Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 402 Chapter 401, Who Has Young People?

Chapter 402 Chapter 401, Who Has Young People?

Listening to the young man's words, Captain Jin's head was already buzzing, and his mouth was responding, but his mind was a mess. 1 gun stock, the carpenter in the village can make 5 in a day. Although there are many steps to dry in the shade before the fire, it is very fast to rebuild the wood after processing.

The point is, is this gun stock so valuable?It can be exchanged for 10 grenades. Everyone knows that the grenades issued by the headquarters are the best, especially the military grenades, which are used by the comrades of the main force as a big killer.But just such a gun stock, can you change 10?
"Little comrade, is that gun butt so valuable?" A guerrilla captain couldn't help asking.

"Huh?" The little soldier let out a cry of surprise, and then said: "Gun stocks are worth a lot? As long as there is wood and a carpenter, who can't make a gun stock?" The little soldier said with disdain.

"Then the headquarters showed kindness this time? Doesn't Minister Zhang always like to hold back?" asked Political Commissar Zhang who was mixed in the team.

"Slander, you are completely slandering Minister Zhang! Minister Zhang is kind-hearted, and he manages the supply of weapons for tens of thousands of troops. Who is missing? No! But the chief is right, this This time is a great thing! Ahem..." The little soldier said too quickly and was choked by the wind.

"I don't tell ordinary people about this, because you are all our own people who have been vetted by us, and you have brought more gun stocks. This is why we have more words. Our arsenal can make light machine guns! Now we not only have light machine guns Machine guns, heavy machine guns, horse rifles, and recently added a shotgun! Shotguns, you know? It’s just a small shotgun, it’s all made of iron sand, and it can carry a charge and fight a bayonet!”

"Let me tell you, this shotgun is a good thing. It is issued to recruits. They don't need to train marksmanship. As long as they can bear the recoil and can aim, it's fine. If you hit a shot, it's bad luck for the devils. Plus the gun The long three-edged thorn on the mouth will kill the devil!"

"As for why one gun stock can be exchanged for 10 grenades this time? The chief said just now, this time it is out of kindness! We now have small workshops in various places, and the need for grenades is obviously less. Save a lot of big ones!"

"So, our factory manager discussed with Director Zhang and exchanged the grenades for a cheaper price, so that you can bring more back to bomb the devils! Let me tell you some inside information, the grenades we took out this time are serious military products Grenade. You know the military grenade, right? It blows up a large piece!"

The young soldier finished his speech with great pride, turned around and faced Captain Jin again, looking at it, it seemed that the arsenal had more grenades than could be used up, as if the arsenal was mass producing weapons.

And actually?The output of grenades in the arsenal has dropped, from more than 9000 a day to about 3000.reason?Isn't the puller fuze made by the workshop below unqualified?The arsenal simply gave up part of its grenade production capacity and sent qualified fuzes to the workshop below.

The freed idle labor force was quickly absorbed by iron factories, mines and other places.Those who were still idle went to the militia.

"Are you part of the district team?" the young man asked Captain Jin.

"Well, the Wudong District Squad!" Captain Jin said.

"According to my suggestion, let me take a look at your gun stocks..." The young man flipped through the account books.

"Do you still have a rail to send over? That's great! According to my suggestion, you can exchange 2 rifles and 3 shotguns. Then take out 38 of the remaining 8 butts and exchange them for 80 grenades. 20 for 100 rounds of ammunition, and the rest for 50 rounds of shot.”

"Let me do the math for you. For the rifle exchanged for the rails, you have to bring 10 bullets yourself. The shotgun comes with 8 bullets. This is 110 bullets and 74 bullets. This firepower is enough to ambush the grain grabbing team going to the countryside. It's about time... well, it's better to cooperate with mines."

"You are the district team. Do you have any elm guns or something? Will you build them? After the items are exchanged, there will be a small class here, which is dedicated to explaining how to the captains of the district team and county team like you. The manufacture and use of simple weapons, including the manufacture of elm wood cannons and the manufacture of bamboo tube landmines."

"Secretly let me tell you, after this class is over, you may be able to arrange many kinds of landmines! It doesn't matter if you don't have any landmines in your hand, there is also an exchange here. Didn't you bring 20 catties of scrap copper here... huh? Then Is it a pheasant? Good guy, was this shot on the road?"

"Well, how many catties do these pheasants weigh? They can be exchanged for black gunpowder with half the weight! 20 catties of scrap copper can be exchanged for mines, large iron landmines can be exchanged for 10, and bamboo tube mines can be exchanged for 40. indivual……"

"Oh, also, we also explain how to use tunnels for ground warfare, you can't miss this! So I suggest that if you bring food to last one more day here, you insist on taking two days of classes here , keep you benefit for life!"

The young man seemed to be a chatterbox, and he led Captain Jin to talk all the time, with a sharp tongue, a clear voice, and a loud voice, which made the other captains who surrounded him curiously hear the truth.

Seeing that his captain’s order was almost finished, Su Wei, Hu Changyi’s full-time communications soldier, moved his body and continued: “Ahem, since everyone has heard it, let’s talk about the last point. Do you have any guerrillas?” What about the young players with good marksmanship and clean roots?"

"If there is, our arsenal will have a one-month training event, this time only 100 people! Come to report at the end of this month, and the training was completed a year ago. If the training results are good, the headquarters will absorb them. Entering the main force (guerrillas can be considered as the main force), even those with poor grades will grow better than those with you!"

Su Wei finished speaking, looked at everyone's eyes, and then walked to the next team: "Hello, comrade, how many gun stocks do you have here..."

It is said that the masters are among the people, and the guerrillas produce talents. As the captain of the unknown guerrilla who has no name so far, Hu Changyi will naturally not let these teams come to exchange supplies.

As for whether 100 suitable guerrillas can be accepted?Hu Changyi is very confident. Who among the soldiers below would not want to join the main force?And the most indispensable thing below is people. With so many guerrillas, it is too easy to select 100 suitable young people.

As for whether these people will be sent back after training?Of course it depends on the results. For example, if there are people with sniper talent like Li Yuexuan, they will definitely stay, right?
(End of this chapter)

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