Chapter 1321 Chapter 1330, repel an attack

On the battlefield, after receiving the order from the regiment headquarters, the 3rd Battalion Commander frowned: "Hey, this is a good thing! Give the front line an order to eat up these devils and puppet troops first! Don't light the fireworks..."

At the front, the sudden order did not actually affect the command of the 8th company commander, because he never thought about mobilizing those fireworks.Just this little person, it's not worth it!

"Kill..." The puppet army was already being forced to charge, shouting "kill" in their mouths, beating drums in their hearts, and their feet were also a little dawdling.

However, the eight roads on the mountain seem to have no intention of fighting back?Just let the machine guns of the locust army keep fighting over there?With this in mind, these puppet troops stepped over the corpses of the dead devils and continued to attack.And in the puppet army team, there were a dozen or so people who gathered together while running, and then gradually deviated from the frontal battlefield, cruising to one side.

"150 meters, I can't charge anymore, come with me!" In the puppet army team, a person similar to the squad leader, with these puppet troops, rushed towards a steep slope, lying on the ground in unison. downhill.

At this time, they heard the sound of booming explosions, transmitted from the fortifications on the top of the mountain.Raising their heads and looking to one side, these people found that those colleagues who had charged just now were more than half gone, and almost all of the rest were wounded.

"Mother! This job is really hard to do!" Seeing that so many puppet troops were destroyed by shotguns, the leader felt a little relieved.Organizational tasks are really dangerous!

It's okay, it's okay, he understands his team's fighting style, chose at the last moment, and took people into hiding.Next, let's see how the comrades wiped out the devils!

Plop... At this time, the corpses of several puppet soldiers rolled down the hillside and landed heavily beside them.

The leader stretched out his hand, touched the blood from the body of the puppet soldier, wiped it on his face, left some blood marks on his body, and fell down on the spot pretending to be a dead person.

Their small movements did not attract the attention of the devils behind.In fact, the Yamaguchi Squadron, with less than 130 members, didn't have much time to pay attention to the puppet troops at this time, because they were only more than 8 meters away from the 200th company's position at this time, and they were under fire from the position at this time.

Da da da... da da da... 6 continuous machine guns, set up a posture on the mountain ridge at the back, and the bullets flew down the mountain in a staggered manner, continuing to kill the puppet army who had survived the shotgun bombardment just now.

At the same time, 3 anti-aircraft machine guns also showed hideous muzzles in three positions on the left, right, and middle of the position.With the huge gunshot, long fire snakes spewed out from the muzzle, and the thick bullets flew over, disintegrating and smashing any objects encountered.

Of course, there are still 9 consecutive machine guns. Taking this opportunity, they kept shooting short bursts to make up for the gap for the big brothers.

That's right, this is the machine gun firepower on the 3rd Battalion's position, which is already much stronger than the firepower of a regiment in the early days of the War of Resistance.That's it, not counting those semi-automatic guns and grenade launchers.

"Fight back, fight back...Watanabe, your side..." Captain Yamaguchi was still thinking about fighting back, trying to save the situation.

It's just that his command knife is too obvious!Snipers like to take care of such targets.So he was shot and his life was taken away.

And this blocking battle ended in less than 10 minutes.As a result, only a dozen devil soldiers fled back to their own positions, and the rest were killed.

On the side of the 13th regiment, it was obvious that the devils were getting weaker and weaker.This is not only a decrease in the combat literacy of the soldiers, but more importantly, the commander's command ability is also not good.

This is actually not surprising, after all, the independent mixed brigade is not a well-established organization, and the soldiers sent are all the worst kind, and they are the existence with the lowest combat effectiveness.

At the level of combat command, the commanders of the devils are all trained by domestic military academies, and some of them have studied in Germany.It cannot be said that there is no combat experience, but it will never be too much.

Let's look at the commanders in our team, what are their backgrounds?There are some Whampoa students like the brigade commander, but most of them are from mud-legged people like Li Yunlong.

Look at the growth experience of these people?From the Agrarian Revolution, the 5 anti-encirclement campaigns to the end of the Long March, is it rare to have experienced hundreds of battles?After going through so many battles, the team was trained in culture classes, led by many military strategists, and the opponent was still a powerful Japanese devil...It is not easy to persevere until now and grow up.

In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the reason why the devils were so powerful was that, on the one hand, the standing divisions that participated in the attack were at the top level in terms of the quality of the soldiers and the commanders.Many commanders, who participated in World War I, are very experienced in large corps operations and coordinated infantry and artillery operations.The point is, compared to their opponents, they have an absolute advantage in equipment!
At that time, their opponents had several groups, mainly the Central Army, the Northeast Army, the Northwest Army, the Guangxi Army, the Yunnan Army, the Sichuan Army, the Guangdong Army, and our party's troops.

Are these teams capable of playing?Really!The Northeast Army was 20 at the time, but if they did not resist, the three northeastern provinces would be lost.An army that has lost its homeland is still being chased and beaten by devils, abandoned and suppressed by high-level officials, and led by a young commander who can't help it, so what if it can fight?The combat effectiveness of the Central Army is not weak, the key is that a certain master of micromanipulation has too many tricks, and there are too many officers running around.

Can the Sichuan army fight?Really able to fight!Bloody battle to the end is absolutely unambiguous!However, this is a miscellaneous brand, and it has been cheated by various...

Dian army, that is really capable of fighting!In the battle of Yuwangshan, the prestige of the Dian army was revealed!And the army that sang the march of the volunteers was the first to charge.Moreover, this ability to fight continued until the Battle of the Founding of the Nation.But, so what if you can fight well?Being squeezed out, left out, vain.

Northwest Army?The last glory is General Zhang Zizhong!With the same army establishment, how many people and equipment does his 33rd Army have?As for the direct line of the direct line, how many people and equipment does the 34th Army have?There is no way to compare!Moreover, the 33rd Army was placed on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War, the 34th Army?
The 34th Army, after a certain bald man published a certain book, assembled in Xi'an under the order of a certain bald man, preparing to launch an attack on northern Shaanxi.

That's right, at this point in time, just before the devils attacked again, the bald head still put the most capable direct line main force in his hand, and put him in the internal position. It can be said that he deliberately wanted to clean up our party.

(End of this chapter)

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