Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 429 Chapter 428, the battle under the cover of firepower

Chapter 429 Chapter 428, the battle under the cover of firepower
"Tom tom... Chirp..." Two green flares rose into the sky, and they were the signal flares for the little devil to call for help.

However, Xiangchenggu is nearly 20 kilometers away from Wei County, and nearly 30 kilometers away from Quzhou.With such a long distance, whether these two flares can work is really a matter of debate.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are nearby traitors who secretly report to the devil after seeing it, but there is too little time.

The little devil is indeed well-trained. After firing the signal flare, the truck following the infantry has completed a U-turn, and the retreating devils also jumped on the truck one after another, and then drove north.

The devils evacuated in a hurry, they just took the weapons of the wounded and some of the dead devils in a hurry, and discarded all the rest.

"Hahaha, our old Zhao got off to a good start today! The first battalion commander, continue to be vigilant; the second battalion commander, send someone to clean up the battlefield!"

In Zhuangtou Village, Zhao Fengnian looked at the retreating devils, then looked at the large bloodstains and dozens of dead devils outside the village, and gave orders vigorously.

"Yes, Commander!" The two battalion commanders accepted the order and sent people out to bring back the guns left behind by the devil, and brought the devil back to deal with it.Well, with Diao Qixian as a professional here, the devil's corpse will definitely be cleaned up.

Looking at the Xinyi regiment, Li Yunlong led three battalions to reach the gap in the north at the fastest speed.Then, the soldiers of the three battalions set up positions on the spot, waiting for the arrival of the devils.

When building a position, the situation on the side of the guerrilla brigade attracted special attention.

The guerrillas have a clear division of labor. The company platoon leaders leading the team set up the defense line and designate machine gun positions.Then, soldiers carrying sandbags from each company walked past the machine gun squad one by one, and piled sandbags one by one on the machine gun positions according to the command of the deputy squad leader.

Soon, a semi-circular sandbag machine gun fortification was completed, and the machine gun squad leader could shoot in a squatting or kneeling position.After putting down the sandbags, the soldiers of each infantry squad came to their combat positions under the orders of the squad leaders, and used engineering shovels to dig individual bunkers in lying positions on the ground.

At this time, it depends on the speed of the devil.If there is time, the lying position bunker will become a kneeling position bunker, then become a standing position shooting bunker, become a double foxhole, and even add a traffic trench to become a combined defense system...

These are the skills that the fighters of the guerrilla brigade have mastered in training, and now they are fully displayed in front of the comrades of the 386 brigade.

"What is the new regiment doing? Why is it so dusty?" the brigade commander looked at the new regiment with a telescope at the temporary command office of the brigade headquarters and asked.

"Brigade Commander, they are digging bunkers and building positions!" A staff officer who had known the situation earlier replied.

"Building they have so many engineer shovels? Oh, they really do!" The brigade commander was relieved when he thought that Li Yunlong still had a "new force" under his command.Then he said, "Did you see the battle in Zhuangtou Village just now?"

"I see! The firepower is too fierce, dozens of little devils disappeared as soon as they came into contact! Brigadier, when did our Eighth Route Army become so rich?" A soldier asked curiously.

"When did you get so rich? Hahaha... there will be more rich ones later! Damn, I haven't fought such a rich battle for a long time!" The brigade commander knows the troops below very well, but it is the first time he has used machine guns in battle. Ah, I surprised the brigade commander.

"Baga... our escape route is blocked!" When the Brigadier was sighing, Squadron Captain Yasuda finally brought the Devil Squadron, which had suffered two waves of blows, to the gap in the north.

However, seeing the dust that was still rising in the north wind, Yasuda knew that his retreat was cut off.Looking at the formation of the fortifications ahead, there are almost no 2000 people here...

"Baga! Tubalu doesn't talk about martial arts. If you have the ability to set up a battle, let's fight head-to-head?" From a distance, Yasuda directed the devils to get out of the car, leaning on his saber and looking at the new group of soldiers. position.

"Squadron leader, we are surrounded..." a devil from the squadron headquarters said in frustration.

"Baga! It's just surrounded by Tuba Road! We have heavy machine guns and artillery, why panic?" Yasuda was bitter in his heart, but he said without changing his face: "Order, Akita, Abe, you two The team launched an attack immediately! The heavy machine gun on the vehicle covered the attack, and the artillery launched!"

"Hay..." The little devil got busy after receiving the order.

"Little devil is not afraid of being made dumplings!" Li Yunlong glanced at the devils who were organizing an attack with the whole team, and felt that the devils had some ink marks.Wait a little longer, the brigade commander should bring someone to cover up and kill him later.

