Chapter 438 Chapter 437, clean and fast

Swish... The directional mine exploded, and countless steel balls were endowed with powerful kinetic energy by the explosives, whizzing and flying over a distance of more than 40 meters, and ruthlessly hit any objects they encountered.Among them were the devil soldiers who had just hid on the south side of the truck.

The standard directional mines in the guerrilla brigade are not too many, and there are only two in a squad, and they are usually carried by engineers.But the guerrillas have 54 full-time infantry squads, which are equipped with 108 directional mines.

This time, in order to give the devil a hard time, Lai Dongxing mobilized a total of 50 directional mines, and asked the engineers to set up a minefield in the field south of the road, enough to block the 1.5-kilometer-long road.

Now these 50 directional mines detonated together, and the iron sand shot out directly brought disaster to the severely injured devil team.

After the explosion, the convoy, which had an unknown number of devils howling, suddenly fell silent.The barrage of steel balls just now was too dense, and only a few lucky ones escaped the impact of the steel balls and survived.

And look at the bodies of those trucks?Well, this side is also full of marks of blows, and the two sides are evened out...

The Eighth Route Army has an elegant name called Three Guns and Eight Routes, which means that the Eighth Route Army fights, and if you shoot three guns, you will charge and fight hand-to-hand.

In fact, the devil also has a name, called the three-gun devil.That is to say, when you shoot the first shot, the devil will quickly dodge; when you shoot the second shot, you will find the target; when you shoot the third shot, the devil will find you and shoot back.

This time is only more than ten seconds to half a minute, which shows how elite the little devil's veterans are.

But... the situation is different this time!At the beginning of the battle, it was covered by the bullet net of the submachine gun and the machine gun, as well as the point kill of the semi-automatic bolt-action rifle.After two or three seconds, the bazooka went up, and the devil was thrown off his feet.

Anyway, the bazooka was done, and the follow-up grenade launched three more bombings, another cover strike.And during this time, the devil just happened to hide on the other side of the convoy, and was covered by a directional mine...

They couldn't take care of the devil's situation, but they all fell into the eyes of the militiamen of Xiao Li's family and the comrades of the new spy company who were watching the battle, and it also fell into the eyes of front-line commanders like Lai Dongxing.

Regardless of whether it was the new regiment's special agent, Lianyang, or Lai Dongxing, Zhou Changfa, they all had one thought at the moment—it's time!

"Okay, blow the charge, charge up, and end the battle!" Lai Dongxing, who had been watching the battle in Xiao Li's Village, put down his binoculars and gave an order calmly.

"Yes, the trumpeter... the charge!" Hu Sihai acted as the messenger on the side.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock... As several buglers blew the charge, the battle of the guerrilla brigade entered the assault mode.

"Rush forward, pay attention to the formation! Bazooka soldiers, stay here!" Liu Qiusheng loudly urged in the foxhole battle area ahead.After the instructions were over, he picked up his semi-automatic rifle, replaced it with a full 15-round magazine, and rushed up with all the No. 2 assaulters.

"Machine gun team, pay attention to the shooting range, don't hurt your comrades!" As soon as the charge horn sounded, the platoon leaders of each platoon quickly ordered to let the machine gunners who used the machine guns pay attention to the shooting range.Although these are one of the training subjects, I have never played live ammunition training, and I can really kill my comrades if I am not careful.

"Da da da... da da da..." The machine gunners were also nervous, because the commandos in front had already started to charge forward, so they could only look at the suitable space and give some short bursts for auxiliary shooting.

Different from their tense short bursts, the squad leaders of each squad stood up directly from behind the outer wall of the village: "Comrades, the grenadier team stays, and the machine gun team and the assault team, go!" With a semi-automatic force, he rushed out of the village with the assault team.

"Let's go up too!" The deputy squad leader who was not named also rushed out with the two recruits.

Everyone knew about the series of firepower attacks just now, the little devil was unprepared, after these attacks, there were not many troops left.

At this time, it is a good time to go up and deal with the remnants of the enemy, and it is also a good time to bring the recruits to see the blood.

"Rush, kill... da da da... ta da da..." The main task of the No. 2 assaulter is to break into the positions, indoors and other scenes to carry out the first round of strikes.And this time they were the closest to the devil.

Therefore, the 108 assaulters cooperated with each other and approached the devil's convoy, shooting at the remaining devils in groups of three.

Whether it's dead, wounded, hidden... In short, shoot the devil first before talking.

"Baga... Pagou..." The remaining devils shot under the truck.

"Suppression here!...Grenade..." The commando who was hit directly greeted with fire suppression and grenade.

"Long live the emperor underground..." The seriously injured devil soldier held two cantaloupe grenades in his hand, waiting to die after colliding with them.

"Da da da da..." The quick-response soldier made a sieve for the devil, and then crawled on the ground as fast as he could to avoid the impact of the shrapnel.

"Boom..." After the explosion, the devil was blown into pieces, and the soldier was also seriously injured.

"Damn it, take the wounded away, don't get close to the devils, shoot them from a distance! Regardless of whether they are dead or alive, whether they surrender or not, give them a few bullet holes!" Liu Qiusheng saw that the comrade was injured, Roaring loudly...

"Comrades, let's go..." When the battle here was only 1 minute, the squad leaders came up with the assault team, and the deputy squad leader also came up with the recruits.At this time, rushing up, just let the recruits have a positive experience of the battle scene, which is also an experience.

Looking at these people in the guerrilla team, they are all wearing the camouflage training uniforms of the guerrilla brigade. Except for the eight-way cap hidden in the steel helmet on their heads, the rest are too different from the eight-way team, and they look more like a modern team.

In particular, the machine gunner with a Qilari looked like a modern soldier with an assault rifle.

They came up, and the few remaining devils fought back desperately, some fired grenades and planned to die together, some fled while taking advantage of the chaos, and even a few of them spoke Bangzi or Manzhou dialect and raised their guns to surrender.

However, these devils, no matter how they behaved, were shot down by the guerrilla fighters who had suffered once.Preferential treatment of prisoners?What if you surrender with a false head?How many more comrades will you pick up?It's better to kill it than to be happy.

In this way, after about ten minutes, there was no more gunshots on the battlefield, and this raid against the devils came to a successful conclusion.

"Hurry up and send the slightly wounded back to the village, let the doctor treat them! Hurry up... and ask the captain for instructions on what to do next!" The seriously wounded have already been sent away, and now the slightly wounded are also sent back to the village During the treatment.

"Okay, get ready to clean up the battlefield! Go to a few people, check the situation of the trucks, and count the supplies. Also, prepare the oil drums and take away the gasoline... Recruits, continue to be responsible for carrying the corpses..."

"Haha, these mountain artillery infantry guns have not been unloaded from the tractor, and there is still a load of shells. Let's get rich..."

"Hey, there are two lieutenants here. What level of devil are these? Squad leader, we killed the devil officer..."

"In the car, there are heavy machine guns in the car, and there are a lot of bullets. Hurry up and get some people to work harder. It's too heavy..."

"What's the use of us busying ourselves? Go to someone, call the secret service company and the militiamen, bring our big animals, the villagers' carts, and the small carts... Hurry up and clean the battlefield... ..."

Well, the battle was fun, and the next thing will be even more exciting!What could be better than cleaning the battlefield and counting the seized items?
Of course, the ammunition consumed in this battle was also very good, which directly reduced the soldiers' burden by a few kilograms.Well, Qi Lali knocked out at least two magazines, and even a 250-round extended ammunition belt for the machine gun also ran out, the grenade was missing three grenades, and the bazooka was missing one grenade.

(End of this chapter)

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