Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1303 Chapter 1312 Last year 1 year

Chirp chirp... boom boom boom... Another round of shelling began, this time the largest caliber naval gun on the warship was firing.At the same time, bombers flew up from the nearby aircraft carrier and dropped bombs one after another on the island. With a destructive force, the entire island trembled again...

Faced with this firepower attack, the little devils finally chose to withdraw their active forces into the tunnel to hide.It's getting dark, I hope my persistence will allow the navy red deer to mobilize in time...

At the same time, the record of the bazooka against the Yingjiang tank was also sent back to the military, so as to get more weapon support.

The war on the island is still going on, but the devil's mopping up work in China has completely stopped.It's not that the devils don't want to continue to sweep, but that they really can't spare their energy for security warfare.

And there is one thing that needs to be noticed, that is, this year, the main battles of the little devils in the country are concentrated in North China and Central China, with the focus on North China.From the raids in Northwest Shanxi and Taiyue District in the spring, the raids in East and South Hebei that started in April, and the May Day raids, to the raids in Jiaodong at the end of the year...

It can be said that the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army led by our party, led all the anti-Japanese people, withstood the all-out attack of the devils this year, did not lose an inch of land, and even increased.

That's great!You know, now the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army combined, their strength is no match for Guoguo's several million troops.In terms of equipment, there may be advantages in individual weapons, but artillery and aviation are incomparable, and there is not much support from abroad.Even if there is, it is our own efforts, in exchange for penicillin and so on.

And what about the preserved fruit?The devils launched the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Campaign, and many elites of the Central Army who were several times the size of the Japanese army fought timidly for the enemy and fled... If it weren't for the lack of Japanese troops, Lao Jiang's side would be really hard to say.

And the reason why the little devils have insufficient troops?The North China battlefield occupied a large number of troops, and a large number of troops were wiped out... Where do you think the last replenishment of the 36th Division came from?Recruits can be brought in from the country, but what about veterans and grassroots commanders?And it's not just the 36th division that needs to be supplemented.

In short, after this year's battle, the little devil has also suffered great losses while raging in North China. For the devil, the gain outweighs the loss.In addition, in May, Yan Laoxi almost reached a peace agreement with the devils, and almost gave up Jin Province to the devils.Therefore, if Yan Laoxi really resists Japan, he really has to think about it.

Not only that, this year, the Central Army and the Jinsui Army have often had friction with the Eighth Route Army, and there have been many large-scale attacks, but they were all beaten back.

"It's a new year, it's going to be the end of January... and the Chinese New Year will be here soon..." Feeling the growing taste of the New Year in Hujia Village, Hu Changyi also heaved a long sigh of relief and walked into the The ancestral hall.

It has to be said that the old patriarch of Hujia Village is getting more and more energetic.This is said to be waiting to die in the ancestral hall, but after waiting for several years, he is still in good spirits and can walk around the village by himself.Of course, the younger generations still need to prepare meals and send them to the ancestral hall. The old man has this right.

The new year is here, and Hu Changyi also feels that time is somewhat rushed.After careful calculation, there is still more than a year before the devil surrenders, and he should leave by then, and he feels a little bit reluctant.

In fact, it's no wonder, after all, the things he has experienced in these years are much more than what he experienced in the world when he came.He sometimes wondered, if he went back with the memory here, would he still be able to adapt?

Of course, now is not the time to think about this, what if I can't go back?

Last year, the Eighth Route Army had to deal with the mopping up of devils after streamlining its troops and streamlining its administration. In fact, it did not increase much.According to the news from Minister Zhang, the total strength of the Eighth Route Army is only about 31.Well, it's really not too many, but how many of them have changed their faces?

Therefore, when offering sacrifices to the ancestors of Hujia Village in the ancestral hall, Hu Changyi also prayed deeply, so that these heroic spirits could receive the blessing of incense from God Haotian...cough cough.

After sacrificing the ancestors, Hu Changyi attended the family banquet in Hujia Village, and then went back to his residence, and continued to write materials with his pen in the severe cold.This is the best gift he can bring to this world. I believe everyone will like it very much, whether it is Xiaotian or Yingjiang, they will like it very much.

Well, if I remember correctly, this month, Yingjiang's heavy cruiser Chicago will be sunk, and Hu Changyi expressed his sincere concern.

Just this month, someone Wang finally declared war on Britain and the United States on behalf of the puppet government of Wang.

Coupled with Jiang's candied fruit, war was declared against Japan in 41. This is really a country facing the Axis and Allies.

However, it seems that there is nothing about Mao Xiong's family?Well, Mao Xiong's family is fighting with the German stick...

Now, all the base areas are carrying out large-scale production campaigns, especially in northern Shaanxi.Through everyone's active labor, various materials were produced, which greatly eased the pressure of the blockade outside.Of course, this blockade came from the double blockade of Guoguo and the Japanese invaders.For example, in the Shanxi-Sui area, the blockade by the Japanese invaders was very serious, and they were even eroding our base areas.

In order to deal with this blockade, in October last year, the policy of squeezing the enemy's territory was designated, and an armed battle was initiated on the initiative.This time, 10 armed forces teams, 37 main force companies, and 39 guerrilla squadrons were mobilized to go deep into the enemy's rear, mobilize the masses, use landmine warfare, cold guns and other tactics to disrupt the enemy's rear, and then squeeze out to restore this side. base.

And this battle has been going on until now, and the results can be called gratifying.After all, these main companies all passed with long artillery grenades, as well as sniper grenade grenades.With so many teams making a fuss in the devil's public security area, the little devil is not strong enough to defend against it.And this policy complements the policies formulated by the headquarters for several counties on the Pingliao Highway, and each has its own advantages.

To sum up, in the past year, despite the crazy raids by the Japanese invaders, our army and the people were united, regardless of sacrifice, fought bravely, and worked hard to produce... While fighting the raids by the Japanese invaders, we also ensured the development of people's livelihood and guaranteed There are a large number of grain-producing areas, so that the people will not have nothing to live under the ravages of the Japanese invaders.Without the base areas being swept away, the people can live and work in peace and contentment, enjoying a quiet life in a turbulent social environment.

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