Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 40 Chapter 040, the village of hurrying and camping

Chapter 40 Chapter 040, the village of hurrying and camping
How do you say that?When luck comes, you can't stop it.After this understanding, the five newly recruited guerrillas can be regarded as people with unique skills.

After understanding these situations, Hu Changyi's mood became better.I felt better, and the things I had to do went smoothly.

Before noon, the guerrillas caught three fat hares on the mountain, and two quails were caught in the trap, and Zhao Ergou's stone eggs lived up to expectations and killed three pheasants.

Well, although there are not many things, they are all meat!After arriving in the ditch, Hu Changyi asked them to clean up the prey in the stream, and he took Chef Fan to dig out a smoke-free stove.

Then...whether it is rabbit or quail, they are chopped into small pieces together with the pheasant and thrown into the pot.Throw dried ginger, garlic cloves, wild onions, and pepper noodles into the pot, add water and start cooking.Open the pot, add some salt, and you can eat meat and drink soup when it is cooked.

Although Chef Fan was very critical of this approach, saying that it did not show his craftsmanship at all, but no one cared about it.This is meat, as long as you can eat it, the taste will never be too bad...

Everyone in the guerrillas has a share in eating meat, and the soldiers of the Eighth Route can only watch.Because the uncle and nephew of the Zhao family cooperated tacitly and were able to find all the people at the last number, Hu Changyi generously said that everyone had it.

Well, it's a little inappropriate for us to eat meat here and let others watch it, but we can't give it away, right? More than 2000 people only have such a few things, what can they do if they are distributed?

Oh, I can't forget about Lao Xing's place. Hu Changyi personally served Xing Dezheng two bowls of meaty ones in larger enamel bowls.

Why are there two bowls?Hu Changyi said that Cui Mingyue is a military doctor in the regiment, and he must strengthen his nutrition in order to have greater strength to save people...

This...isn't using power for personal gain?This is our thanks on behalf of the guerrillas!
"What are you doing? You got so much meat?" Xing Dezheng had a wound on his leg that couldn't heal, so he had to be carried away.Seeing the meat sent by Hu Changyi, he asked in surprise.

"It's just that the team recruited a few hunters to go in. This was fought on the east mountain today!" Hu Changyi untied Lao Xing's bandage and said with confidence when he saw that the wound was fine.

"You touch my wound if you know what? Let military doctor Cui see it and scold you? Hurry up and tie it up! There are 21 people in the team now?" Xing Dezheng said.

"That's right, plus you are exactly 21 people! Your wound has healed well, get well soon, so we can fight devils together!" Hu Changyi said.

"Well, I heard that your boy has performed well these days. You know how to get weapons for the team and train recruits. It's good! Just don't be in a daze and talk more. That military doctor Cui is very beautiful, so go and join us more. It's close!" Xing Dezheng said with a smile.

"No! Our goal is not this. It is to kill as many devils as possible (to earn merit points) to capture equipment (by the way to absorb soul energy) to develop our team (upgrade system). Then, when we win (almost can back home), and then think about personal issues (there are wives and children at home)!" Hu Changyi said.

" are still young, you don't know how to use it yet! Go back quickly, maybe there will be a battle in a few days, hurry up and train the recruits while you have free time, at least teach them how to shoot. what!"

"Learn to shoot a gun, learn to dodge the gun, learn to build a position, and learn how to cooperate in combat... As long as you are still alive after a few battles, you are a veteran!" Xing Dezheng said.

"Understood, Uncle Dezheng, you can rest assured to heal your injuries when you are old. If the wound is infected, then tell me quickly, and I will let the doctor find a way to treat your injury with traditional Chinese medicine." Hu Changyi said.

"It's okay, I'm Xing Dezheng. I walk upright and sit upright. I am worthy of the sky above, and worthy of people below. It's not so easy to die!" Xing Dezheng said.

"Well, you'll be fine. We still expect you to do ideological work for everyone! For example, today, our guerrillas eat meat, and they are all watching. Will they have ideas? This is theirs. The instructors are going to work...hehe!" Hu Changyi laughed.

"You... have this ability, and we will use it when we go out to fight independently! Hurry up and go back!" Xing Dezheng said.

"Let's go, Uncle Dezheng!" Hu Changyi returned to the camp of the guerrillas.

Not long after dinner, the large troops continued to set off, and began to shuttle through the mountains under the guidance of the special agent company.

Hu Changyi, who was walking in the team, raised his head to look at the surrounding scenery from time to time, but the night was shrouded in darkness, so he couldn't see very far.When it was completely dark, we had no choice but to hurry on our way.

Marching in the dark is very difficult, but fortunately, there is moonlight after walking for a few hours. With the help of moonlight, I can see the front and back of the team, and I don't have to worry about falling behind.

This walk was in the middle of the night. It was not until after three o'clock in the morning that the team slowed down and entered a village in a valley.

"Okay, this is your campsite. Take a good rest tonight, and we'll talk about it tomorrow!" Because the people from the regiment headquarters entered the village ahead of time, the guerrillas were arranged to enter a farmyard as soon as they entered the village.

Then everyone crowded into the north room specially vacated by the common people to sleep.

The people in this family are a young couple with a little boy.When entering the door, Hu Changyi took a look at the hostess who got up and waited at the door, and what he saw was panic and fear in his eyes.

"Ah...the people these days don't recognize the Eighth Route Army..." Hu Changyi sighed, without thinking about it, he spread his blanket on the big kang in the house, and collapsed next to Li Tieniu.

"Wangcai, Wangcai, come here quickly... Wangcai, Wangcai, come here..." Hu Changyi was woken up by a childish voice.When I opened my eyes, the sun was shining brightly.Look at the system time again, ten o'clock in the morning.

Well, save for breakfast...

Hu Changyi got up, folded the quilt and blanket, put them into the backpack, put the backpack on the kang, and went out of the house.

In the yard, a little boy wearing only a bellyband was teasing a puppy. Looking at the little guy's snotty nose, he knew that the cold was not brisk.It's October and the temperature is already cold...

"Heizi, come to mother!" Seeing Hu Changyi coming out of the house, the mistress of the house called out to the child nervously.

"Mother..." The child ran to the woman in three steps and two steps, threw himself into his mother's arms, and called mother in a childish voice.

As for the puppy Wangcai, he also wagged his tail and followed behind, starting to circle around the mistress...

Looking at the woman's face, whether it was on purpose or already covered in pot ashes, and then at her clothes covered in dust, Hu Changyi turned his head away and stopped looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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