Chapter 1309 Chapter 1318, Shuhechun

The New Fourth Army has never been so rich, and this company commander has never fought such a rich battle.

In the past, when we fought, we used captured old sleeves, made in Hanyang, and officially considered a good gun.If there are several [-]-type rifles, they must be used by the best veterans!
Later, we were able to get some weapons sent by the headquarters one after another, but the quantity was not many, and more were brought by the veterans of the 344 brigade.Including machine guns, there are not many of them, and the bullets have to be counted.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect that so many weapons and ammunition were sent this year, but these veterans were very happy.

Tom tom tom...tom tom tom... In the village, a total of 15 grenade launchers shelled the paddy fields where the devils and puppet troops were located.At this time, because the paddy field was going to survive the winter, water was stored inside and a layer of ice formed.

When these grenade grenades roared and fell into the paddy field, the hard ice layer triggered the fuze of the grenades, and they exploded with a bang.And the shock wave blasted holes in the ice layer, scattering pieces of ice.

Of course, among these ice flakes, there were fragments of fragments from the grenade explosion, which were also shooting around.

"Ahhh..." Amidst the screams, neither the puppet soldiers nor the devils could withstand the puncture of these fragments.

"Haha... well done! Give me another round of blasting, and then another round of red shells to smoke out the devil! Pay attention to suppressing the firepower of the machine gun, and all the semi-automatic ones are aimed at the devil who comes out for me, and hit him hard! What about the shotgun team? Get out of the village and advance 50 meters." The company commander can deploy targeted tactics if he decides.

After receiving the order, the grenade continued to explode for another round, and then the pepper grenade exploded in the hiding places of the devils and puppet soldiers.At the same time, the soldiers of the shotgun battle group, under the cover of their comrades, advanced towards the devils and puppet army.The company commander directly used the shotgun as an assault weapon.

"Company Commander, when did you say you had seen the power of this semi-automatic rifle?" During a break in the battle, a veteran squad leader asked.

"It was when we hit the Dingdian. At that time, we had semi-automatics, but there were not many of them. It's been a few years! Back then, I was still a squad leader, and I could lead a reinforcement company to fight." Once The company commander who fought with Hu Changyi and the others in the Dingdian battle was the squad leader back then.

There is absolutely nothing to say about the combat effectiveness of the New Fourth Army. After all, they have maintained the record of destroying the enemy with the fewest units of bullets.Of course, there is no comparison with Li Yuexuan and the others.

Under the command of this company commander, the devils and puppet troops hiding in the paddy fields first suffered two rounds of shelling, and then inhaled pepper smoke.

When these Japanese and puppet soldiers burst out of the fields with tears and noses flowing, screaming strangely, and started running on the field, machine guns rang out, semi-automatic bursts, and shotguns also fired.

With the blessing of weapons, they annihilated the invading Japanese and puppet troops at the cost of very few casualties.Then, they moved to other villages to help friendly troops and continue to wipe out other devil teams.

The little devil's tactic is to pull the net and encircle him.To pull the net, it is natural to disperse the team, form a network line, form a grid, and divide the base area.

And these teams that stayed inside to fight the attack spontaneously used the superior weapons issued by Fort Village Hexin in some areas to tactically strangle the scattered small groups of Japanese and puppet troops.

However, the main team on the outside line directly attacked the devil's command center and transportation nodes... This style of play has formed a routine, but it is a very effective method.

After all, the routine is the routine, but the time, place, and the enemy's strength, attack direction, etc., will make him change too much.He's not an excellent commander, so he can't play this kind of routine well.For example, in those major retreats of the Central Army, the little devil's strength was not dominant, right?
The anti-sweeping battle in northern Jiangsu cannot be completed in a short time. It is a contest of patience, care and courage.Of course, it is also a competition of troops and a collision of various conditions.

Besides, on the side of the Ninth Team, it seemed that the Lantern Festival had already passed, and the production of each factory had already resumed operation, and everything returned to a calm atmosphere.And at the end of the first month, the first draft of the book on firearms compiled by Hu Changyi was finally completed, and all that was left was to revise and check it before it could be printed.

This book is Hu Changyi's first book. According to the previous setting, it describes in detail the basic knowledge of firearm design and the working principle of firearms.There are also various gun mechanism structures, which have also been analyzed in detail.Moreover, there are a large number of drawings showing this.As long as you are not too stupid, after reading this book, you will have an understanding of how a gun works.

Then, there are the basic materials of firearms.For example, the material requirements of the firing pin, the introduction of the production process of the firing pin and the size requirements of various firing pins are attached.There is also the basic knowledge of the barrel, including the production process of the barrel steel, from forging to rifling to the completion of the assembly process, which is described in detail.

After explaining all the parts, what is left are various drawings, processing drawings, etc., covering all the gun models that Hu Changyi can find.

In short, when the book was handed to Minister Zhang, Hu Changyi clearly saw Minister Zhang's surprised eyes flash by.Although these materials are available in arsenals, no one has ever systematically sorted them out and explained them in simple terms.It can be said that with this book, the firearms workshop of the arsenal can train a large number of technicians.

After handing over his new work to Minister Zhang, Hu Changyi returned to the workshop.How about combining work and rest? The new batch of Ma Sihuan still needs to be modified, and the new batch of semi-automatics also needs to be equipped with sniper scopes.It's just that this time he is no longer fighting alone, but has a full 18 students following him.

These students are all workers in the workshop, and the youngest has a high school education.They not only learned how to modify guns from Hu Changyi, but also learned how to manufacture various guns, and finally designed them themselves.That's right, these were the first and probably the last batch of military firearms students that Hu Changyi brought.

With these students successfully graduated, Hu Changyi will no longer worry about firearms in the future.

In the blink of an eye, the first month passed, February arrived, the temperature gradually rose, and the earth began to recover.Although it's not yet time for spring plowing and spring planting, in some areas of North China, the Eighth Routes are moving again.

What are you going to do?The second offensive of the stabbing operation, there are still four counties blocking the Taihang District, this must be pulled out a little bit?

(End of this chapter)

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