Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 347 Chapter 346, Go to the smelter

Chapter 347 Chapter 346, Go to the smelter
"I need you to pay special attention to kung fu masters with good skills, sharpshooters with good marksmanship, and talents with other skills, such as those who can pick locks, climb over walls, make up, speak acrobatics, and even storytellers. All right! In short, pay attention to those who have special skills, even those who cook well!"

"Well, that's basically it. Tomorrow, I'll go to the Liugou Iron Works in the west, and you should pay attention to the training... Why is there a guard class? I just found out, this is for me?" Hu Changyi It was only at the end of the report that he found a line about the guard class written in small fonts.

"Ah, cough cough, this is what we discussed last night. We plan to assign a special guard squad to your side, responsible for protecting your safety during battles and peacetime! Your safety is related to the operation of the arsenal." Hu Four Seas coughed and then said.

"My safety? I'm not Li Yunlong, I will go crazy in a war; and you have also seen my situation. Is there a chance for me to have direct contact with the enemy in a war? Add a guard class... But it's also good, The headquarters responsible for protecting our guerrillas is also good! Agreed, but not for me!"

Hu Changyi finally thought about it, and knowing that little devils like small groups of troops to attack the headquarters, he simply agreed to this proposal.

"Ah? That's let's do it..." Hu Sihai didn't argue with Hu Changyi, anyway, after the security squad is formed, it will be over after a meeting for whoever will use it, and Hu Changyi can still be a minority at the organization meeting Overwhelm the majority?

After a simple meeting, Hu Sihai went back, Hu Changyi washed and slept, and prepared to go to the Liugou Iron Works in the west the next day.

To go to Liugou Iron Works, you need to cross Zuohui Mountain and then go to Xianwang Village. This distance is not close, and it will take a whole day at the fastest to go back and forth.

So, in the early morning of the next day, Hu Changyi took Su Wei, Li Yuexuan and the others into a large truck, and drove towards Xishangou along the simple earth-rock road in Jiuzhai.That's right, Hu Changyi took the truck this time, which can save half the journey.

By the way, when the Jiuzhai Arsenal was being built, comrades from the engineering battalion at the headquarters repaired the internal transportation of Jiuzhai, mainly the simple roads from Sunjiaji to the villages, and the simple roads to the Xishangou factory area.

Once these two roads are repaired, when there are vehicles like trucks, the traffic inside Jiuzhaigou will become much faster, and it will be better to transport construction materials such as earth, stone, cement and lime, and later on, it will also be able to quickly transport steel and bullets. And other raw materials and products.

A group of people sat in a truck, passed through several villages, and then went straight to the west from the entrance of Huanglong Cave. After passing through several construction sites under construction, they stopped directly at the entrance of the explosives factory.

Then Hu Changyi and the others got out of the car, and after explaining their intention to Guo Shaoxing and the others, Company Commander Guo directly sent a platoon of soldiers to escort Hu Changyi and the others directly over the mountain.

Not to mention, the steep Zuohui Mountain cannot be reached by car or pack horse, but a group of people can cross the mountain along the path.

When Hu Changyi and the others finally arrived at Liugou Iron Works, it was already 11:[-] in the morning, just in time for lunch.

Of course, Hu Changyi came here not to eat, but to find Lu Da, a metallurgist who had stayed abroad.He wants to see how the production capacity of gray iron is, whether small batches of spring steel can pass the test, and whether ordinary steel plates used on some guns can be manufactured.

Hu Changyi didn't think about the steel of the gun barrel right now, and he didn't even count on the steel of the firing pin of the trigger.With the current level of smelting, Hu Changyi can jump up happily if he can produce large quantities of gray iron that can be used to make shell casings for mortar shells!
That's right, the shell of the mortar, the whole streamlined or drop-shaped gray iron pig iron shell, and then the fuze of the shell is added to the front, and the tail tail pipe and the extended-range launch charge are added on the back.Of course, the conditions are acceptable, and it is also possible to use ductile iron.

Because of the data base of the original world, Hu Changyi knew how important the mortar was to the Eighth Route Army and even the Chinese army, especially when fighting in mountainous areas.

To borrow the words of an expert: Mortars need to have a sufficiently accurate hit rate, a sufficiently powerful firepower output, a sufficiently fast shooting ability, and a sufficiently fast transfer ability.

Of course, excluding these nonsense, the importance of mortars is: mountain combat, mortars with curved fire capabilities are more adaptable to multiple terrains than direct-fire barrel guns.However, the light-weight mortar has the ability to transfer and run after shooting, which is beyond the reach of other types of artillery.

"Comrade Lu Da, I haven't seen you for a while, how is your side?" In the office of the iron factory, Hu Changyi saw Lu Da with a dark face.

"Ahem, factory manager! I have lived up to everyone's expectations, and finally made gray iron out of white iron." Lu Da said.

"It's good to practice it! Everyone is happy for you! But, let's be happy, the little devil will hate you very much in the future!" Hu Changyi joked happily.

He didn't ask how the steel was smelted, because he knew the general smelting process, which is a process of resmelting white iron to remove impurities and control the carbon content.But this process is full of various problems, and he really can't figure it out as a novelist.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, he can exchange the information from the system, it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, just show it to professional talents, such as the production of sulfonamide...

Now, Luda has racked his brains and used all kinds of local methods to produce qualified gray cast iron.

"Ahem, factory manager, if this gray iron is smelted alternately in several furnaces, about 2 tons of gray iron can be guaranteed to come out a day. The main reason is that our furnaces are too small, there are too few workers, and no matter how big they are If not, it’s not easy technically!” Lu Da said.

"2 tons is not a lot, this is already a great progress! And don't show that the furnace is small, the key is to solve the process of starting from scratch first! In the future, can we gradually grow from small to large? That’s not a problem, just sum up the experience and lessons step by step!”

"Luda, what happened to the spring steel? We can't all hope to find spring steel from the seized parts! This is the problem, as long as you solve it from scratch, even if you use the laboratory to make ten kilograms a day Spring steel, ten kilograms of spring steel can be used in our factory!" Hu Changyi said.

"Factory manager, I have experimented with spring steel a few times, but it is still not stable enough, but the traps made by the iron factory have become famous around the world!" Lu Da joked.

(End of this chapter)

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