Chapter 592 Chapter 601, cell, second hall

Half an hour of silent fighting resulted in many casualties in the Devils Regiment.Including the dead patrols outside, there are more than 200 devils in total.

According to the devil's patrol pattern detected by Shopkeeper Sun and the others, another patrol team from the southern barracks will arrive at the regiment headquarters in 20 minutes.In other words, Li Yuexuan and the others still had 20 minutes to fight.If you count the evacuation, this time is very urgent.

The devil's joint headquarters was not set up in the lobby where the prisoners were interrogated. Instead, a command office was set up in the second hall behind.As for the lobby, the Devils turned it into a conference room for convenient meetings.The east and west classes on both sides of the lobby are where Li Yuexuan and the others put the incense.

The rooms on both sides are relatively large, and they are guarded at the gate of the yamen. The devils turned this into a dormitory for the soldiers, which is convenient for the devils to garrison troops.

There is a courtyard between the second hall and the lobby, and there are rooms on both sides, which are the duty rooms where the six government offices are located. The rooms are relatively small and are the dormitories for some officers.As for the captain of the regiment, he should live in the yard dedicated to the county magistrate's family at the back,

It's just that Li Erniu and the others came all the way from behind, but they didn't see where the captain was.Well, the joint captain has the rank of Colonel, so it's easy to recognize.

At this moment, Li Erniu led his men, sticking to the walls on both sides, opening doors one by one to kill the enemies.On the other side, Li Yuexuan led people to pack up the documents and valuables of the Devil's Gendarmerie, and arrived at the prison where the prisoners were held.

"There's no one in the punishment room, Yunfei, you go and open the door!" Li Yuexuan called out from outside the devil's gendarmerie prison.

"Understood..." Li Yunfei, who was born in the Swallow Gate, made a gesture and opened the prison gate with the key he found from the devils.

There are male prison and female prison in the prison. The male prison is in the north and the female prison is in the south. Li Yunfei opened the door of the male prison.

As soon as the door was opened, a stench came to the face accompanied by a strong smell of blood, which made the soldiers who had experienced the battlefield frown.

"Go in..." Li Yuexuan was guarding the door with a semi-automatic sniper rifle, and several commandos stepped in.

In the prison, two special forces members stretched out their hands, and the sharp flashlight illuminated the aisle of the prison.After a quick scan, no enemy was found, and everyone walked forward vigilantly.

There are cells in the prison. There are no beds in the cell, only hay on the floor. The cell door is a small door on the thick wooden fence.

As the special forces walked forward, the light of the flashlight also swept across the prisons, and saw the prisoners in the prisons who were either squatting, standing, or simply lying still.The stench and the smell of blood came from these people.

"Little devil... If you have the guts, give the man a good time!" As if hearing the voice, a prisoner who was hung on the cross cursed.

This man was indeed hung on a cross, because his arms were bound on both sides, and there were long nails on them...

Everyone turned on the lights and saw that the little devil deliberately chose the location of the torture to extract confessions in the cell in order to frighten the prisoner.It was the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and there was still a stove burning in this torture room, and there was a branding iron next to it that smelled of burnt meat.

Li Yunfei and the others did not speak, but continued to search the cells one by one.

"Japanese devils, I am your ancestor, and I want to beat someone, so come at me!" The prisoners next to them couldn't see the faces and attires of the special forces members, so they naturally regarded them as Japanese devils and scolded them.

"Recently, I heard a poem: Dark night, gave me black eyes!" Zhao Yuanbao, who walked to the cross, said in a mixture of Japanese and Chinese.

"The night gave me black eyes, but I use them to look for light! Light is not far away tomorrow. For the sake of light, I am willing to use my mutilated body to hold up the sun of tomorrow!" The man hanging on the cross, Said weakly.

"Just you? What can you do alone? Tell me honestly, code name, code word, contact location!" Zhao Yuanbao continued to ask.

"Code name, dog slaughter, code words, defeat the Japanese devils, contact point, the top of Mount Fuji!" the man continued to say weakly.

"Very good, very good, take it away!" Zhao Yuanbao waved his hand, and immediately a soldier stepped forward to carefully examine the man's injury, and pulled out the steel nail with pliers, and bandaged his wound briefly.

It can only be a simple bandage, because there is almost no good flesh on this person's body, and his whole body is full of injuries.The most obvious ones are the black burn marks on the chest, and the hands without nails...

That's right, this is the person they need to rescue. The conversation just now was just a set of code words agreed before.

Of course, the special operations team members are only responsible for rescuing people out, as for the affairs after they go out, it is under the control of the organization.

At the same time, Li Yuexuan also opened the door of the female prison cell on the other side.

It's just that it's different from the quiet men's prison, when the door is opened there are exclamations, it seems that many women have been frightened.

After using the flashlight, Li Yuexuan immediately became angry.That's right, this is a female prison, but the devils treat the captured women as guards, where they can have fun at any time.In the sweltering cells, the women stayed inside in the most primitive state.When the light shined, some even covered it with their hands, and some were simply numb and motionless.

"Baga! Quiet!" Li Yuexuan shouted in the weird tone of a devil.He had to do this, otherwise the women would start shouting, disturbing the devils in Ertang and causing trouble to Li Erniu.

Well, in fact, there is no need to scream here, Li Erniu also encountered a little trouble.

Just when Li Erniu approached the door of the second hall with people and was about to release Mixiang at the door, the door of the second hall opened from the inside.Then, the light of the white weaving lamp came out, and the devils inside met the special forces at the door face to face.

"Nani?" The ghost soldier inside was taken aback, who is this outside?Why do you dress up like this?Well, the little devil has not realized that he was attacked until now.

"Take your head!" Wu Min at the door would let go of the Mixiang bird, reach out and grab the devil's head and twist it casually... click...

Wu Minhui's skill was very good, and he shot decisively. The devil's neck was twisted just like that.

"Nani? Baga, what's going on?" The devil's voice came from the second hall.

"Come on! Quick battle and quick decision!" Now that it was exposed, don't worry about the silent battle. The special forces team members with submachine guns and Bayi pistols equipped with silencers directly fired at the devils inside from the door and window.

Hiding from the dark, especially in the case of a surprise attack, is also supported by long-term rapid-fire training.

Therefore, within a few seconds, all the devils in the room were killed.

"A group of guards, the second group came in to quickly clean up the battlefield and look for supplies! Pay attention to the devil's alliance flag! And this is a general, the camera is here to take pictures! Go to contact the platoon leader and turn on the radio to report the battle situation!" Li Erniu commanded.

(End of this chapter)

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