Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 340 Chapter 339, Huanglong Cave neutron bullet line

Chapter 340 Chapter 339, Huanglong Cave neutron bullet line

Along the soft mud path, a group of people strolled into a nearby waterwheel hut.Where the scattered footprints stepped on, some newly sprouted weeds lay moaning in the foot sockets with difficulty...

Due to the lack of building materials such as lime, the path outside the waterwheel hut was only covered with a layer of rare loess and sprinkled with water.When the workers started working, some cobblestones from the river would be picked up and spread in the mud, which would become a road.

The conditions are tough, so no one cares about these trivial things.

On the threshold of the waterwheel hut, they wiped off the mud sticking to the soles of their shoes, and then everyone entered the house and saw a wooden rifling machine.

The rifling machine is of course the kind used in the original soldier's workshop. The wood used to make the rifling machine is relatively hard catalpa and elm, and there are also some jujube wood, all of which are hard wood.

In the place of the large turntable that originally required manpower to turn, the huge turntable was replaced by a small gear turntable.The waterwheel was creaking outside, and the main shaft of the waterwheel drove a transmission shaft straight into the house, and then changed the speed through several sets of transmission gears, and finally brought a steady stream of power to the rifling machine.

To Hu Changyi's surprise, these transmission gears were also made of wood, which looked somewhat fragile.

But when you think about rifling, there is not much cutting, and these wooden transmission wheels are understandable.After all, the processing difficulty of wood gears is much simpler than that of steel gears, and the materials are also easier to obtain.Yes, saving money is the point.

There is no special road paved outside the small waterwheel workshop, but a layer of stone pavement is paved inside the house. There are even wooden work frames and workbenches on the side of the rifling machine.Hu Changyi shook it deliberately, it was very strong!
"How about it? This small house was designed with great thought! A waterwheel and a machine can accommodate four workers working together in the house. Look at this workbench. The barrels that have been cut and qualified are placed here. , the semi-finished products are placed here, and the waste products are placed on the shelf here waiting for secondary processing!"

Minister Zhang looked at Hu Changyi, and proudly introduced him to the equipment arrangement in the waterwheel hut.Needless to say, just by looking at Minister Zhang's expression, one can tell that he is indispensable in the design of this hut.

"Very good! It's really good! And I think this house has good lighting and good ventilation, and now I don't feel hot in the house!" Hu Changyi is also very satisfied with the design of this hut.

"Hahaha, of course! When the surrounding willow trees grow up, the hut will be covered, and it will be cooler! Moreover, the sunlight is strong in summer, and even with the shade of the trees, you can still see the house! As for In winter... the canals are frozen, and nothing can be done!" Minister Zhang said with a smile.

"You're right! But to be able to utilize natural resources like this is probably the ultimate!" Hu Changyi said with a thumbs up.

"Haha, that's right! After reading this, let's go to Huanglong Cave next stop! Our bullet machine has been put in and set up, and we are just waiting for commissioning and trial production! I think you should be in a hurry, kid?" Minister Zhang said.

"Of course I'm anxious! Without bullets, it's useless to build more guns! That's the point!" Hu Changyi said, nodding his head.

After a group of people hastily watched the remaining workshops of the waterwheel hut, they rushed to the place where the Yellow Dragon Cave was located along the mountain path.

From a distance, the entrance of Huanglong Cave seems to be much smaller, and there seems to be a large platform in front of the cave, on which there is a lifting platform built by a pulley block and an iron frame.

But what surprised Hu Changyi was that there was no ladder to go up the front of Huanglong Cave.This is a place 20 meters above the ground, how can people go up without a ladder?fly up?And how did those devices get in there?

Under Hu Changyi's doubts, everyone had already come to the front of Huanglong Cave, and Hu Changyi discovered where the stairs to the cave were.I saw that on the west side of the platform, a straight up and down wooden ladder with a retaining ring was erected there.

Every time the wooden ladder rises four meters, there will be a small platform on the side for people to rest.And the lifting platform of the pulley block is on the side of the ladder, just blocking the wooden ladder.

"By the way, back then, you really gave everyone a problem! It took a lot of effort to send so many supporting equipment into this cave!" Minister Zhang stood under the platform and raised his head to look around the platform. Layer upon layer of stone walls, said with some emotion.

"It's not easy to do! Moreover, the outer layer of rocks has been reinforced. Is this work catching up with the construction of the Great Wall?" Hu Changyi asked.

"Haha, it can't compare to the Great Wall! But in order to get the equipment in, everyone first carried the soil and piled up a slope under the cave. Then stepped on it, laid wooden tracks, and then used pulleys to stand on the mountain wall of the cave. , everyone sent in the equipment one by one!"

"After the equipment was sent in, the soil and rocks were used on the spot to build this large platform, and the outer layer was built with strips of stones for protection! Just to build this wall, we used a lot of lime cement! "

"Oh, what you see is only the outside. In fact, there are some spaces inside the platform. There are two in total. At the height of 7 meters and 15 meters, there is a solid firepower point hidden. Inside this firepower point, you can put three A machine gun group is inside, which happens to be part of the frontal defense system of the cave!"

While Minister Zhang was speaking, he raised his head and looked at the cave in the sky, with a somewhat emotional tone in his tone.

"Thank you comrades for your hard work! You said it was easy, but if it is really done, it is by no means an easy job!" Hu Changyi calculated the amount of earthwork needed, and knew that this year, it would definitely be a big project.

"That's right, 8 of our engineering soldiers were sacrificed for the construction of these!" After Minister Zhang finished speaking, he took off his hat and lowered his head.

"Salute..." Hu Changyi didn't ask how those soldiers died.What he did was lead Li Yuexuan and the others to salute the mountain wall in front of them, paying tribute to the comrades who died.

Time seemed to freeze with everyone's salute, and even the surrounding mountain wind seemed to stagnate.After a full 3 minutes, Minister Zhang put on his military cap and aimed at Hu Changyi and the others.

"Okay, let's put it down! The efforts of comrades are not in vain! At least, we have our own bullet production workshop, which will be able to solve a large number of ammunition sources in the future! Moreover, this workshop has three floors. Three-dimensional fire defense measures! All the sacrifices are worth it!"

(End of this chapter)

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