"Death to death..." Captain Yasuda gave the order to attack before the artillery deployed.He also knew that if there was any further delay, it would really be a situation of being attacked everywhere. He could only launch an attack in the shortest possible time first to gain time for the artillery to launch.

"Death to death..." The devils of the two infantry squads had already launched a skirmish line, and launched a desperate charge towards the new regiment to the north.

"Don't be afraid, just shoot like you usually do! The more scared you are, the bullets will hit you too!"

"Don't be cowardly, whoever is cowardly is a gray grandson! Think about our ancestors, we are the descendants of the Qi family army, we must not embarrass our ancestors!"

"Tell you, I also peed my pants in a big battle, but I shot and killed three devils abruptly, all of them stared wide-eyed!"

"Machine guns ready...accurate shooters ready...grenade grenade ready..."

The above is the movement of the Xinyi regiment and the guerrilla brigade.Facing the desperate charge of the devils, those veteran squad leaders kept boosting the morale and cheering up the recruits.And those commanders were also waiting for the devils to enter a suitable distance.

"Quack... quack..." Finally, the devil's heavy machine gun rang out, and the attacking devil entered a distance of 300 meters.

"Tom tom tom..." The grenades from the Devil Squadron behind also fired grenades.

"Zhuzi, are you fucking ready? Fire two shots at the devil's artillery position! Use lime bombs!" Li Yunlong shouted.

"Fight! Show off our firepower!" Zhang Dabiao said.

"Fight!" Lai Dongxing also gave an order decisively.

For a moment, the firepower of both sides began to show their power, and the battlefield immediately entered a white-hot state.

"Papa...papa..." The fastest strikers were the snipers and precision shooters of the guerrilla brigade. Their targets had been chosen long ago, and they were the devil's machine gunners and grenadier soldiers.

"Tom tom tom... tom tom tom..." Because the car was too far away, the grenadier soldiers also changed their direct fire to curved fire, and fired at the attacking devils to explode the anti-injury shells.

"Da da da... da da da..." And those machine gunners who used machine guns and Qilaliban machine guns also started the short burst mode at the devil's team for the first time.

Chirp chirp chirp... boom boom boom... The grenade grenades fired by the devils exploded on the Xinyi group's position first, and there were also swishing bullets flying by during the period.The devils who were on the offensive also shot while running, looking like they were not afraid of death.

However, as the firepower of the Eighth Route Army unfolded, the little devil's attack dispersed like a tide hitting a rock.

Because of the precise sniping by the snipers and precision shooters of the guerrilla brigade, the heavy machine gunners and grenadier soldiers of the devils were killed immediately, and the devils lost the advantage of suppressing firepower.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of machine guns fired together. There were 36 groups of machine guns used in succession, and there were 54 Qilali in the guerrilla brigade.This is not counting the light machine guns of the new regiment and battalion.

What kind of formation is this adding up to more than 100 machine guns firing at the same time?Anyway, the Brigadier, who was watching the battle, called it a waste.

"Damn it, is Li Yunlong crazy? This is the rhythm of a machine gun shooting at a devil!" The brigade commander is so angry, how many bullets are wasted?

Before the brigade commander could calm down, the grenadiers that had been equipped to the squad on the guerrilla brigade also showed their ferocious fangs.A total of 54 rounds of 50mm grenade grenades fell on the attacking devils in no particular order and exploded, and the dust from the explosion immediately covered the devils' team.

"I'm a mother..." In a certain position, the head of the 688 regiment, Wei, slapped his forehead with his hands. This formation has dealt with more than 100 devils. Is this what our Eight Routes did?
Chirp chirp chirp...boom boom boom...before Captain Wei took his hand off his forehead, there were a few more explosions, and then the devil's convoy was enveloped in white smoke.

"What's that?" Captain Wei asked the people beside him, looking at the Devil convoy under the white mist.As a result, no one gave him an answer, and everyone was stunned.

"Cripple, what kind of shells are those?" Head Wei was asking, but Political Commissar Wang couldn't figure out the situation, so he asked the brigade commander directly.

"That's a white cannonball! I heard from the kid in Changyi that he ground quicklime into fine powder and put it in an oiled paper bag and put it around the explosives of the cannonball. That's the effect when it explodes! This is usually used as a training bomb Yes, the landing point can be seen from a distance." Said the brigade commander who knew the details.

"Then now... the devils are in trouble!" Political Commissar Wang had already imagined what it would be like for the devils to be dusted with lime powder.

"Yes, now, I can announce the end of the battle in advance! You see, Li Yunlong really launched a countercharge!" The brigade commander said with a smile.

