Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1312 Chapter 1321, what a way to get rich

Chapter 1312 Chapter 1321, what a way to get rich
Of course, the one holding the target was hiding in the trench, and only the wooden target was exposed.The trenches have many directions, simulating the formation of the devils' attack.

During this stage of training, soldiers consume about 500 to 1000 rounds of ammunition, and machine gunners consume more, so no statistics are made.

After this stage of training, if you pass the performance assessment, you can be pulled to the battlefield to fight.Of course, at this time, the 5km and 10km armed cross-country has become a normal training, and the 400m obstacle has also completed the standard.There is even an emergency shooting training program after completing the 400-meter obstacle.

In short, a new recruit in the Nine Detachments needs to consume about 600 to 1100 rounds of ammunition from the recruit to the actual battlefield.This interval depends on the talent of the recruits.

Then, those soldiers trained as snipers and precision shooters at the beginning, and the seed players selected in the later training, can carry out the turning training of snipers and precision shooters.

During this period of training, you will be equipped with firearms with sniper scopes!As for the number of bullets consumed?A soldier has 3000 rounds as a base, and there is no upper limit... Therefore, it is not uncommon for these soldiers to have a layer of calluses on the shoulder sockets, elbows, tiger's mouth, fingers, and even knees.Therefore, it is not surprising that these fighters can exert some unexpected combat effects on the battlefield.

Well, this kind of training method can only be done by the soldiers of the nine detachments backed by the arsenal, and now they can also add several detachments around them.

Moreover, during this period of time, the soldiers' cultural lessons have also been completed. Every soldier can write and read proficiently, and there is no problem with normal daily communication.

The next growth is the experience of seeing blood on the battlefield, and this is what will happen in the future.

But now, the recruits of the nine detachments have all completed their battlefield experience, and the entire detachment is full of veterans, and their combat effectiveness is overwhelming.

The second round of sniping, because the devils were extra cautious, did not result in any major results, only two devils were killed.But this is already very good, and everyone doesn't care about the harvest.

Time passed by little by little. In today's day, the sniper squad ambushed in Mantou Mountain launched a total of 5 rounds of concentrated sniper killings on the gun tower, and there were still 5 hours of irregular sniper killings.

In short, as long as the shadow of the enemy can be found from the shooting holes of those bunkers and gun towers, bullets will be sent there immediately.

"Hey, what are you doing, kid?" Near evening, the soldiers in the field to the east could see the rays of the setting sun shining into the gun tower through the shooting holes of the gun tower.And at this moment, the large and small shooting holes upstairs were blocked by the devil with sandbags from the inside, blocked, blocked...?Is this little devil planning to ignore the ups and downs outside?
"Old Sun, what's the situation? The devil gave up resistance?" Someone asked his comrades on the mountain.

"Who knows? Anyway, our mission is to snipe and kill the devil's vital force. Since we can't see it, our mission can't be carried out. So, apply for rocket launchers or long artillery grenades?"

"Huh? There's no need to go now, right? The gun tower was really blown up, and all the devils have entered the county town. It's not easy for us." For a while, everyone didn't know how to deal with it.

"Chief, look, the information just sent by Liao County! It's about the Mantou Mountain stronghold." Someone from the Ninth Detachment handed the information to Minister Zhang.

Minister Zhang took a look, and sent someone to the office of the Ninth Detachment.At this time, Hu Changyi was working here.

"This is... what kind of structural diagram?" Hu Changyi looked at a blueprint with a complicated structure, and was a little puzzled.After he read the instructions carefully, he realized that this was the specific structure diagram of the stronghold on Mantou Mountain that he had inquired about from a civilian husband who had escaped.

After carefully looking at a mountain fortification with a complex structure, Hu Changyi handed it to Su Wei and said: "Let someone draw a few more copies according to the appearance, and send them to the front three brigades. In addition, a reminder, this The map is not necessarily accurate. Also, let our staff also look at this structural diagram, this is a mountain fortification built by the devils, and we have great reference value."

"Understood!" Su Wei took the blueprint to the drawing room, where there were officers who could quickly draw such a map.

It has to be said that the little devil does have a unique aspect in building fortifications. After all, he is a nation that has studied fighting for many years.In fact, in the face of complex underground fortifications, any attacker will feel a headache.Back then, he was as powerful as Yingjiang, and there was nothing he could do in the face of the white-eyed wolf's underground trenches.Otherwise, how did the ground penetrating bomb come about?What are the weapons such as cloud bombs and stabilizer bombs used for?

Well, for those who have watched "Forrest Gump", there is a scene of Forrest Gump drilling a tunnel, but it is not long.But, that's the real profile.

"So, when you are not 100% sure, just fight a war of attrition with the devils! Send a sniper squad every day, take turns to go into battle, and just treat it as live ammunition shooting training. Unless, the little devils will always shrink inside Don't take the lead. Then, the fortification of Mantou Mountain will exist in name only." On the side of the third brigade, Chen Tie made a decisive decision after seeing the structure diagram.

The stabbing battle here in Taihang District has reached the stage where soldiers are approaching the county seat.And in the Taiyue District, the little devils' strongholds outside Qinyuan have also been harassed non-stop recently. The devils took pains and suffered a lot.Of course, this is not the biggest loss, because the loss paid by the logistics transport team is much greater than that of the troops stationed.

Just like today, it is still in Anle Village, and it is still an ambush, but this time it is only a battalion of the 18th regiment participating in the battle.

"According to the county's intelligence, the little devil will have three trucks. Under the protection of two teams, they will be given to the devils in the county." We have let it go twice before, and the brigade ordered it to be hit this time!
After some arrangements, the already somewhat dilapidated Anle Village was set up in an ambush position by the soldiers.Within an hour, the convoy arrived, but the devils were very careful.

The machine guns on the car fired from time to time, and the accompanying devils were also scattered on both sides and in front of the road, maintaining a high degree of vigilance.

But all of this is so ridiculous in the eyes of the soldiers of the Eighth Route.Hitting them and using mortars is considered a loss!Well, the soldiers of the 386th brigade now have such an aura.

The time, it was half an hour, the small ambush ended extremely quickly, and then the soldiers disappeared into the mountains and forests with the devil's supplies, the devil's guns, and the devil's ammunition.

I have to say that the brigade commander gave up a county seat, but he really got a way to get rich.

(End of this chapter)

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