Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 552 Chapter 561, the devils split up

Chapter 552 Chapter 561, the devils split up

The little devil's combat goal is to open up the traffic line, so the direction of attack can only be to attack forward along the traffic line.Even if there are potholes everywhere on the road, and there is a landmine or something some distance away, the devils have to wade through.

Well, the little devils are such a tough guy, because they have to occupy the lines of communication and rely on the lines of communication to complete their strategic deployment.

Of course, the little devil is not stupid, of course he knows how to arrest some local people and find some big animals to help him beat the thunder on the road.

But... Under the strong walls and clear fields, the few villages on both sides of the entire Baijin Highway have been mobilized and relocated by the Eighth Road.Even if the devils wanted to catch people, they couldn't catch them. They could only catch people from Taigu, Qixian County and other counties in the north, and came to visit the thunder.

So, at the Nanguan stronghold, Sasaki and Ze Zilang looked at each other, and the poisonous plan came out immediately-send a car to arrest people and pull them over.

After dispatching the car, the two devils continued to discuss the next step.Because on the road from Nanguan to the north of the Baijin Highway, if the devils want to march on a large scale, they can only advance along the Changyuan River Valley, and there is no other way.That is to say, small elite troops can go up the mountain and move forward, but they must have a guide.

And from Nanguan to the watershed side, there is a direct path to the east, which can be regarded as a marching route.At the beginning when Li Yunlong fought three strongholds, the second battalion and the third battalion came from this side, and later the recruit battalion also came from this side.

Therefore, the two captains murmured together for a long time, and then made a decision: Ze Zilang took the strength of the two brigades of the 107th Regiment, abandoned the baggage, abandoned the mountain artillery unit, and carried infantry artillery, heavy machine guns, Mortars and other weapons are interspersed eastward from the path north of the watershed.

On this road, the devils once came to explore the terrain, all the way to Yuncu Town, and then returned to the watershed when the 386 brigade arrived.

In fact, the little devil also took a fancy to this road, because if you build it all the way east from here, you can go directly to Yushe, thus adding an extra troop transport line.

Therefore, Ze Zilang led the two brigades of the 107th Regiment to cross from here and approach Yushe.Then Sasaki took most of the 69th Regiment, the remaining brigade and artillery team of the 107th Regiment, and the people who went to Lei, and went all the way to Wuxiang along the Baijin Highway.

The 107th Regiment's supply team stayed in the watershed as Ze Zilang's logistics base.By the way, it can also lay a solid foundation for the next two devils in the alliance.In order to cooperate with Ze Zilang, Sasaki planned to take Wuxiang from the 69th Regiment, divide his forces to occupy other counties, and turn to attack northward.

The little devil's plan is very complete, including the main attack direction and the side attack direction.And the logistics line is also guaranteed.At least Ze Zilang's attack cut off the route of the Eighth Route from this route to the watershed Laiyuan Town.

Two hours passed quickly. The automobile transportation team of the Devil's 109th Division mobilized more than 50 trucks and brought more than 1000 young and strong civilian husbands from the northern county, all the way to Nanguan. side.

These peasants were young and strong, and the devils selected 50 unlucky ones as the precursors of the thunder, and the rest started working on the spot, restoring the three strongholds first.As for Laiyuan Town, the devils have completed the construction in the past few days, and it has become a large military depot again.

In order to keep the troops and consolidate the existing occupied areas, the remaining two regiments of the 109th Division followed up to catch up and continued to attack the entire highway southward.In the future, the independent mixed 9th brigade will be responsible for the guards along the way.

In short, the little devil is determined to firmly grasp this road this time.

The young and strong came, and so did the thunderbolts, and the devils continued to line up and march south.When he reached the fork in the east, Ze Zilang led the troops of the two brigades to separate from the main force, and headed east along the rugged and circling path densely covered with grass and trees.

The node chosen by the little devil is actually very good.Because from here to the south to Wuxiang, the journey is about 40 kilometers, and to Yushe, it is 35 kilometers.Considering the difference between roads and mountain roads, Ze Zilang will have about one day to attack Yushe.

If Ze Zilang can attract the main force of the Eighth Route to the west, then the east line and Sasaki's south line go north, just encircling the Eighth Route.

"Quickly, neatly, don't stop..." To the south of the watershed, the people were forced to go all the way by the devils, but they didn't know why.

Why is this happening?Because from Nanguan to the south, the road is still full of potholes, but there are no landmines anymore.It seems that landmines only exist on the road from Nanguan to the north.

On the mountain road to the east of the watershed, more than 2000 devil soldiers marched with difficulty.Especially the artillerymen in the team, even carrying the components of the [-] infantry artillery, interspersed between the bushes and the stream, and tripped one or two from time to time.

"Platoon leader, there's movement!" Just as Ze Zilang's troops walked out for a few miles, a new regiment of sentries hiding on a hill discovered the devil's trail.

"Let me see, give me the binoculars!" Yan Zhouping, the platoon leader of the secret service company, took the binoculars from the soldiers.

"Our observation point can see a lot of places, but the devils marching on the small roads can't see much. However, judging by the length of the team dragged by the devils, there must be more than 2000 people! There are also artillery ..." Yan Zhouping said while watching, silently writing down the devil's situation.

"Okay, you guys continue to observe here, I'll call the regiment headquarters!" Yan Zhouping put down the binoculars and gave it to the sentinel, and went to a small cave by himself.

Soon, the phone of the Xinyi Regiment Headquarters in Songshu Village rang. The operator at the regiment headquarters saw that the call was from the west, and quickly picked up the phone to answer it.

"Regimental Commander, the reconnaissance platoon of the spy company reported that the devils have divided their troops from the watershed line. There are about two field brigades, separated from the main force of the devils, and coming to our regiment headquarters along the path we took before!" Communication Bing reported to Li Yunlong.

"Hahaha... Good time! The field brigade has 1100 people, two 4 infantry guns, four mortars, and an independent heavy machine gun squadron. It's good, good, good!" Hearing the news , Li Yunlong laughed in the regiment headquarters.

"Head, the devils have split into two brigades, are they going to Yushe, right? Or is the little devil trying to throw stones to ask for directions? Use these two brigades to get our main force out?" Political Commissar Cheng said from the side.

"I don't care what the devils mean, anyway, the brigade commander gave me the order to stay on the front line of Yuncu Town and not let the devils go over here. So, no matter how many devils come, I will beat him!" Li Yunlong said.

"Head, do you want to inform the brigade commander?" Political Commissar Cheng asked.

"Must, you go and report to the brigade commander, and say that our sentry has found the ghosts, but it is still 10 miles away from our regiment headquarters. By the way, you can tell the brigade commander that we have a new group of these devils! Hey, that fool Kong Er still wants to fight with us? The little devils don't want to beat them!"

"Now, pass my order, the whole regiment enters the position and prepares to fight! Company Commander Yang, haven't you set up a firework artillery position? Let the devils come when you see the opportunity!" Li Yunlong made the battle deployment.

"Yes, regiment leader!" Amid the excited roars of everyone, the Xinyi regiment had been operating the Songshu Village position for two months, and it came in handy.

(End of this chapter)

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