Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 144Chapter 143, is there another arrangement?

Chapter 144Chapter 143, is there another arrangement?

"Hang, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"

Just when Hu Changyi was amazed that Xiaowu killed more than 30 devils in one blow, our Battalion Commander Kong Day was leading a squad of soldiers, hiding in a place less than [-] meters away from the devils to watch the excitement.

As for the babble, babble, it was the voice of Battalion Commander Kong Daying trying to hold back his laughter and exhale through his nose.

Just like most of the handsome guys who can be friends with handsome guys are handsome guys, as a friend and comrade-in-arms of our old Li, Kong Jie is also a stupefied here, or a fool.Well, it's just not as handsome as our old Li when he was young, although Lao Li is not very old now.

It is said that after receiving the order, Battalion Commander Kong Day took the Independent Battalion for a trot all the way, first went to the brigade headquarters to meet the brigade commander to give an opportunity, and then rushed to Mafang Township, turned south and went to Dudui Village .Dudui Village is just three kilometers south of Mafang, and the Independence Camp will arrive soon.

Then, Lao Kong asked the three companies to disperse, and deployed manpower on the few mountain roads that could come from Xiyang County, waiting for the arrival of the devils.

And then...the devils came, and more than 500 devils took the trail and headed straight here. Kong Jie didn't intend to face it head-on.

Thus, Xiao Wu, who had just been handed over to the Independence Battalion in the morning, completed its mission and took away a large number of devil soldiers.

The independent battalion has encountered an enemy, so it is natural to pass the news back to the division headquarters.

When the news arrives, the division headquarters has basically clarified the specific movements of the devils, and the necessary countermeasures can be proposed.

"What? Let's retreat? Okay, we will retreat immediately!" The first to receive the order was the 772 regiment, which was fighting fiercely with the devils.Despite the current battle loss ratio, the 772 regiment still leads by a large margin.But losing nearly [-] combat power all of a sudden, our Lao Li is also very distressed.

These are released, but they are all the best candidates for the squad leader. They have lost so much at once, and they are in a panic.Fortunately, there are more than 30 wounded among them, and they can recover from their injuries and continue to fight.Now that it is winter, the wound is not easy to be infected, which is good news.

The 772nd Regiment retreated, the 769th Regiment also got rid of the entanglement of the devils long ago, and hid in the mountains, and the 771st Regiment transferred to Yushuping in advance, waiting for the next order.

Time, already on the evening of the 22nd, the 772nd regiment met the troops of the independent battalion Lao Kong in Mafang. As soon as the two parties met, they immediately went to Beijun City to station.

The current situation against the enemy is: the devils on the North Road occupied the front line of Songta Town, and did not pursue immediately, but carefully checked the minefields that the 772 regiment had set up when they retreated.There are no good mines, just a few hundred bullet mines, and the devils will come over after stepping on them.

Because the people were transferred in advance, the devils couldn't do it if they wanted to catch people and step on mines, unless they came from a distant county to catch people, but that would take a long time.

On the other side of Dudui Village, after paying the price of dozens of deaths and nearly a hundred injuries, the little devil finally broke through the minefield of the Independence Camp and stationed in the small village of Dudui Village. The day continued to attack.

On the other roads, the devils from the direction of Taigu Yuci were also approaching Mafang Township, and the more than 771 devils who bypassed the 1000st regiment were farther away.

So far, the devil's goal of action is relatively smooth, but the casualties paid are a bit larger than expected.

However, the 20th Division didn't seem to care much about the casualties of soldiers, and still insisted on encircling Mafang.That's right, the purpose of the devils' trip is to annihilate the main force of the 129th Division in one fell swoop, and the first step is to encircle Mafang Township.

As for why the devils have such great perseverance and continue to attack after paying higher casualties than expected?In fact, Hu Changyi knows the answer best here!
why?Because at the very beginning of today, the Japanese devils, the puppet Manchurian devils, and the Bangzi devils each accounted for one-third of the enemy killing records given by the system;

But in the afternoon or even at night, there are very few Japanese names in the list of enemy killing records given by the system, but there are many more people surnamed Park, Jin, Du, Aixinjueluo, and Niu. Colu's... well, as for where did these devils with surnames that don't look like Japan come from?It's a matter of opinion.

In fact, troops like the 20th Division are also good!Look, when you are in danger, you can let those "pseudo devils" go ahead and bury the dead on the spot, pull the injured back to save those who can be saved, and kill those who can't be cured, and then pull them to death. A batch came to make up...

In the evening, the guerrillas here in Yushuping received a notification: they were ready to move on at any time.The devils have surrounded Mafang Township, forming an encirclement trend. The deputy division commander commanding the battle can choose to cross the hill to Shiguai Village when he chooses.

"You really treat us as treasures, so you still transfer?" After receiving the order, Hu Changyi asked directly.

"Actually... your production is much more valuable than combat. For example, in this blocking battle, we have enough grenades in our hands, so we dare to play grenade tactics seriously with the devils. This is incredible!"

"Well, that's it! You stay here, and our regiment went north to garrison Beijun City!" The order was passed down by the regiment leader Xu, so it's hard to say anything.After all, everyone is fighting, and the guerrillas just run away, and no one can stand it.

"Head, are we going to fight the devils in the two military cities?" Hu Changyi asked.

"This is the case for the time being. You, don't be impatient. We have checked the supplies carried by the devils. They carry a lot of ammunition, but the supplies are much less! If you look at the villages on our side, they have all been destroyed. We have fortified the wall and cleared the field!"

"And now, it's winter again, the devils can't find food, and they can't annihilate us. It will be a matter of time before they retreat! You were young at that time, but do you remember how we walked the white dog? Fighting such a battle , we have a lot of experience!" Head Xu understood clearly.

"Uh... When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack, when the enemy retreats, we chase, fat people drag you thin, thin people drag you to death?" Hu Changyi said.

"Haha, that's right, that's the reason! Just wait, the little devils have entered the mountain, then we have the final say, let's see how many days they can dance!" Captain Xu laughed and turned around and left.

"Then...why do you want us to transfer? Is it find a suitable place for us to build an arsenal?" Hu Changyi really didn't understand what the deputy commander and the others meant, but his guess was not impossible. .

After all, with all the grenades produced, no one would have any idea what a problem it was to produce a decent small arsenal.The key is that the bullets can be reloaded. The Eighth Route Army is in short supply of bullets...

(End of this chapter)

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