Chapter 329 Chapter 328, the devil out

Someone was smashing steel drills on the railway. In fact, the movement was not small, and the sound transmission effect of the steel rails was also very good.

But what about the distance?After a distance of several kilometers, the sound could not be transmitted.

Now, a black powder bag weighing 20 kilograms was buried under the railway track and exploded, and several fires were lit, finally making the devils aware that something was wrong.Don't ask why the devil's patrol team didn't show up, the question is that the devil's troops are not enough, and they simply can't take out so many troops.

It's all right now, whether it's the devils guarding the Minghe Bridge or the devils in Yongnian a few kilometers to the east of the railway, they all know that something has happened!
"Baga, I knew something was going to happen! Command, everyone, immediately enter the battle position!" The Minghe Bridge stronghold, Captain Junya Kurosawa's first reaction was to strengthen the defense force of the bridge, not other problems.

Kurosawa's approach is correct: no matter what, do your job well first!At least, the bridge is very important and cannot be slack.

"Hurry up...quick..." Kurosawa ordered, and the devils in the Japanese army team immediately took action.

The devils from a small unit guarding the north of the bridge had already entered the two bridgeheads, and the Jiu Erzhong and the crooked handle inside were also ready to shoot.The same is true for the south of the bridge. One squad enters the bridgehead, and the remaining squad and the troops directly under the squad enter the gun tower directly.

The turret is not big, it only has two upper and lower floors, and there is a platform and searchlight lampstand on the top.The little devils made preparations at the firing port of the gun tower, and the grenadier soldiers also climbed to the top, preparing to use 2 grenadiers to control the surrounding battlefield of the stronghold.

I have to say that the little devil's defense measures are very complete!The north-south span of the bridge is only more than 300 meters. One large, four small and five solid fortifications formed a blockade network. No matter which route the Eighth Route Army attacked from, it would be hit by multiple routes.

Especially for the grenades on the roof, it is no problem to control the turret within a radius of 500 meters!At the same time, high-power searchlights also began to scan back and forth.

"Damn it, this little devil belongs to a hedgehog!" In the crop field on the south side of the bridge, Li Yunlong was lying on a field ridge, looking at the brightly lit devil stronghold, and said to a battalion commander next to him.

"Commander, do we really want to fight this stronghold?" The first battalion commander was a little worried, after all, such a tough battle is not easy to fight.

"Wait! Let's see what the little devil's next move will be! It's best for the little devil to mobilize some troops! Zhuzi, come here!" Li Yunlong said.

"Head, are you looking for me?" Zhu Zi approached with a grenadier in his arms.

"Did you see that searchlight? When the fight starts later, you destroy that searchlight first! Measure the distance now and try to get a shell to hit the top of the gun tower!" Li Yunlong said.

"Understood, Commander! That's right, Commander, when can you get the mortar? That thing is easy to use!" Wang Chengzhu said.

"Damn it, I don't care what I want! Don't worry, I will get it for you! Hehe, boy, don't brag to me. If there is a mortar, you will have to stand up for me! It's really accurate Now, the artillery of the whole regiment is under your control!" Li Yunlong said.

"Regimental Commander, don't fool me, return the artillery of the whole regiment? You can't even find a single mortar..." The more Zhuzi spoke, the lower his voice.

"You little bastard, let's see your performance tonight. If you perform well, I will reward you with two taels of sweet potatoes!" Li Yunlong said.

"Boom... Boom..." At this time, several explosions were heard from the railway to the south.Don't doubt it, this is Deputy Head Ding leading people to blow up the railway.Black gunpowder is not very powerful, but is it possible to have more equivalent...

"Baga... This is the Eighth Route Army wreaking havoc again!" At this time, Captain Heize was already on the second floor of the gun tower, still holding a telescope in his hand.

In the binoculars, he saw several fires, saw shadowy figures, and even saw the dynamite packets that had just exploded.

Now, there are two choices before him: one is to send troops out to check and destroy those who destroy the railway; the other is to continue to guard here to ensure the safety of the railway bridge.So how did he choose?
"Captain, the phone is connected!" Because the Eighth Route Army deliberately left the phone line uncut, Kurosawa quickly got through to the squadron leader of the Yongnian Garrison Muto Kusaburo.

That's right, when he couldn't decide how to act, Kurosawa chose to report the situation to Squadron Leader Muto and asked for tactical guidance.

"I have already sent Fukada and two teams to check on the enemy's situation. You can send an imperial association army to the south to fight together!" said Muto Squadron Leader.

"Hay!" Hei Ze received the order, and asked Wu Daoyi to come over without saying a word.

"Wu Sang, you, take your troops and go south to support the battle, go!" Kuisawa didn't say anything else, just ordered.

"All going?" Wu Daoyi asked shyly.

"Huh? You lead the team yourself, and just leave three machine gun teams guarding here!" Kurosawa said.

"Hay!" Wu Daoyi understood the order and went directly to organize the puppet army.

Company Commander Wu was very reluctant to take on this task, but the devil's order came down, it's impossible not to go!If you go, you may die without the protection of the stronghold; if you don't go, I'm afraid the devils in the machine gun bunkers will shoot them immediately, and no one will survive!

Half an hour later, Wu Daoyi Mao Tianliang led a total of 123 puppet troops out of the stronghold, lined up in a sparse team, and went south along the railway.

At the same time, the west city gate of Yongnian County was wide open, and two squads of devil soldiers with a total of 110 people lined up neatly and quickly headed north.

It's not that the devils don't want to drive, how fast is that?But... the garrison is inferior, no!
At this time, it can be seen that the strength of the devils is really insufficient.Deputy regiment leader Ding had placed more than 200 explosive packs, and the devils dispatched more than [-] troops, half of which were puppet troops.

It's no wonder that the huge Ping-Han line has a span of six to seven hundred kilometers in the north alone, which requires enough troops to maintain it.

But what the little devil lacks most now is troops.There are only a few of the main four-unit divisions, so they can't keep on the railway line, right?That's why there were the later three-unit divisions, such as the 34th and 35th divisions as garrison divisions, and there were also those lower-level independent mixed brigades.

"Here we come!" On the south side of the Minghe Bridge, Li Yunlong watched Wu Daoyi and his team come out. Even after years of war experience, Li Yunlong couldn't help being excited.

"According to our information, as soon as the puppet troops come out, there are not many puppet troops in the stronghold, commander!" said the first battalion leader, Lao Sun.

"Well, these puppet troops are reserved for Lao Zhao! When the fight starts in the south, let's start here too!" Li Yunlong said.

(End of this chapter)

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