Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 342 Chapter 341, Minister Zhang went all out

Chapter 342 Chapter 341, Minister Zhang went all out

As the manager of logistics, Minister Zhang is under a lot of pressure!In his own words: "There are so many troops below looking at me eagerly, hoping all day long that the superiors can dial some bullets down, I can't sleep well..."

However, Minister Zhang is also a sensible person. He also led troops to fight in the beginning. He knows how much a semi-automatic with a medium rate of fire and high accuracy will bring to the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Therefore, after discussing the difficulty of semi-automatic production and its combat use with Hu Changyi, Minister Zhang gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and approved 400 semi-automatic production tasks for Hu Changyi.At the same time, Minister Zhang also accepted Hu Changyi's suggestion of recruiting sharpshooters for intensive training.

"For the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, my old Zhang went all out, isn't it just to supply enough bullets for 400 people? My old Zhang solved it!"

"400 people, build more bullet reloading machines, get more technicians who can reload bullets, my old Zhang can still get it! Let's make a deal, that magazine can hold up to 10 rounds of bullets , no more! Also, the accuracy must be guaranteed.”

"When the headquarters transfers those veterans, you must train them! Try to turn them into sharpshooters..."

On the way from Huanglong Cave to the West Valley, Minister Zhang and Hu Changyi walked side by side, talking about semi-automatic things.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, the bullets in the magazine will never increase its capacity, so I made the magazine so big. I will add a limiter in the magazine, and it will be enough to press 10 bullets at most! There are still more we need. Steel plate, you are always troubled, get some more!" Hu Changyi said.

"Steel plates... and copper plates... oh... we are really scarce!" Minister Zhang put his hand into the military cap and wiped his sweat.

"Yeah, it's missing! Why don't we look for news about the devil's convoy? How can this truck be made out of some useful steel plates! And those axles are all good steel! If only a few sections can be removed The train is even better, and those train shafts are also made of good steel!" Hu Changyi was also thinking of a way.

"Cooperating with you, you put the source of raw materials on the devil's head, right? But let alone, the little devil really provided us with a lot of materials! Boy, wait, don't worry! Here you Tell me something good!" Minister Zhang pulled Hu Changyi aside and said mysteriously.

"What's the good thing? Could it be that you have dug up a mountain of gold?" Hu Changyi asked in a cooperative voice.

"Jinshan? What do you think? Let me tell you, when we were digging stones for the factory, we discovered magnetite! There is also a nice small copper mine in Qianzhao Village to the east! With these two small Mine, our steel and copper plates can be regarded as multiple sources!" Minister Zhang said carefully to Hu Changyi.

"That's great! If there is no shortage of this, I really want to do a big job! Minister Zhang, after I get the Min 42, it shouldn't be a problem to get a machine gun with a higher rate of fire, right?" Hu Changyi really wanted to convert the decelerated MG[-] into an eight-way heavy machine gun.

"Changyi, you are actually giving me a problem! Fortunately, our bullet production machine will start running soon! By then, our heavy machine guns will not be short of bullets, nor will we be short of pistol bullets. !" Minister Zhang didn't say he disagreed, it seemed that there was something to be said about this matter.

"Minister Zhang, when the pistol has more bullets, shall we get you a good gun to use?" Hu Changyi hit the snake with the stick.

"Do the work in front of you first! Young man, don't be too ambitious, first solve our heavy machine gun, and then solve the semi-automatic!" Minister Zhang said angrily.That means it's easy for me, Lao Zhang, to get some bullets, right?I just want to give Huo Huo...

After talking about these things, Hu Changyi and Minister Zhang didn't talk anymore, because the West Valley had already arrived, and several relatively large workshops stood up in the valley, which were the machining centers of the arsenal.

However, there are many workshops and workshops, but there is only one workshop with equipment in it, and the rest are empty and need to be adjusted in the future.

Under the leadership of Minister Zhang, everyone walked into the empty machining workshop and saw the equipment and tools in the workshop, but there were no workers.

"Turning, milling, planing, grinding, drilling and boring... Including a deep hole drill for drilling gun barrels, and a rifling machine from Yan Laoxi. There is a complete set of processing equipment here! From now on, these equipment will be under your control! "Minister Zhang said proudly in the machining workshop.

"Okay, what about my workers? Can't I use it alone? It's not enough to divide me into eight petals!" Hu Changyi said.

"Workers are being transferred here secretly! You boy, you are always in such a hurry. This time, the organization went deep into Taiyuan, Gong County, Chongqing, Wuhan, and even the surrounding areas of Ninghu to recruit some workers who had worked in the arsenal before. The skilled workers were picked up in secret."

"Now, these workers are being transported here from all directions, and they will all be in place by the end of the month! Besides, don't you see that there are no other supporting facilities here except for factory equipment? At least there must be workers living Is there a place for them? Should there be a supply and marketing cooperative to provide them with some living supplies? In short, don't worry!" Minister Zhang said while looking at Hu Changyi.

"Yes, Minister, I must not be in a hurry!" Hu Changyi said with a smile.

"You... well, take your time, I'm going to move the office of the logistics department to Sunjiaji, just to live with your guerrillas! As for you, we have established an office in Hujia Village. The temporary station, the management office of the arsenal is over there, you can usually live there!"

"Speaking of which, Hu's Village is still part of your family, so you'll be more comfortable living there!" Minister Zhang found a stool and sat down, talking to himself.

"I know Minister Zhang! What are we going to do with the other workshops?" Hu Changyi asked.

"That's your problem! Aren't you bragging about making mortars? Don't you bragging about making guns? These can't be squeezed into one workshop, right? Those workshops are for you to expand production! Boy, The workshop has been built for you, the equipment has been pulled in, and it will be up to you in the future!"

When Minister Zhang spoke, he raised his finger and pointed at the surrounding equipment, and said very seriously.

"Okay, I will stand up!" Hu Changyi said.

"Well, I believe you will not disappoint everyone!" Minister Zhang said.

After seeing the machining workshop, Minister Zhang took Hu Changyi and the others to continue westward, and finally saw the explosives factory in production.

That's right, the explosives factory is the only factory in the Jiuzhai Arms Factory that is in production.However, due to the particularity of explosives, the pharmaceutical factory is 2 kilometers away from the machining process, and they have already reached Zuohui Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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