Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1314 Chapter 1323, Ensuring Agricultural Production

Agriculture, no matter what era it is, is the most important industry, because it is related to everyone's belly.In particular, the news about the great famine last year has spread, which makes people pay more attention!

After all, none of them want to be the people in the next famine area, and no one wants to be starved to death in the wilderness.

Of course, Eight Roads has always attached great importance to agriculture, especially the various food crops, planting methods, and livestock breeding that have spread from Jiuzhaigou.

Sweet potatoes, especially the kind of red-skinned sweet potatoes, are not very sweet, but they are cooked and have a surprisingly high yield of starch. They are already the first choice for people in dry fields.Then, those sandy lands, the potatoes that spread from Jiuzhai also have a lot of planting shares.There are a few other seeds that are also good stuff.

In addition, it is the emperor bamboo grass. It is said that last year Jiuzhai found a full 300 catties of seeds from the seized materials, and planted a large area of ​​them in the farmland by the river.It seems that this spring, there will be a lot of emperor bamboo grass that can be cut.With these, you can raise more cattle and sheep.

Therefore, since the time entered February, when the earth warmed up and the willow trees by the river began to turn green, the cattle appeared again in the fields that had been deserted for a whole winter.

A strong man helps the oxen to pull the plow in the front, and the mature farmer supports it in the back. The teenagers who have just grown up naturally lead the oxen in front and walk along the ridge.At this time, the field has already been sprinkled with compost from last autumn and winter.But those hard-working peasant women followed behind the plowshares, picked out the stones in the field and threw them away, and leveled the soil with rakes.

Of course, there are also dolls, big and small, in the wild.The little doll who learned how to plant sweet potato seedlings last year has put on crotch-sealing pants this year and can already run around with the adults.

A piece of land was plowing and playing, and the cows were tired, and so were the people. The peasant woman took out sweet and sour syrup from the basket she brought, and took out some cold but oily pancakes, and a few salted eggs. For everyone's lunch.Of course, everyone will see through the matter of quietly stuffing a few boiled eggs to their children.The child is growing up, half a child eats the poor old man, it is time to eat.

The old man was very relieved, and the man was very happy.Seeing his eldest son getting taller and taller, and secretly stuffing half an egg to his wife, the man just smiled.The eldest is 14 this year, and his height has caught up with him, but he is still a little thin.But don't be afraid, raising more than a dozen chickens this year and raising two eggs a day will always lay a solid foundation.

Well, when they grow to 17, they will be sent to the army. After a few months of training, they will be able to enter the combat team and go out to fight devils!It's just that this year, I haven't heard that the Ninth Team is still recruiting?I didn't sacrifice much last year, but I eliminated so many devils, taught us how to farm, provided us with seeds, and rented plows and cattle... These days, there is a lot of money!
In villages far away from Jiuzhaigou, cattle and plows can be rented from nearby teams to help with work. This is a new rule of the Nine Teams.There are a lot of cattle in the team. In addition to organizing a support team to help the nearby villagers plow the land, they rent some cattle that cannot be taken care of to the common people to plow the fields.As for the plow? ?There are many miles in the warehouse of the farm implement factory.

As for how much it costs to rent cattle for a day? ?As long as you feed the cattle enough, no one cares if you have money or not.If someone black-hearted just makes the cows work and doesn't feed them, don't you need to tell the team that the old village head of this village can tie the men of this family to a tree and whip them? Do you believe it or not?The reputation of our village cannot be tarnished by these bad guys!

When the farmland is finished and the ridging is done, the temperature will rise.At this time, among those sweet potato seedbeds, seedlings had already grown on each piece of sweet potato.Don't look at the thin ones with one or two leaves on each root, they look very thin, but they can live if they are planted in the ground and watered.When sweet potatoes are harvested, a single seedling can grow several large sweet potatoes, and many small sweet potatoes...

Spring plowing and spring planting work, in this seemingly slow but extremely efficient activity, slowly ended.

However, the situation in each base area is different.First of all, in the Taihang District, except for the county seat, the surrounding villages have successfully completed the farming work.On the side of the Ninth Detachment, the Toad Beach was used as the node, and crops were planted on the river beach to the east. Even the soldiers of the Third Brigade led the militiamen to open up a lot of dry fields on the hillside, and even built terraces.

The devils and puppet troops in the Mantou Mountain stronghold have been staying in the stronghold to pretend to be ostriches.Even, every now and then, any ostrich who is not careful will be taken away by the flying bullets.

The entire Taihang District is similar to the situation here, that is, the crops are planted to the outermost periphery of the devil's stronghold to ensure the largest planting area.

Then, on the northwestern side of Shanxi, the situation is even better, because a lot of base areas have been squeezed out, and the planting area has increased greatly.

On the Jizhong District side, there are criss-crossing road networks and blockade ditches all over the place.At this time, the inside of the blockade ditch was also used, crops were planted, and the road became a production road.Although there were some changes in the counties and strongholds controlled by those devils, the Japanese and puppet troops who came out to sabotage were all beaten back by those base groups.

The most special situation is still in Jiaodong.Last winter, the devils did a sweep, but it didn't affect everyone's production.In order to ensure the agricultural planting work, the militiamen represented by Comrade Zhao Hu took advantage of the night to once again set up minefields around the devil's stronghold and the county seat.Well, you just stay here, just watch us farm, and we will blow you up when we come out!
On the side of Taiyue District, the brigade commander also made arrangements during the meeting: "Use the greatest strength to ensure the agricultural acreage!"

So, after several considerations, more than a dozen strongholds around Qinyuan were pulled out overnight.As a result, Qinyuan became an isolated city, and there were no strongholds around it. It could be described as extremely dangerous!

The devils in the county seat stood on the city wall, watching the Eight Routes who surrounded them and set up an offensive formation. When they were waiting for the next battle, the Eight Routes did not attack the city?Then, those people are... farming?
The situation was unclear, and the devils didn't dare to shoot casually. Everyone just looked at each other across the air, but they didn't communicate with each other.After a few days like this, the eight roads withdrew, and the farmland around Qinyuan was also full of crops.

"In order to ensure agricultural production, we have mobilized this year..." Headquarters, the chiefs listened to reports from various military regions and military divisions, and then made calculations.As a result, the grain planting area this spring has increased by [-]% compared to last year.Twenty percent, this is not a small amount.

The next step is to ensure that the crops in these farmlands can grow and harvest smoothly, so that we can accumulate a part of our family property and have a material basis for expansion.

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