Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 267 Chapter 266, The 1st Breakthrough Battle

Chapter 267 Chapter 266, the first raid
Why use the devil's 6.5 half-flange bomb?Very simple, it is aimed at the 6.5mm bullets of those captured devils.The semi-automatic fire rate is a bit slow, but as long as the performance is stable, there are two or three in a squad, which is almost the same.

And the crooked handle is too bad, if you get jammed or jammed at a critical moment, it will kill you.

Don't look at the crooked guns seized on the battlefield are still treasures, it's because our family doesn't have so many light machine guns.When Bing Jiuzhai's factory opened, Hu Changyi planned to produce the Czech style and Yan Laoxi's Jinzao 6.5mm imitation Czech style. The old Kong has finished products there.

When there are more Czechs, plus a semi-automatic as an auxiliary, the combat effectiveness of the eight-way will increase even more.If you get those sharpshooters out to use semi-automatically, then there will be a lot more accurate shooters.With a semi-automatic precision shooter, the battlefield is the real thing.

Taking a new drawing, Hu Changyi began to think about how to improve this SVT40.

The first step in improvement is to have original drawings.Although he is now a master of firearms design, master-level design ability also requires long-term research and experiments to come up with a new gun, even if it is a bolt-action rifle, you have to study it.

Of course, if there are ready-made drawings and materials, or even ready-made firearms, or have seen various materials of finished guns, including 3D demonstration animations and live ammunition shooting videos, then it will be much easier to imitate them.In other words, it was made directly according to the original version...

Therefore, Hu Changyi simply exchanged the blueprints of SVT40 from the system, and only spent 100 merit points. Then, relying on his master-level skills, he spent an afternoon researching the new structure.

The shape of the new semi-automatic rifle is quite different from the original SVT40. The biggest difference in appearance is that the magazine is different, because in line with the principle that the more bullets the better, Hu Changyi designed the magazine to be 15 rounds instead of 10 rounds. send.

He originally wanted to get a bigger magazine, but he gave up because of the poor bullet reserves of the Eighth Route Army. 15 rounds should be the limit, otherwise Minister Zhang would come to him with a rolling pin...

In addition to the longer magazine, this gun has also been optimized in terms of structure such as the grip, mainly because of the size of our family and the Maoxiong family.

To sum it up in one sentence, the new gun feels better in the hand, and is more suitable for our arm length, palm width and index finger strength.

In addition, because it uses 6.5mm bullets with a smaller caliber, it is easier to control the beating of the muzzle when shooting continuously, and the accuracy is also higher.Of course, it would be even more perfect if it was replaced with a reduced propellant version of the bullet.

That's right, this semi-auto is compatible with the full version of 6.5mm and the reduced propellant version of the 6.5mm bullet.

After the design was completed, Hu Changyi began to draw a complete drawing, which required careful drawing.Although the system sells various improved finished blueprints, how can you enjoy designing your own by directly buying blueprints?

To use Jia Gui's words: If you don't have a master skill, you can buy it from the system. If you have a skill, you can still buy it from the system. Isn't the skill bought for nothing?Well, this is a bit hypocritical, but this is not the point. The point is that the system buys the improved version of the blueprint at the original price, and only gives you the original blueprint at a lower price...

Aside from the system, Hu Changyi took another two days to draw the semi-automatic drawings, and then collected them.The current conditions do not allow him to wantonly create this semi-automatic output.

If you want to build it, you have to wait until you get the bazooka out, and you have to wait until you enter Jiuzhai, where there are more equipment and more workers.

Time passed, and soon came the 5th of May.

In the evening of this day, some mysterious figures appeared along the Ping-Han Railway from Shijiazhuang to the south.

"Listen up, our mission this time is to destroy the bridges along the railway and destroy the strongholds on both sides of the railway. By the way, take the rails off the railway and take them away! The team leader said, this time we will at least We have to take away 20 steel rails and send them all to the breeding farm!"

"Comrades, I won't talk about the specific reasons. Now the little devil is launching an attack on the Xuzhou battlefield in the south, and this railway is the transportation line for the little devil! With this railway, the little devil can put weapons and ammunition, Military supplies are continuously being sent to the battlefield!"

"So, we want to destroy this railway, and we must never let the devils transport things from the railway line!" On the edge of a certain section of railway, a battalion commander of the 689 regiment was doing pre-war mobilization.

"Commander, we all understand! Can we start now?" the company commander asked impatiently.

"Wait, wait until 9 o'clock in the evening before acting! We have to give the brother troops time to destroy the devil's stronghold!" said the first battalion commander.

"Battalion Commander, our comrades have practiced for many days, why can't we pick up a train and try it out?" Asked the second company commander of the 771st Battalion of the [-]st Regiment closer to the south.

"Climbing trains, engaging in machine guns, digging up railways, and blowing up bridges are like piercing steel knives into the enemy's chest, beating the devil to death..." The first battalion commander sang and sang, because when he asked Hu Changyi, That's how Hu Changyi sang, and he learned it.

"Cough, cough, battalion commander, let's stop singing, why don't we climb the train?" The second company commander didn't give up.

"You think I don't want to? This time the order came in a hurry, and our preparation time is short, and the soldiers can't move freely on the train! Wait, wait a while, let's take all the soldiers who climbed over the train since they were young." Find it, and then train for a month or so!" said the first battalion commander.

"Battle Commander, if it's really what Chang Yi said, we'll really get rich!" said the company commander.

"Well, this needs intelligence support, when the time comes..." The first battalion commander did not continue, because the communication soldiers came from a distance.

"Report to the battalion commander, the third company has pulled out the Xiaowangzhuang stronghold and the Liujiazhuang stronghold!" said the communications soldier.

"Very good, let's do it! Tell comrades, if you want a gun, get more rails, let's take it back and change the gun!" said the first battalion commander.

This night was destined to be an extraordinary night, because the little devil who had just occupied the northern section of the Ping-Han Line never thought that someone would dare to destroy the railway on a large scale.

The next day, when the devil in charge of protecting the railway stepped on the road-finding vehicle to inspect the railway, he discovered that the railway had been destroyed a lot, adding up to several kilometers of road sections, not concentrated on one section of the road.

And for some undamaged railways, the rails were actually bent by people.Although the curvature is not large, it is unusable. The old one needs to be dismantled and replaced with a new one. It is better to deal with the place where the rails were stolen...

(End of this chapter)

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