Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 279 Chapter 278, the power of the bazooka

Chapter 279 Chapter 278, the power of the bazooka
"The red deer in the navy are used to being arrogant, but they don't know that their combat effectiveness is scum! But we have to fight with crude tanks because of their contention! Also, China's mountains are too big Too bad, this is simply not a place where we can display our power!"

"Panasonic, this time, we have been divided into the second army, and we are about to participate in the battle of Wuhan, where we will make great achievements! Look forward to it, look forward to our shells destroying the enemy's fortifications, look forward to our tracks crushing the enemy into Flesh and blood!" Captain Okayama said enthusiastically.

The devil's team was not moving slowly. Even though the puppet troops behind had already started to trot, they were still thrown away by the truck in front for a long distance.The puppet soldiers who have no vehicles to ride and no horses to ride can only eat dirt by following behind the devils.

"Damn it, you run so fast, are you planning to reincarnate?" A lean squad leader of the puppet army scolded.

"Squad Leader Jia, are you capable of scolding in front of the imperial army? Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf here?" Another squad leader said.

"I just say what I like, you bite me? Why? You gave your little daughter-in-law to the imperial army to be a bad squad leader and you trembled? I'm not ashamed, disgusting, disgusting! Ugh..." Jia The squad leader looks down on those who take their own women to seek a future, and give the women to the devils.

"How do you talk? I'm happy to tell you that your surname is Jia! You..."

"You still have strength, right? Speed ​​up and follow!" The quarrel between the two was quickly suppressed by their platoon leader.Then the puppet army team began to speed up, but still followed the devil far away, pulling a distance of one kilometer.

Two hours later... "Mr. Gangshan, should we stop and wait for the Imperial Association Army behind? There are no people in sight here!" On the tank where Captain Gangshan was, the little devil Matsushita asked.

"No need, we will stop and rest when we get to Songta Town, so that the Imperial Association Army can follow up. Mr. Matsushita, the Imperial Association Army is not important, what is important is to ensure that this operation can go smoothly! In my opinion, The Imperial Association Army is a bunch of burdens!" Said Captain Okayama.

"Okay, driver, slow down the speed, Songta Town is not far ahead, don't hurry!" Panasonic said.

The devil's convoy slowed down, the cavalry riding in front also slowed down, and the trucks behind also slowed down.You mean puppet army?I started to walk sparsely a long time ago, with a distance of more than 1000 meters in front and back, and two kilometers away from the truck.

"Second Company Commander... Come here, you have seen the current situation, when the fight starts, you mobilize two platoons to stop those puppet troops at the entrance of the village on the east. After we finish the battle, we will deal with those puppet troops! "On Beishan, Captain Qin made adjustments at any time according to the devil's movements.

To be honest, this time the ambush, Captain Qin has the consciousness to put the whole detachment into it.Well, the main reason is to worry about not being able to take down the tank unit.At the beginning, his original intention was not to fight tanks, but to pull out a few strongholds. He didn't expect to become like this.

But in the bazooka experiment that day, he really saw the situation where the bazooka wiped out Xiaodou's armor all at once, and he was full of expectations.

"If it's really possible, then..." Captain Qin felt that he was full of strength...

"The devil is here, everyone prepares... the directional mine prepares... the shotgun prepares... the heavy machine gun, aim at the truck behind... Guo Jinglie, you hit the first one, Guo Dezhu, the second..." The devil's convoy was very noisy , No need to be reminded, the soldiers hiding in the valley knew that the devil was coming.

And when Captain Qin made arrangements, Lei Dapeng and the third platoon leader had already commanded the team to prepare for the attack.

It's the end of May now, and it's time for the wheat harvest soon, and the heavy ears of wheat are beside them.

At this moment, 12 bazooka soldiers had already left the individual pit where they were hiding, lying on the edge of the wheat field.In front of them are sandbags filled with river sand, and the outside of the sandbags is covered with a layer of grass.As the order was issued, rocket launchers were carried on their shoulders and aimed at the road across the river.

Beside the bazooka soldiers, the deputy shooter with rockets is also nervously preparing to load new rockets into the bazooka at any time.

"Okay, according to their established goals, aim and prepare..." Lei Dapeng was completely brought into the position of battlefield command at this moment.

