Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 466 Chapter 465, the 771 regiment is not simple

Chapter 466 Chapter 465, the 771 regiment is not simple

As one of the heads of the two main regiments of the 386 brigade, Captain Xu participated in almost all the ambushes in the early stage of the 386 brigade.Oh, they did not participate in the ambush in Qigen Village, because when they were repairing fortifications near Qigen Village, they were attacked by a regiment of devils and more than 200 cavalry.

Being attacked by devils at night was a bit embarrassing to say, and it also prompted the start of an ambush in Qigen Village.

But what happened to the 771st regiment that was attacked?A large regiment of more than 2000 people was not defeated or even annihilated in the face of a sneak attack by more than 4000 devils at night.

Except for the battle losses during the initial panic, they actually broke out in separate routes for the rest of the time, and even cooperated with each other in their companies and platoons to fight back against the sneak attacking devils.When the division commander found the location of the 771 regiment, he found that many soldiers had changed their weapons and equipment.

Some senior veterans took the newly seized trophies to ask for credit from the teacher, saying that everything captured would be returned to the public...

That's right, I was attacked by others, but only paid the price of more than 30 sacrifices, and then fought back from the devils, and captured a lot of spoils.

Such a situation can only appear in the Eighth Route Army, why don't you try another army?

Back then, they were all veterans, most of them came from the Long March, so how strong is their fighting literacy?
Of course, the current 771 regiment does not have as many elite veterans as before.The veterans are all baby bumps, and many times of military expansion have transferred many veterans away.Especially after being incorporated into the youth column, with the cadres of the 771st regiment as the backbone, 2 regiments and 2 regiments were formed.

However, the current 771 regiment, including the 2nd and 3rd regiments, is much better equipped than the original foundation.It may not be possible for an ordinary combat squad to shoot a single shot, but cold weapons such as red-tasseled spears and bayonets are complete.

Moreover, the 771 regiment also brought 9 continuous machine guns, 9 grenades and 1 grenades.

Well, it was brought down when I came down from the Taihang Mountains.The continuous machine guns were allocated by Minister Zhang to the 386th Brigade, and distributed to the 771st Regiment. The grenade grenades were all approved by Minister Zhang to the 771st Regiment to bring to the Youth Column.

Huangjiatun is a small village, because the road from Nangong to Julu runs from here, so Captain Xu placed the main ambush position here.

"Commander Wu, the 771st Regiment is our old foundation, so the main task of ambushing the devils is handed over to your regiment! Don't embarrass our old troops!" The devils are still on the way, Captain Xu has drawn up a battle plan for the troops, 771 The regiment is naturally in the lead.

"Don't worry, old head, you won't lose face!" Head Wu assured.

"Very good. Your regiment has the best equipment and the most veterans. You must show the prestige of our youth column! Commander Chen, your 2 regiments will hide and wait for the enemy in the small and small villages in the south. If the enemy flees to the south, resolutely Kill them!" Head Xu said to Head 2.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Captain Chen took the task aggressively.I've been playing hide-and-seek with devils these days, so it's time to take a serious bite.

"Regiment 3, you are waiting in hiding in Yan Tuan and Yanjiazhuang in the west, and interrupt the vanguard of the devils!" Captain Xu said.

"No problem, captain, don't worry!" Captain Li assured.

"Secret Service Company, Engineer Company, and Cavalry Company, all of you are on standby in Meng Village in the east to prevent the devils from fleeing to the east! My headquarters is located in Yanjia Village." Captain Xu completed the battle arrangement with a few words.As for how to fight the battle?That is the matter of the three regiment commanders and many company commanders.

Most of the battalion and company commanders are veterans and veteran cadres from the Long March. They are not lacking in experience in specific battle deployment and battle command.

Early in the morning on the 25th, the people in these villages woke up as usual, only to find that there were many more Eighth Route Army troops in the village.Then, under the arrangement of the working groups of the regiments, the people continued to wait at home, and no one made a sound.

In fact, because they are on both sides of the road, these villages have been tossed by devils a lot.The common people fled to death and fled, and there were not many common people left in the village.The common people have had enough of the evils of the devils, and they look forward to having a team to fight the devils every day, and today they finally look forward to it.

At noon, the devil's convoy finally drove over from a distance, and they didn't know where they spent the night last night.But looking at the old hens hanging on the bayonets of the devils and the lambs in their hands, one knew that some villages must have been harmed.

"Remember, China is an inferior nation. We are here to conquer them and pass on the light of civilization to them!" In the devil's team, some officers were educating the recruits.

"Bloody, cruel? No, we are just operating according to historical conventions! You have studied Chinese history in school and know that they are an inferior nation that has been massacred many times in history, but they will eventually forget their hatred and continue to be meek. They can swallow it down. That’s right, they are like pigs and sheep in a pigsty, they are slaughtered and never hold grudges.” The more the devil’s officer said, the more outrageous it seemed, as if this former teacher?

The devil's words echoed on the road, accompanied by the crowing of chickens and sheep, the rolling sound of horse-drawn carts, and the whistling north wind.

In the woods to the south of Huangjiatun, the soldiers of the 771st Battalion of the 1st Regiment hid under the withered leaves, watching the ghosts rumbling past more than 100 meters away, waiting for the start of the battle.On the edge of the woods, more than 10 elm cannons are hidden here, facing the road more than 100 meters away.

The 2nd Battalion hid in the village, but the 3rd Battalion dug a trench in the wheat field and hid their whereabouts with the help of a high-built canal.

"Boom...boom boom..." A series of explosions came from the west, and it was the scorpion mines arranged by the engineers that exploded.

"Fight!" In the woods, a battalion commander roared, the box cannon in his hand leveled and opened fire.

"Papapapa...tom tom...da dada..." The gunfire of the box cannon was crisp and clear, but it couldn't compare to the sound of a 3 plus [-] machine guns firing in succession.

"Chi..." Hiding by the woods, the soldier in charge of lighting the elm cannon lit the fuse, then picked up the red tasseled gun beside him, ready to charge.

"Boom boom boom..." Before the elm cannon fired, the shotgun that was carried to the edge of the woods by several people started.

This is only the firepower of the first battalion. The second battalion in the village and the third battalion in the field also opened fire at the same time.In the current 2 regiment, although there are not as many veterans as before, the weapons are much better.Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, bullets flew towards the devils like a torrential rain.

At this time, the devils hadn't recovered from the excitement of harming the common people, so they could only let the bullets greet them.

(End of this chapter)

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