Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 313 Chapter 312, playing is heartbeat

Chapter 313 Chapter 312, playing is heartbeat
In Baliwan, Trumpet, there were no living devil soldiers on the devil's attack position, but more than 100 Eighth Route Army soldiers gathered on the devil's position, searching for available supplies.

Before, the devils attacked twice and were wiped out with 70 troops, and there were only more than 50 troops left in the position.

Now, the materials and equipment on the more than 50 devils have been carried by the reinforcements from the eight routes, and the ones that cannot be carried are put on the devil's horse and pulled up the mountain.

"Platoon leader, there is still a working heavy machine gun here! What should I do?" A soldier discovered that the devil's ninety-two heavy machine gun was still working, and shouted loudly.

"What should I do?" The platoon leaders looked at the comrades who were full of supplies, and then looked at the ninety-two weight, really reluctant to leave it behind.

"Damn, stop talking, blow it up! We can't stop the devil infantry here, we must retreat to the mountain!" Zhou Changfa shouted.

In fact, Lao Zhou was also reluctant to part with Jiu Erzhong, which was already a trophy, but he knew that he must not stay in this simple circular fortification.Not for anything else, just because the devil's infantry brigade is already in sight.

Looking at the devils' team that was pressing down one by one, he knew that he couldn't stop him, and he could only be surrounded and bitten to death by the devils if he stayed here.

"Damn, evacuate, evacuate quickly! Somebody blow up the heavy machine gun!" The platoon leader gritted his teeth and had to be blown up.

If you can't bear to blow it up, then when the devils come over, this heavy machine gun will be the murder weapon for massacring your comrades.

"Nani? Tubalu is pulling horses up the mountain? Where's our cavalry? The Maori Squadron is powerful, how could this be?" In the valley to the west, Captain Nakajima has received a report from the devil soldiers ahead, knowing that Lai Dongxing and the others are cleaning the battlefield .

"Baga! No matter what, don't let them evacuate! Give me an order to order Yoshino Ryohei to take his squadron and attack! Use the fastest speed to occupy the fortifications in front! Quick!" Captain Nakajima made a decisive decision, a squadron of devils The soldier immediately ran quickly.

"Hurry up, run... attack..." Squadron leader Yoshino Ryohei is not tall and looks a little thin, but his eyes are full of bloodthirsty light, even a little red.

"Hurry up, run..." The little devil was more than 500 meters away, but at this moment he ran into the air.

"It's broken, the devils are attacking! Old Zhou, you evacuate quickly, and our platoon will stay behind to fight! Don't blow up the heavy machine guns yet!" The devil's sudden movement made the platoon leader temporarily decide to stay in the block.

He knew the consequences of leaving a block, that is the result of ten deaths but no life.But in exchange for the comrades of the other two platoons to evacuate with the captured, it would be worth it!

"Old Liu, don't be stubborn with me! With the little equipment you have in line, it can't stop the devil's attack! Listen to me, retreat quickly, I have light machine guns and shotguns here, and sharpshooters, who are better than you!" Zhou Changfa At this time, he was stubborn, but what he said was the most correct choice.

According to the strength and weaponry of the three platoons, Zhou Changfa's platoon is indeed powerful in combat and can hold off for a while longer.Of course, this is the case without Hu Changyi's participation.

But actually it is...

"Platoon leader Tang, it's up to you, don't save ammunition for your brigade commander, fire!" Seeing that the devils of the Yoshino Squadron began to speed up, Hu Changyi said.

"Don't worry, Captain Hu! Attention all groups...Three consecutive bursts of rapid fire, let go!" Tang Bin had been waiting for a long time to fire, and now he finally got his wish.

"Tom tom tom tom tom..." Tang Bin waited anxiously, and so did the artillerymen. With an order, the loader let go immediately, and the shells were fired directly.

"Get ready... let go! Get ready... let go!"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp..." In the sky, 12 82 mortar shells drew a parabola with howling noise, and fell towards the valley in front of the devil.

Because the mortar shells need to fly in the sky for a while, the landing point chosen by the artillerymen is the middle zone between the circular fortifications at the foot of the mountain and the devil team.

Choosing this landing point, it doesn't matter whether it can blow up the devils, but it can be done to stop the devils from moving forward.

Just imagine, how would a team of devils who were attacking on foot react to the shells falling from the sky?Continue to attack with iron head?Or spread out to find cover?Devils are not fools, they prioritize.

Therefore, when the mortar shells exploded in front of the devils, Squadron Leader Yoshino, who was directing the attack, was impatient: "Scatter, scatter and hide, quickly dodge the artillery... hurry..."

Following Yoshino Ryohei's shout, the devils who were blocked by the explosion of the shells scattered in the valley, looking for terrain that could shield the shock wave of the shells.At this time, even if you find a relatively large rock to hide in front of you, it is better than standing alone in the valley.

"Okay, Lao Liu, let's stop arguing, hurry up and evacuate, hurry up! Who brought the mines? Plant a few flying mines for the devil!" The shelling blocked the attack of the devil, and Zhou Changfa was also calm Evacuated.

They knew that time was precious, and shells were even more precious, so they hurriedly set up a few booby traps and ran towards the mountain.

"Hurry up, hurry up...what the hell are you delaying?" Lai Dongxing was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, yelling for the team to come back quickly.

It wasn't that Lai Dongxing was not calm enough, but that he knew that the devil's infantry brigade carried infantry artillery. If he came back late, then the devil's artillery shells were not vegetarian!
At that time: Lai Dongxing shouted anxiously, Zhou Changfa and his three platoons quickly evacuated, and Tang Bin behind the mountain was also directing the artillery team to change coordinates.

"Coordinates... release!" Thanks to previous calculations, Tang Bin has already calculated several coordinate systems, and he can command the extension of artillery fire calmly.

"Tom tom tom... Chirp chirp... Boom boom boom..." This time the salvo fired, the shells extended 50 meters to the west, and some scattered devils had already been called into the shock wave's reach.

Then, another wave... another wave... really did not save the brigade commander any shells.

"Huchi... finally came back! Hahahaha..." Thanks to the various trainings in the past, Zhou Changfa and the others returned to their home position as quickly as possible, even earlier than the second platoon that ran first.

"Damn it, old Zhou, we can't take such risks again in the future! This time it's too dangerous!" Seeing that Zhou Changfa returned safely, Lai Dongxing went up and gave Zhou Changfa a fist on the shoulder.

"Hahaha, it's worth it, this time we're worth it, no matter what, a cavalry squadron was completely wiped out! War horse!" Zhou Changfa laughed.

"Worth it? What a loss! The captain has already fired 30 shells to cover your evacuation. What a loss!" Lai Dongxing said.

"Who said it was a big loss? In my eyes, ten shells are worth less than one of our soldiers! Damn, aren't they just mortar shells? We can make them ourselves in less than half a year!" Hu Changyi said.

(End of this chapter)

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