in the county seat were cleaned up, and the county seat was completely occupied!Just now, the car's radio had received the news from the special service brigade outside the city. The devils took the initiative to withdraw from the county seat and headed towards Qin County. The special service brigade fought a blocking battle, leaving 19 trucks in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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