Chapter 522 Chapter 521, Street Fighting
Flares are naturally one of the products of the arsenal.It's just that because of the lack of raw materials, only the guerrilla brigade and the 386 brigade of the fine-bred field can get some and equip them.Well, because the mortar unit of the guerrilla brigade has not yet been formed, the grenadiers can only be equipped with small flares.

The main raw materials of flares are magnesium powder and aluminum powder, plus barium nitrate or sodium nitrate for combustion, and a little rosin and other binders...

Aluminum powder can be prepared because there are bauxite mines around Jiuzhaigou, but magnesium powder is not easy to get.Because the salt pond in Yuncheng was taken over by devils, raw materials such as brine were hard to come by, so we could only make a few for trial use.

Because of the power supply, Jiuzhai Arsenal can only use electrolysis to produce magnesium and chlorine from brine, and it has not yet been able to open a large-scale factory for industrial production.In fact, metal magnesium is still in great demand in the military industry. For example, flash bombs also need magnesium powder.

Flashbang for the new regiment?No!Flash bombs are only included in the equipment establishment of the guerrilla brigade.Moreover, it was only equipped with one for the No. [-] assaulter.If there are too many, it is useless.

The incendiary bomb fired by the 82 is basically no problem to illuminate within one kilometer.So as two incendiary bombs fell from the sky, one after the other, the entire town of Laiyuan was enveloped in the incandescent light of the flares.

"Da da da... da da da..." Needless to say, the eight-way machine gunners who couldn't find the target just now aimed at the figure of the puppet army exposed on the wall and started shooting.

"Ahhh..." Many puppet soldiers were shot and killed, and the firepower on the wall suddenly weakened.

At this time, the soldiers of the first company took the opportunity to place the explosive package on the gate of the town.

"Boom..." More than ten seconds later, the explosive package exploded, and the thick wooden door of the town was blown away, and Laiyuan Town no longer had a door.

"Rush in, kill..." The Eight Routes who were blocked outside the gate attacked Laiyuan Town from the gate one after another, and only the puppet army guarding here retreated steadily.

The sandbag fortifications at the gate were gone... The barricade guarding the entrance of South Street was blown up by rocket launchers... The puppet soldiers hiding on the roofs on both sides of the street were also beaten to death one by one.At the same time, the 2nd company attacked the town all the way from the west gate.

Laiyuan Town is built along the road, and it is long and narrow from north to south, but very narrow from east to west. The 2nd company only needs to cross all the way to the east to divide Laiyuan Town.

When Battalion Commander Lu led a company of brothers from the barracks all the way to the street on the west side of the town for reinforcements, they were met with bullets head-on.

"Zhang Erxi, lead people around here, I will hold down the front of the puppet army!" In the 2nd company and 3rd squad, the squad leader Niu led the machine gun squad to guard an alley, and the deputy squad leader Zhang Erxi led people around.In the alley, there should be a platoon of puppet soldiers who have just been reinforced.Because there was no first-mover advantage, the puppet soldiers could only stand in the alley against the corner, unable to fight back.Want to fight back?The three brothers lying on the ground are an example.

"Pool, it's up to you!" Squad leader Niu finished speaking, hid behind a corner, pulled the trigger of the box gun, and the 10mm Mauser bullets loaded with 7.63 rounds of magazines were stuck in the magazine opening, and he pushed down hard. Press, and the box gun with 20 rounds of fixed gun compartments is filled with bullets.

At the same time, the machine gunner's old pole was holding a Qilali and shooting short bursts in the direction of the puppet army in the alley to suppress the puppet army's actions.

"Chirp..." In the sky, another flare fell down, which allowed the old pole to use the light to find the target.It's just that the puppet soldiers are sticking to the corner, and the bullets can't hurt them.Seeing this situation, the old pole stopped firing after only firing 20 rounds, but waited.

"Their machine guns are reloading, rush over!" The puppet army in the alley is also experienced, the Czech light machine gun has 20 rounds of ammunition, and the magazine needs to be changed after firing, which happens to be a good time to rush out and shoot.As for why the gunshots on the opposite side are different from the Czech gunshots?The puppet soldiers had no time to think about it.

"Hit..." Seeing the puppet soldiers rushing out, the machine gunner joined forces with Squad Leader Niu and fired a series of bullets directly at the puppet soldiers.During the period, three soldiers sprayed 2 shots at the puppet army with shotguns.

After more than a dozen of the unlucky puppet soldiers were knocked down, they soon realized that they had been fooled and fled back into the alley.The corners in this alley are uneven, and the puppet soldiers have plenty of places to hide.

"Swoosh...boom..." Soon, these puppet troops were attacked by grenades from above their heads.It turned out that during the battle just now, Zhang Erxi led a few assault soldiers around to a house, climbed onto the roof of the house, and threw grenades at the puppet army.

"Hit! Shotgun on!" As soon as the grenade exploded, Squad Leader Niu commanded three shotgunners to rush into the alley and spray at the puppet soldiers.And he himself, holding a box cannon with 10 bullets left, helped roll the roll...

The battle is going on in such an orderly manner.Li Yunlong brought four companies, one company was cut off in the north, by the way to support the special warfare platoon, one company was used as a reserve team to prepare for the battle, and only two companies directly participated in the attack.

As for the battle, more than half an hour has passed, and the two companies have joined together, compressing the puppet army and devils in the gendarmerie compound in the northeast corner of the town.

"Hurry up, take the wounded down, get in the car and pull them directly to Beiguan, where our field medical station is!" On the wooden bridge in the south of the town, the instructors of the first battalion led people to guide the traffic to support the front line.

"Where's Zhang Dabiao?" Li Yunlong walked over.

"Report, our battalion commander has brought people to fight the Gendarmerie!" the trainer replied loudly.

"Well, third company commander, you go in too, help clean up the area around the gendarmerie department, and get in touch with the secret service company by the way!" Li Yunlong said.

"Yes!" The third company commander, who had been waiting for a long time, brought a company directly into the town.

In fact, they came in to do some finishing work, because while the second company and the first company surrounded the gendarmerie, they also dispersed their forces in the town.

More than ten minutes later, Li Yunlong arrived in the town under the protection of Luo Xiaohu.Of course, he was not alone, but surrounded by seven or eight guards, and Luo Xiaohu was just the monitor of the guard.

"Commander, you can't get close to the firefighting area. This is stipulated by the brigade commander and the political commissar!" Luo Xiaohu has gone off the beaten track today, but he is still in good spirits.

"Damn, I know! I said you all have submachine guns and box cannons, so you can't follow me to kill devils?" Li Yunlong complained.

"Commander, our task is to protect you! The brigade commander said, when our regiment is finished, we will fight the devils as well. But, we must protect your safety!" Luo Xiaohu said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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