"That's right, Li Yunlong's grasp of the fighter is nothing to say! Just use lime bombs to hit the devils...haha..." Political Commissar Wang also laughed.

"New regiment, rush over and kill the devils!" Li Yunlong finally seized the opportunity to lead the team as the commando captain, and shouted excitedly.

"Kill..." Zhang Dabiao overtook Li Yunlong with a cry, his figure with a big knife in one hand and a box cannon in one hand was still so strong.

"Kill it...don't let the leader snatch the devil!" I don't know which bad boy he didn't forget to say when he ran past Li Yunlong.

"Kill, don't let the regiment leader snatch the devil..." One after another, a new regiment of fighters ran past Li Yunlong, and they still didn't forget to shout this sentence, it seemed that this sentence became the tactic of fighting. Slogan too.

"Leave a few of your motherfuckers for me!" Li Yunlong, not to be outdone, quickly followed, but more and more fighters surpassed him.

"Kill... rush up, use a bayonet, stab each one dead or alive!" Lai Dongxing also rushed over with the soldiers of the guerrilla brigade, and even arranged to make up for the devils.

But the guerrilla fighters lined up in a three-three skirmish line, rushed to the place where the devils were just now, and made up for the devils one by one.

Nearly half of the recruits in the guerrilla brigade, but the proportion of recruits in the ordinary infantry squad is relatively small, only 5.Now is a good time for recruits to see their blood and experience.Under the urging of the squad leader and the team leaders, the recruits held the bayonets in their hands and stabbed hard at the devil's corpse on the ground to complete their growth.

In the ordinary company of the guerrilla brigade, the squad leader of the ordinary infantry squad is responsible for leading two groups of commandos: the squad leader and the second commando leader, one semi-automatic, two No. 2 commandos with submachine guns, and No. [-] commandos ([-] recruits). It is a long three-edged thorn hanging from the three-eighth cover.

Behind the commando is the machine gun team holding a Qilali light machine gun: the machine gunner holds a Qilali light machine gun, and the deputy machine gunner and the ammunition man (1 recruit) are both rifles.In the back there is also the cover team of the deputy squad leader of the precision shooter, and the precision shooter leads the ordinary infantry (2 recruits).

The last is the three-man team of the grenadier combat group: the grenadier soldier, the deputy grenadier soldier, and the precision shooter who is responsible for protection.

There are 15 people in the infantry squad, and the recruits account for one-third, which is not too big or small, and they can still maintain their combat effectiveness.As for the arrangements for the many recruits?Just look at the ammunition hands of the continuous machine gun squad, and you will know that they are fighting bullets with the veterans.What is left is the company's transport platoon, supply troops and other personnel.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that with the participation of a full 54 infantry squads of the guerrillas, the finishing work against the little devils will soon be over.

There were repeated attacks from machine guns and grenades before, and the two attacking teams were almost completely wiped out.Those who didn't die were also killed when they made up the knife.It wasn't until the team attacked the convoy that they encountered weak resistance. The invisible devils who were fascinated by the lime powder were waving their guns indiscriminately.

To deal with such devil soldiers, a few sprays from the shotgun and a couple of touches on the bayonet were basically enough.Oh, and captured 8 blind ghost soldiers, which made Li Yunlong very angry, and wanted to kill them secretly...

"Okay, let's see if we have any wounded? If there are wounded, hurry up and treat them! Lai Dongxing, take your soldiers and see if the car can still be driven? If it is broken, take the gasoline out! Zhang Dabiao, take someone with you!" Clean up the battlefield! Let the recruits be responsible for carrying the corpses... Huzi? Go report to the political commissar, and let the political commissar report the battle process and results to the brigade headquarters..."

The battle he saw was over, and Li Yunlong began to arrange the post-war affairs.In this battle, none of the 250 devil soldiers escaped. They were all wiped out here, and 8 trucks were seized, one 90-type mountain gun, two [-] infantry guns, and one [-]mm mortar.

Coupled with the seizure of the weapons and ammunition carried by the devils, the Type [-] heavy machine gun and bullets loaded on the truck, this is definitely a great achievement.

Of course, if the ammunition consumption during the machine gun shooting was not taken into account, this credit would be even greater... right?

And this battle also completely let the brigade commander and the others see what kind of state is the fire coverage?Good guy, more than 100 machine guns fired at the same time, plus a salvo of grenadiers from two battalions, directly covered the area hundreds of meters in front of the position, and there was not much place for the attacking devils to hide.

The brigade commander is very happy to study whether such a tactical application is feasible?After thinking about it, the only disadvantage of doing this is that it costs money and can't afford it!
(End of this chapter)

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