Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 326 Chapter 325, the new 1 regiment is in action

Chapter 326 Chapter 325, the new group is in action
"Sit down and eat! I heard that you have good marksmanship, and you killed a lot of devils in Shentouling. Deputy Commander Ding, for future battles, Xizi must have 50 bullets!" Li Yunlong looked at Xizi and said to Xizi. Deputy Head Ding said.

"Don't worry, Commander, there are more than [-] fighters in our regiment with good marksmanship, and we have recorded them all. During the battle, they have the most bullets!" Deputy Commander Ding worked with Li Yunlong for a long time. Also very confident.

"Zhang Dabiao!" Li Yunlong came to Zhang Dabiao.

"Hello, head!" Zhang Dabiao was full of momentum.

"Well, not bad, strong enough! I heard that you have passed on your unique skill of using big swords to your platoon? Well done! Boy, work hard and use it if you have the ability. Old Li can see it clearly!" Li Yunlong said.

"Yes, head!" Zhang Dabiao replied.

After lunch, the soldiers of the new regiment set off in full gear, heading west along the path in the field, heading straight for Yongnian.

That's right, the new regiment has just been established, but you can still participate in battles such as sabotaging the railway!Even Li Yunlong disagreed not to let him participate.

The Xinyi Regiment is marching, and the Eighth Route Army along the Ping-Han Railway is also marching quietly, aiming at the Ping-Han Railway.

Some of these eight-way troops acted as regiments, some as battalions, companies and platoons, and some simply organized common people to act together.

In the last raid, the 771st regiment fought a military column and seized several wagons of supplies. This matter has long been spread throughout the army.

So, this time everyone is holding back their energy and want to have a big fight!Even if you can't grab the train, you have to peel off a layer of skin on the railway, and you must not let the 771 regiment be more beautiful than before!
Of course, the 771st Regiment didn't have such a good chance this time, because the little devil also strengthened the defense along the railway line, adding dozens of small strongholds and checkpoints to guard against the safety of the railway.

The point is that this time there is no military train with a suitable shift for them to plunder, so they can only honestly find trouble with the railway.

"Regimental Commander, the order from the brigade is that we will act on the railway near Yongnian this time! Just take the rails off and take them away. The brigade will send them to the arsenal and replace them with grenades!" On the way of marching, Ding The deputy head notified Li Yunlong of the brigade's order.

"Scraping the railway? That's what the militia and the common people do! Our old Li can do it big!" Li Yunlong said.

"Head, you can't disobey orders? You've just resumed as head, so don't make any more mistakes!" Deputy head Ding knew his own head too well.

"Silin, do you know why I like to take Lao Yi's third battalion into action? It's because you are too cautious, you can't pee in the same pot with our old Li!" Li Yunlong looked at Deputy Head Ding and said.

"Leader, please don't... the political commissar is acting with us!" Deputy Head Ding said.

"So, you take the second battalion, the third battalion, and the recruit battalion to cooperate with the cavalry regiment to destroy the road, and I will take the first battalion away!" Li Yunlong said.

"Head, are you going to make a mistake?" Deputy Head Ding said worriedly.

"Then let me ask you, did the order from the brigade headquarters say that we are not allowed to attack the strongholds along the railway line? No, right? There is nothing prohibited in the order, so we can act! Besides, this is a sabotage war, and you are responsible for the sabotage. I'm in charge of the attack, isn't it just right!" Li Yunlong said.

"Then where are you planning to attack? How about I take someone there?" Deputy Head Ding asked.

"Hey, I'll tell you the truth! On the way my old Li took office, I took a turn around along the way. I found out that the Minghe railway bridge is pretty good! The devils erected barbed wire fences on both sides of the Minghe railway bridge, and looked at the two bridgeheads on one side, look at it. Go up and be on guard!"

"Even in order to strengthen the defense of the railway bridge, a puppet army company was stationed in the stronghold, patrolling the railway all day long!"

"This time, Lao Li took the first battalion to destroy the devil's stronghold, and blew up the bridge by the way! This time, Lao Li not only brought guns and grenades, but also a lot of explosives. Changyi They said it was called Dana Dynamite, and they said it was for us to blow up the railway!" Li Yunlong said.

"Changyi? He knew you were going to blow up the railway? No, you led him astray. The devil's railway bridge is heavily guarded, so it's not easy to hit! Especially the bridgehead, which is made of reinforced concrete, bullets and grenades can't break it!" Deputy Head Ding said.

"Don't worry, this time I... will come with my ear..." Li Yunlong said with a mysterious smile.

"Really?" Deputy Head Ding beamed with joy.

"Why did my old Li lie to you? Just for fun? Let me tell you, don't tell the brigade commander, otherwise I will be scolded. It was when Songta Town beat the devils' armored troops. Our old Li was there and saw it with his own eyes. Seeing that the devil’s tank was blown up! For this matter, the brigade commander is still angry with our old Li!”

"So, you took people to dig the railway in the north of Yongnian, and I took people to pull out the stronghold! And this matter needs your cooperation! You will be like this..." Li Yunlong said in a low voice.

"Understood, our political commissar... I'll tell you! The political commissar is as careful as a hair, and it's better to be honest than to hide it!" Deputy Head Ding said.

"...Okay, you go, anyway, this is how we act, and our regiment leaders have a lot more freedom in military activities, just to see how far it goes, and it will be convenient for our future actions, old Li!" Li Yunlong Said.

Deputy head Ding left the team and found Commissar Wang, who was marching with the team and was about to return to the brigade headquarters.

After listening to Deputy Commander Ding's words, Political Commissar Wang adjusted his glasses and said: "The cripple knows Li Yunlong well, and knows that he is a restless man! You tell Li Yunlong that his brigade commander Jiujiu has guessed it long ago, and let him work hard." toss!"

"But there is one thing, tossing is tossing. You can't do things that violate the discipline of the masses. If you dare to rush to grab food like you did during the Long March, you will go to the brigade headquarters to take the blame! Other than this, the little devil can do whatever he wants! Remember! Now, you can only enjoy the glory and not suffer the loss!"

Political Commissar Wang finished speaking, and continued on his way, leaving only Deputy Head Ding to meditate by the side of the road...

The Ming River flows from west to east six or seven miles north of Yongnian, and there is a railway bridge across the river on the Ping-Han Railway.

In order to protect this railway bridge, the little devil specially placed a small team here, as well as an infantry company of the Imperial Association Army.

Although there are only dozens of devils in a team, their combat effectiveness is not weak.Especially the machine gun bunkers on both sides of the railway bridge and the gun towers in the stronghold on the south bank of the Ming River gave the devils a solid shell.

And the devil officer in charge of guarding this stronghold is a small captain named Junya Kurosawa.

"Guards, go, call Company Commander Wu!" At 5 o'clock in the evening on the 7th, the team leader Kurosawa Junya sent a message...

(End of this chapter)

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