Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 148 Chapter 147, Soap Wax Glycerin

Chapter 148 Chapter 147, Soap Wax Glycerin

What is Hu Changyi doing?What else can I do?Making soap!I have been busy with war and military industry for more than two months, and this time I finally spared some time to make some livelihood products...

Oh no, what makes soap?Soap is just a by-product, our parents are making glycerin!Well, it's glycerin!
Glycerin is a good thing. Add some nitric acid to make nitroglycerin. This is an extremely powerful and highly sensitive high explosive.Of course, nitroglycerin can also be used as a reliever for angina.

Just when Zhang Wanhe and Li Yunlong were looking at the room where Hu Changyi was, Hu Changyi had just completed the saponification reaction of lard and sodium hydroxide, and a large piece of relatively pure soap had been removed from the saponification reaction oil pan by him. Transferred into a pottery pot.

Then, he added the fine bamboo charcoal powder into the basin, and then carefully stirred it evenly.Before the soap has solidified, pour it directly into a mold made of catalpa wood.The board surface is 4 centimeters deep, 30 centimeters wide, and a 50 centimeters long rectangular sunken board surface, which can be divided into pieces after the soap is solidified inside.

Hu Changyi's plan is to divide the soap into large square pieces with a height of 4 cm, a width of 5 cm and a length of 10 cm.As for whether everyone will dislike the bad shape?Some are good enough to use, why choose?Didn't we add bamboo charcoal? It is said that bamboo charcoal can absorb the dirt in the deep layer of the skin, how good it is!

Because Hu Changyi didn't get much lard this time, the soap he got was only two noodles, and there wasn't much left.He didn't waste the rest, some small individual molds were on the side, poured in and finished.

"When it succeeds, I will never do it myself!" Standing up straight and stretching, Hu Changyi turned to look at the oil pan.

Or, it can't be called an oil pan now, after all, the oil has completed the saponification reaction, and now there are still some turbid oil, soap, alkaline waste liquid and glycerin in the pan.

Skim the turbid soapy grease and other things separately and put them in the previous basin, add some brine (this brine is not the brine for cooking braised pork, it is brine for tofu, there are many in Yuncheng Salt Lake.) Stir, Let the hydrochloric acid in the brine react with the oil, and you can get the second by-product this time-wax.

These waxes are good things. They can be made into candles for lighting and can be used in the production of arsenals.The production of military workshops requires wax, whether it is wax sealing or lost wax precision casting.

After finishing the wax, Hu Changyi turned his attention to the remaining waste liquid.Well, there will be glycerin in it, you just need to remove the lye, dilute and clarify to get glycerin sweet water, and then filter out the glycerin.

With glycerin and some nitric acid in hand, all that remains is to get the nitroglycerin out.

Of course, Hu Changyi stopped at this step.For nothing else, he had heard Li Yunlong's loud voice a long time ago, but he didn't have time to go out to meet him, so he could go out now.As for glycerin?The things are here, can I come back and get them anytime.

"Minister Zhang, Deputy Head Li!" Hu Changyi went out to the yard, where Zhang Wanhe and Li Yunlong were waiting.

Zhang Wanhe came here this time to supervise the assembly and production of grenades.As the person in charge of logistics, he is still a poor army like the Eighth Route Army. Lao Zhang feels bitter.

As for the purpose of the grenade made by the guerrillas, let Zhang Wanhe decide?Isn't this normal?What happened to the guerrillas?Hu Changyi's technology is nothing more than the labor force of the big guy.The rest, cast iron, glass, copper wire... Aren't these things bought for the organization?
Besides, the guerrillas can also retain some of the grenades for their own use, and the workers are also given an extra two yuan allowance, and the usual material guarantee is also sufficient.

On this condition, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?You ask Lao Li's 772 group can eat meat every now and then?
"Hahaha, Chang Yi, you don't know. I didn't fall asleep all night after I received the report of your reloading bullets yesterday. I'm so happy, Lao Zhang! We can reload the bullets. Those who fight on the front line Comrades can also have ammunition replenishment!"

"Oh, you don't know. Although we won the anti-siege this time, the bullets we seized were not as many as in the previous ambushes! Even counting the consumption of ammunition, we still can't make ends meet! I'm so worried, old Zhang! "

"It's all right now, with your supplements here, we can have more surplus when we fight!"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that during the anti-siege, you son wanted to go to the front to kill the enemy. How can this be possible? You, just do production with peace of mind, make bullets, make grenades, and fight things with peace of mind. Just let a bastard like Li Yunlong do it! Isn't it, Li Yunlong?"

As soon as Zhang Wanhe saw Hu Changyi, he walked over and held Hu Changyi's hands with both hands, saying yes.The happy look was the same as that of an old father who saw his son get married.Well, it's still the kind of new wife's house that doesn't want the bride price to take away a house.

"Yes, yes! Let us deal with the war, and you can start production with peace of mind!" Li Yunlong echoed.

"Deputy Commander Li, do you look down on my marksmanship or my grenade skills? We can fight, too!" Hu Changyi said to Li Yunlong.

"Okay! Sure, I didn't say you can't! But how many things have you made since you opened your eyes? Put you in front of the devil to fight the bayonet, who do you think would do that?" Li Yunlong said.

"That's right, Changyi, you can start production with peace of mind! You are all working for the anti-Japanese war, but the division of labor is different! By the way, wasn't your speech in Yaogou Village a while ago very good! Every time we produce a qualified The grenade may kill several devils on the battlefield!"

"Don't you still want to build guns that really belong to us, our guns, and even our own aircraft and tanks? You see, now that the bullets are out, the guns are not far away!"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you want to go to Licheng to establish a base? The organization has also carefully considered your idea, and now the comrades of the advance team have been sent to find a suitable place for you!"

"So, you just wait with peace of mind. We'll move there when we've chosen a place! You know, Licheng is not our place yet, and the bald headmaster has been restricting our range of activities. We'll have to wait Opportunity!" Zhang Wanhe spoke quickly and never gave Hu Changyi a chance to reply.

"Ahem...Minister Zhang, Deputy Head Li, I understand what you mean, don't worry, I completely obey the organization's deployment! During the anti-siege, I just watched everyone fight to death and panicked in my heart! Oh, by the way, do you want to take a look at our reloaded bullets? How about we try it out with two shots?" Hu Changyi said.

"Go, go and see, we must see! Let's see how this bullet was made!" Zhang Wanhe and Li Yunlong walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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