Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 285 Chapter 284, easily win the stronghold

Chapter 285 Chapter 284, easily win the stronghold
When formulating the raid plan, Zhao Fengnian and Li Yunlong anticipated several emergencies and formulated multiple countermeasures.

However, they never expected to encounter the current situation?Well, more than 100 puppet soldiers wore clean and tidy military uniforms, lined up outside the gate of the stronghold to welcome them, and even bowed to themselves... Is this me crazy or the puppet soldiers?

However, Zhao Fengnian's extremely strong psychological quality has been created by years of fighting life, so he did not panic at all and continued to lead the team forward.

Pattack... Pattack... Fifteen horses carrying commandos walked into the devil's stronghold in a state of disbelief.

Rumbling... Rumbling... Sanliang Xiaodou tanks followed closely behind.

"Ira will go to Marseille..." The puppet army continued to bow, looking particularly ceremonial.

The task of the Adzuki Bean Tank was to enter the stronghold as a solid firepower point, so the Sanliang Adzuki Bean Tank also entered the stronghold under the command of the veterans of the Qin Lai Detachment.

And then...the truck came...Ira next Marseille...

After Zhao Fengnian entered the stronghold, he rode on his horse and looked around to determine the time to attack.The puppet army at the gate seemed to be all the puppet troops here, but Zhao Fengnian felt relieved at this moment.

"Ira got off a Marseille..." A more pure Japanese voice reached Zhao Fengnian's ears, and he saw 10 devil soldiers standing in front of the running building, bowing in a neat row to welcome... Devils are also crazy up?

Well, the devils here are just a small unit, and the rank is the lowest in the army of devils.

And the convoy that is about to come is a serious armored unit, and its level is very high, okay?This is in the Japanese army with clear hierarchy and solid class hierarchy. It is understandable for high-level troops to line up to welcome them.

Well, apart from the three devil sentries who were on duty on the roof of the running building, this squad also stood here to welcome the superiors.

This is the advantage of the unsmooth transmission of information and the time difference. The devils in the entire stronghold never expected that someone would enter the stronghold pretending to be their convoy, and they are still making greeting gestures at this moment.

When Zhao Fengnian saw the situation, he felt that he should do it quickly. It would be a waste of such a good opportunity not to do it.

"Do it! Shoot!" Zhao Fengnian yelled loudly, and directly pulled out a fully loaded 20-gun box cannon from the saddle, and aimed a shot at the most distant devil. "Pa..." Amidst the crisp sound of the box cannon, the devil soldier was shot in the chest, and then fell to the ground in disbelief.

Papapa...boom...quack...tom tom...cece... well, the gunshots are orders.

As soon as the gunshot from Zhao Fengnian's side rang out, the commandos who were riding on the same horse as him also pulled out the hidden box cannons and fired at the devil's queue.At such a close distance, what else is more suitable than using a box cannon to deal with devils?

Raid with a saber?That was just one of the planned plans, and it is no longer used.

When they were dealing with the devils at close range, the machine guns on the Xiaodou tank rang out immediately, and the soldiers hiding in the truck behind them also showed their bodies and opened fire.

But at this time, the puppet soldiers were still bowing, and the soldiers were just stunned for a moment, and immediately killed them.

That's right, the situation is special, but it's enough to kill the person first. Only after the enemy is dead can he survive.

At the same time, Li Yuexuan and the other three precision shooters who were specially brought in also attacked, and the devils who were standing guard with the observation post on the top of the gun tower were directly shot dead by them on the spot.

You mean that traitor Tan Zuoyun?He was directly bombarded by a shotgun, half of his body was smashed...

"Occupy the stronghold quickly, and pay attention to the hidden enemies!" Seeing that all the devils and puppet troops he could see fell to the ground, Zhao Fengnian commanded the soldiers to enter the bunkers and gun towers in the stronghold while observing the surroundings.Only by occupying this place can this stronghold be taken down.

"Touch... ah..." Li Yuexuan led two veterans of Qin Lai's detachment to form a commando, a stout veteran rushed open a door, and then a woman's scream came from inside.

"Ah... good man, don't kill me... I'm Chinese..." Amidst the woman's screams, Li Yuexuan could clearly see a few women in extremely frugal clothes curled up in a corner of the room and trembling.The dazzling white color is particularly dazzling under the dim yellow light.

"Put on your clothes immediately and come out!" Li Yuexuan and the others had never seen this kind of thing, but they were vigilant as veterans, so they still had their guns on guard.

"Yes, yes yes...don't shoot, man...we are the concubine of Niu Dashan's family, we were captured by devils to serve people..." A woman said tremblingly while adding clothes to her body...

Li Yuexuan's eyes were feasting, but in the room on the other side, Zhao Fengnian and the others secretly swallowed.

That's right, they came to the rooms where the banquet was being held, saw the cooked meals, and smelled the aroma of wine and meat.Drooling?This is not greedy, this is an instinctive reaction... No one can bear it...

In the kitchen of the stronghold, a dozen cooks in white coats were squatting aside with their heads in their hands, braised pork was still stewed in a large pot on the stove.

"Okay... good man, please forgive me... we are the cooks of Huibin Building in the city... we were captured by devils..." said a man with a big head and a thick neck.

"Good man, good man, don't shoot, we are not puppet soldiers, we are not devils, we are good citizens..." said another, who was a little thinner.

"Tell me honestly, are there any other puppet troops in the stronghold? Don't talk about shooting!" Guo Dezhu now changed into a [-] big cover and threatened with a gun.

"It's gone, it's really gone! We, we've been cooking here today, and we haven't done anything! Oh, by the way, I even spit on that fried three delicacies..." The one with the big head and the thick neck Said.

"That's right, the stir-fried tripe also spit..." said a thin cook.

Hiss... Comrade Guo Dezhu suddenly felt that the devils were a bit miserable. How did Lao Fan say that?Don't offend the cook when you're makes sense.

Well, it seems that the little devil is really organized and disciplined, and the commando team killed the devils and puppet troops in the stronghold in a very short time.Then, after careful searching, except for some pigs and sheep in the pen in the backyard, only the woman and the cook were brought in.

Well, according to an account of a puppet soldier who was injured and survived, more than a dozen big girls with yellow flowers were captured in the stronghold, and they died after being ruined by the devils for a few months.

(End of this chapter)

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