Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 131 Chapter 130, the finished product again

Chapter 131 Chapter 130, the finished product again
Calculating the time, he has only been in this world for more than a month.In more than a month, a lot of homemade weapons have been provided to the Eighth Route Army, and even hand grenades have been made, and they can still be stable, so don't worry.

"One two one, one two one... one two three... four..."

On the riverside path from Yaogou Village to the regiment headquarters, there was a long line of people running. This was a routine morning run by members of the 772 regiment and the guerrillas.

Of course, between the guerrillas and the 772 regiment, there was another team, the independent battalion of the 129th division, which had a number.

Hu Changyi gave a series of suggestions to the brigade commander, and now there is an echo, and the organization basically agrees with Hu Changyi's ideas, and also improved the management rules of the military workshop.There has never been a shortage of management talents in the organization, and the suggestions given are much stronger than Hu Changyi's proposal.

At the same time, the construction of the independent battalion was also on the agenda. Comrade Xing Dezheng became the battalion commander of the independent battalion (it was announced that he was still in charge of the political work and logistics of the guerrillas), and Zhao Fengnian became the deputy battalion commander (still in charge of the military affairs of the guerrillas. Commander), Hu Changyi is the combat staff officer (temporary, still in charge of the guerrillas).

Therefore, the guerrillas are still guerrillas now, Captain Zhao Fengnian and Hu Changyi have the final say, and Xing Dezheng continues to help manage the logistics.

As for the real battalion commander of the independent battalion, he was a guy surnamed Kong, with a big head and a thick neck, and he was holding a big knife. He was very rough.Hu Changyi took a look?Isn't this Captain Kong?Could it be that the Independence Camp was the predecessor of the Independence Regiment?Isn't that right?Anyway, Hu Changyi felt a little messy in the wind.

In order to form an independent battalion, the division commander mobilized a total of 772 soldiers from the three battalions of the 63 regiment as the backbone, and mobilized 440 recruits from Yushe, Yangquan and other places who recruited workers from cotton mills, miners, etc. , Pulled up the establishment of the independent battalion.

The independent battalion was pulled up, but no one allocated weapons, at least the headmaster didn't intend to give them, so he could only figure out what to do.Now the soldiers of the Independent Battalion are only veterans who have been transferred to bring their own weapons. The recruits are all red-tasseled guns and two grenades!

Well, now there is no shortage of grenades in the division, and everything else is missing.

What made Hu Changyi depressed was that he thought his guerrillas would be incorporated into the independent battalion, and then use this to become regular.But the guerrillas are still guerrillas, and they didn't disrupt the organization. They just changed the title of the independent platoon from the 772 regiment to the independent battalion.

Well, the independent platoon under the independent battalion, the guerrillas are independent enough...

In fact, Li Yunlong said that the superiors really wanted to turn the guerrilla Hu Changyi into a serious arsenal, but I don't know why they didn't do it?Seems to be doing some piloting?
You see, a small guerrilla has workers, technicians, and fighters. It is very good that it can conduct security and combat by itself.

Of course, the guerrillas did not look in vain. Taking advantage of this transfer of troops, Hu Changyi asked for two veterans from Li Yunlong.One is Xiao Ren, a fighter from the Sharp Knife Squad, and the other is Xiao Zhang, a fighter.

The fighters Xiao Ren, named Ren Xuefeng, and Xiao Zhang, named Zhang Henshui, are both veterans of the Red Army, and they are suitable squad leaders for the guerrillas.

In this way, the recruits of the guerrillas were taken care of.

Apart from chanting slogans, basically no one spoke in the running team, and the comrades who were acquainted with each other only made eye contact and separated when they met.

But from the eyes of the soldiers of the independent battalion, what can be seen is full of envy!

why?Equipment!The squad leader and deputy squad leader of the Independent Battalion have guns, and the soldiers only have red-tasseled guns and grenades, which are said to be low-explosive versions.

Look at the equipment of the 772 regiment, the main force of the family, it is different!

The soldiers carried guns on their backs, bullet boxes in front of their waists, bayonet scabbards on their waists, and big water bottles on their sides... These are not the key points, but the grenade bags hanging behind them!
Take a look, behind the left hand, there are 4 big grenades; behind the right hand, there are 4 small grenades, a total of 8 grenades are dangling back and forth with the soldiers running, looking serious very!
"I said, Commander Li, is it necessary for you? Huh? This is to distribute all the grenades that were distributed to your regiment, right?" Commander Kong... Ah no, it was Commander Kong who looked nervously at him. The main team that ran over said that they were not envious would be lying, and they went straight to the grinning Li Yunlong.

"Hahaha, I'm talking about Lao Kong, you kid will be jealous! If you have so many grenades, you will be even more embarrassing than me!" Li Yunlong said.

"I'm just wondering, don't you feel tired wearing such grenades on your body?" Later, Commander Kong's mouth was sour.

"Tired? Who's tired? Huh? We've never been so rich before, but this time it's all right, with 8 grenades on me and a strong waist!" Li Yunlong said.

"Bah, my waist hurts sooner or later!" Old Kong said.

"Old Kong, why don't you understand? You have lived in vain all these years!" Li Yunlong said.

"What do you mean?" Old Kong said.

"Who are we relying on now? Ordinary people! We can't just rely on propaganda, and we can't just rely on working for the people to develop the people, right? We must let the people see our strength, right? Fighting devils, the people can't see it. Yes, but the common people can see the equipment on us!"

"So, no matter how many devils we have fought before, the common people don't know! But looking at the grenades on us... Good guy, this is what we can fight!" Li Yunlong said.

"Hiss... What you said really makes sense..." Old Kong fell silent, and continued to run forward with the team.

"Ha! I didn't expect our commander Li to know how to equip! Could it be that our old Li also saw our recruitment advertisements at that time?" Hu Changyi, who ran past these two old comrades in arms, thought...

With the help of people from the brigade and regiment headquarters to make black powder, the guerrillas finally had serious training time.Of course, due to the insufficient supply of meat, the intensity of training could not increase, and he spent his spare time helping out in the military workshop.

So, on December 12th, the Bing Workshop started to assemble the finished grenades again, and the quantity was the same as last time!Don't ask where the high explosives come from?The question is that the superior sent another two tons of Kaizi explosives obtained from the Taiyuan Arsenal through a secret channel.

Of course, the difference from the previous work is that there are many new faces in the team participating in the assembly of finished products this time.

These people include engineers from the brigade headquarters, engineers from the division headquarters, and even technicians from the 115th and 120th divisions. Of course, the engineers from the three main regiments of the 129th division are among them.

Hu Changyi was not surprised by the arrival of these people, on the contrary he was very happy.

why?Because after these people have learned how to make grenades, this technology can spread within the Eighth Route Army...

(End of this chapter)

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