Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 520 Chapter 519 Why did Lao Li come

Chapter 520 Chapter 519 Why did Lao Li come
When did Lao Li come to Yuanzhen?Well, he'll be here this afternoon.

It is said that after Luo Xiaohu reported the battle situation of the new regiment, he rushed all the way to the headquarters of the new regiment in Songshu Village.Then, Political Commissar Cheng made a decisive decision and took a shortcut to Nanguan with Deputy Head Ding and the rest of the recruit training camp.

At the same time, the commander of the third battalion sent a company to the north with the rescued laborers, and directly moved the supplies from the Nanguan stronghold onto the mules and horse carts brought over, and then returned to the watershed to transfer from the highway to Wuxiang. .

These rescued laborers are all serious young men.Although they have been tortured by the devils for several months, those who can survive have a good quality of life.Eight roads are not bad for taking them, and the seized rice, brown rice, millet and corn are directly boiled into thick porridge for them to eat.

The workers who are full and have strength work extra hard.After all, this is working for the eighth road who saved them from the fire and water, and what they are carrying is the spoils of fighting devils!Hmm, very strong!

With the help of these workers, plus the workers from Nanguan, the entire Second Battalion and First Battalion were liberated.Political commissar Cheng directly brought the new spy company of the first regiment, the first battalion and the rest of the second battalion to the north, bringing enough troops to Lao Li.

Well, the two battalions, with a combined team of more than 1000 people, are still the main battalion with excellent equipment and well-trained combat effectiveness.

With troops in hand, our old Li naturally has ideas.This is the master who dared to fight Taiyuan if he was given a division. Now that he has two battalions, it is no problem to fight a small Laiyuan Town.So, our old Li came up with the idea of ​​Yuanzhen.

The political commissar naturally agreed, but since the two battalions were brought in, there were too many troops to deploy, and in addition to protecting the supplies at Beiguan, they could only send one battalion and one special warfare platoon.However, in order to increase firepower, the political commissar added 20 light machine gun groups from the second battalion to the first battalion, and also supplemented the strength of the first battalion.

Therefore, Li Yunlong rushed to Laiyuan Town with the spy company and the first battalion.When it came to Laiyuan Town, it was still dark, and Li Yunlong and the others hid in the nearby mountains, only waiting for the attack after dark.Why don't you do it during the day?We have to wait for the action of the special battle platoon!

And when Li Yuexuan and the others called to announce the start of the operation, Li Yunlong was listening to the phone at the bridgehead.

"Hahaha... It seems that Li Yuexuan and the others have succeeded. Our old Li's trip was not in vain. Zhang Dabiao, I give you an order now, take your battalion and prepare for battle. Let's fight down Yuanzhen tonight!" Right at Li Yuexuan When they blew up the bridge, Li Yunlong gave Zhang Dabiao an order.

"Captain, do you really want to fight?" Zhang Dabiao asked eagerly, his eyes brightened.

"Of course we will fight! According to Lao Tzu's information, there are only a few hundred puppet troops left in Laiyuan Town, and some military police from the gendarmerie, who have no fighting power at all! Besides, Li Yuexuan and the others have been bombing all the way, and Zihong in the north The devils from Kou and Qi County want reinforcements? Go ahead and dream! Now, the initiative is in our hands!"

Li Yunlong looked at Zhang Dabiao, and explained it to him, which was a kind of education and study.

"Yes...but what will they do when the Special Forces Platoon come back?" Zhang Dabiao was concerned about Li Yuexuan and the others.

"Of course I have arrangements. Company Commander Yang, take your special agent company and detour to the road north of Yuanzhen. Don't let the puppet troops who came to Yuanzhen flee north! When the special warfare platoon comes back, just pick them up !” Li Yunlong had his own arrangements.

"Yes!" The spy company commander Lianyang took the order to go, and started to detour with the energetic spy company.

"Leader, then I will do it here! Leader, look, Laiyuan Town is ours! Hehe, I heard that there are a lot of supplies in Laiyuan Town, and this is ours!" Zhang Dabiao was so excited that he walked out of the machine gun bunker to organize an attack.

"Hahaha... I knew there was going to be a battle tonight, one company, check the ammunition!" The company commander's excited voice echoed far away in the woods.

And following his voice, the other two companies also heard movements, and then the entire forest was filled with high fighting spirit.The soldiers of the first battalion fought the Nanguan stronghold today, and they still suffered some battle losses, but their desire to fight has not diminished at all.

The point is, from the afternoon to the evening, they ate good food (rice rice, pork stew, canned beef stew) and drank good food (big bone soup made from captured beef and sheep bones) and took a good rest. After hours of sleep (there are campsites everywhere in the woods), this is the time to be full of energy.

"Haha, it's up to our First Battalion to fight a tough battle!" The soldiers of the First Battalion were ready to fight the enemy with full momentum.

The fighting spirit here is high, but the puppet soldiers and devils who came to Yuanzhen still didn't realize that the disaster was imminent.In other words, they knew that things were bad, but they didn't expect that someone would dare to attack them.Although, three strongholds were lost today, and so many troops were lost.

Hmm... How should I put it, the gendarmes guarding the town are really nervous, even scared, because they really know the damage of today's battle.However, they did not dare to tell the truth about the situation to the puppet soldiers.

why?The devils treated the puppet soldiers basically as if they were not human beings, just like their own dogs.Therefore, there are still many cases of beating and scolding puppet soldiers in normal times.Do you really want to tell the puppet army about the defeat of the locust army and the huge sacrifice?The military police are worried that the puppet army will mutiny!
Well, usually you have a lot of people, you beat us, scolded us, and even killed our brothers, so it’s not impossible to seize the opportunity to get revenge now, right?
Well, the devil's military police simply didn't tell the puppet soldiers in the town the real situation, they only said that the locust army had a mission.

It's still early, the puppet army is still small, and enough guns and ammunition can be distributed to the puppet army.In the later period of the Anti-Japanese War, the number of puppet troops increased sharply, and the devils were also afraid that they would be disobedient, so they intentionally or unintentionally reduced the supply of ammunition for the puppet troops.

further back?It is said that the life of the puppet soldiers is not easy, and the life of the devils is not easy. In some places, the officials of the puppet army even hired our people to act as "extras" in order to cope with the inspection of the devils.

Of course, that's another story.The current situation is that the first battalion of the Xinyi Regiment is fighting with high spirits, the puppet soldiers know nothing about it, and the gendarmerie is hiding in the gendarmerie shivering... Oh, and the traitors from the Xuanfu squad came from the town again today Several flower girls were caught and sent to the gendarmerie.

"Leader, let's start!" Just as Li Yuexuan and the others blew up the wooden bridge that Erniu and the others were guarding, Zhang Dabiao organized the order of the attack.

"Then let's start! By the way, remove the explosives from this wooden bridge, don't accidentally blow it up!" Li Yunlong said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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