He knew very well that this ambush started from him.As long as the rocket launcher fires a volley, the entire ambush will start immediately.

Therefore, he was extremely nervous at this time, and was sweating profusely all over his body.

"Baby...heizi..." Lei Dapeng knew that he was nervous, and quickly thought about his dead wife and the child sent to the rear, and forced himself to calm down.

"And the folks... Your revenge is today... Fight!" Seeing the cavalry passing by and the tank approaching, Lei Dapeng shouted loudly.

"Tom...tom tom..." Following Lei Dapeng's shout, Zhao Dabao and the others, who had been preparing for a long time, decisively pulled the trigger and shot out the rockets one by one.

"Baga, Matsushita, you are still too soft-hearted. The Imperial Association Army is just a dog we raise, not much better than the women in the comfort station..." At the moment in the tank, Captain Okayama was still complaining about Matsushita's behavior.

"Boom..." All of a sudden, Gangshan heard a loud noise coming from his ears, and then it seemed that something hit him on the head, and then he didn't know anything...

Boom boom boom... At this time, there were several consecutive explosions on the road, and I saw five tanks that were rumbling and driving just now, and now they had stopped.Especially the leading medium tank was even more severely bombed.

Because the road is narrow, they lined up in a long snake formation. Therefore, after the explosion, the two medium-sized tanks were severely hit by two rocket launchers. Although the huge explosion power was not enough to break down the tanks, it did. Actually punched two holes through the tank.

And inside the car, the metal jet was blocked by the metal structure inside the car, and then scattered high-temperature metal flew around inside the car, only hitting and scalding the devils in the car and changing their original appearance.

Well, if the ammunition in the car hadn't exploded, their appearance is enough to scare anyone who sees them.

However, it is impossible not to be killed. Who let them have ammunition compartments in the car body?

Therefore, within a few seconds after the bazooka exploded, two louder explosions exploded on the road, only dismantling the two tanks, and blowing up the gun mounts on top... …

This is true for medium tanks, but those little bean buns hit by rocket launchers are even worse.Under the two-phase action of the metal jet and the shock wave, the bean bag tank was directly pierced, and the metal jet sprayed out from the opposite side of the vehicle.

And when the medium-sized tanks exploded, the small bean buns also exploded, because their fuel tanks were blown up...

That's right, this is the bazooka, a bazooka with obvious excess power.

Pa, pa, pa... On the ambush battlefield at this moment, bursts of gunshots suddenly sounded. It was after the bazooka exploded that the ambush team opened fire.

Their target was the first three of the five trucks that followed, because these three trucks were carrying devils, while the last two trucks had only one driver, and they could be dealt with with one shot.

"Hurry up, reload..." Zhao Dabao finished shooting his rockets, and hurriedly glanced at the medium-sized tank that he had blown up, urging the assistant shooter to quickly load new rockets, regardless of his pleasure.

"Pa... Papa..." But at this time, Li Yuexuan, Wang Xiaoer, and Li Erniu were shooting at the three beanbag tanks that had escaped unharmed.

"Ding Dong... Ding Dong..." As the bullet warhead collided with the bean bag tank, obvious bullet holes appeared on the side armor of the tank.

After a few shots, the bean bag tank also stopped, and it seemed that the devil inside was killed.

Of course, their side is no longer enough to attract everyone's attention, because the three machine guns on the third row have started to fire wildly, and Qin Lai's detachment is also ready to charge.

Yes, the power of the bazooka gave everyone great confidence.Those tanks that are still burning seem to have given the Eight Route Army infinite courage.

Damn, you ruined the tank, not to mention the devils on the truck?Without saying anything, rush up and kill them!
"First company commander, the mission of the comrades in the sharp knife squad has been cancelled, let them also rush up to kill the devils!" Detachment Captain Qin couldn't hold back his smile. The bazooka did not disappoint.

At this time, only ten seconds had passed since the bazooka exploded, but the soldiers of Qin Lai's detachment had already rushed into the convoy of the devils, and started hand-to-hand combat with the remaining devils on the truck.

It's just... Damn, what does it smell like?Too choking?How can I fight this?That's right, this is the mind of the fighters in hand-to-hand combat.

why?Those two rockets full of sincerity, the smell of chili can be blown by the wind, and now it has drifted to the truck convoy behind...

(End of this chapter)

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