Chapter 653 Chapter 662, Attack
When the morning fog cleared, a group of comrades had already arrived at Sanchakou, and they also saw the devil's rear team leaving to the south.

Because of the morning fog, the little devil's supply team was a little out of touch, and they were still marching slowly at this moment, without resting.

"It's done now! Hahaha, these luggage are ours!" The head of the regiment, Chen, looked at the devil's rear and shouted happily in his heart.

"Regimental Commander, the devil's rear team is the transport team, with a total of more than 200 mules and horses, carrying luggage and supplies. The devil's artillery position is staying in the river valley south of Shangxiatai Village... The devil's large army is resting at this time. It seems to be waiting for luggage!"

Soon, the specific movements of the little devil were reported to the first group leader; at the same time, the third group leader also got the battle report earlier.After all, the third regiment was the main attack, setting up several observation points on both sides of the valley, and even pulled a hidden telephone line.

At this time, Balu was much richer, and Hu Changyi had never been so rich in his original time and space.

Not long after the devil's supply team went south, the main force of the little devil moved again.Under the scolding of commanders at all levels, the recruits of the Osaka merchants held their guns helplessly, followed behind their respective squad leaders, and continued to march south.

"Fukushima-san, when will this be the end of a day. If I hadn't joined the army, I would have been slicing fish at my family's restaurant right now. I really miss the taste of sashimi, especially raw fish from Fukushima. Fish fillets," said a ghost recruit.

"Tsuchiya-san, Fukushima's sashimi tastes good, but we still need to ship it to you!" Fukushima kid said.

"Hey... I was homesick when you told me. If I hadn't enlisted in the army, I would have married Sister Weizi from the Aoi family this year. It's a pity, it's just a hasty farewell, and I don't know when I will see you again. "Another devil recruit said.

"The officers say that I will be loyal to the emperor, but I would rather be a tailor for the rest of my life, and it would be better to have a few children with the sister Zhiling next door..."

The voices of the devil recruits were naturally heard in the ears of the veterans.Disrespect to the Emperor?If this had been placed on another team, it would have been slapped on it long ago.However, the old devils from the Second Mixed Brigade had already tried it, but it didn't work.Now just want to be able to fight.

For these ghosts who were born as merchants, as long as the price is right, the emperor is not impossible to sell...

Time passed by like this little by little, and the comrades of the guerrilla detachment were about to show up to lure the enemy, but the detachment leader received an order: stand still.

That's right, the arrangement of the mission is based on the possibility of the situation. Now that the devils are in the position, there is no need for the third detachment to lure them, because the devils themselves got into their pockets, and the leading troops are heading towards the ambush circle of the third regiment and the second battalion. walking.

"Putong, putong..." The soldiers of the Second Battalion had been lurking for a long time, and many of them were cold.But seeing the devil getting closer and closer, the soldiers immediately stopped being cold, and even their hearts began to beat faster, and their whole bodies became hot.

That's right, the mentality of ambush, the more exciting it is when the battle comes.Even the few who had been lurking for a long time and felt uncomfortable holding back their urine suddenly lost their sense of urgency and only felt trembling all over, as if they could jump up at any time.

"Crack, crack..." Suddenly, the gunfire of the Bayi-style Black Star pistol was heard from the second battalion's position, and it was still firing continuously.

"Hit..." The sound of gunfire was an order, and the comrades of the Second Battalion lifted off the camouflage weeds and leaves on their bodies, showed their figures from the mountain ridge, and raised their guns to shoot.

"Tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom to the south west of Yansu Cliff from Nandaoshengao to Beidaoshengao in the southwest of Yansu Cliff. .This is the company's machine guns for the three companies of the second battalion, and the standard configuration of three heavy machine guns for one company.

"Da da da... da da da..." The 2 squad machine guns belonging to the combat squads of the 27nd Battalion also fired without showing any weakness.Although the attributes are a bit mixed, the firepower is really not weak.

Then, some shotguns in suitable positions fired loudly, showing their presence.That's it, not counting the 18 groups of grenadiers firing there.Well, there are fewer grenadiers on Santuan's side, only two in a row.Well, not all eight routes are called 386 Brigade.

The vanguard of the devils was a squadron. Because of the special organization of the independent mixed brigade, two 197 heavy machine gun squads were added, and there were [-] devils.This squadron was the first to explore the way, and was marching in the mountains and valleys at this time, and was stunned by the sudden gunshots from the second battalion commander.

Then, the whizzing bullets arrived, and the little devils were shot and fell to the ground.

"Baga, there is an ambush! Concealment, concealment..." The devil's squadron leader had rich experience in combat, and responded on the spot, drawing his knife and commanding loudly.

"Chirp chirp chirp... boom boom boom..." The squadron leader's voice was quickly drowned out by the sound of grenade explosions.

Although only 18 grenades were exploded this time, the power is not small.After the explosion, the devil's squadron leader fell directly to the ground. There were more than one bloodstains on his body, indicating that his body was covered with shrapnel, and he couldn't die anymore.

"Quickly, retreat, retreat to the village..." The devils were fired for more than ten seconds, and finally some devils started to run northward.

However, in the original squadron of more than 100 people, there were only more than 30 devils running back.The rest were either wiped out, or they hid behind the stones in the valley and fought back.

"Damn it, these devils are still stubbornly resisting? Trumpeter, blow the charge!" The second battalion commander is an old Red Army, and still retains the habit of three shots and eight shots. He can output firepower for ten seconds. The limit... Well, 10 seconds, the bolt-action rifle only takes two shots, and the fast hand has three shots.

"Tick tock..." The sound of the charge is always so loud, it will bring infinite terror to the enemy and bring us incomparable courage.

This point, the soldiers of Niu Niu's Rifle Regiment should have a deep understanding.Back then, when we picked [-] halls in a row, a battalion of Niu Niu was scared off by the charge...Of course, that was later.

Now, the charge blaring, the soldiers of the second battalion put on their bayonets one after another, jumped down the hillside, and rushed towards the devil's team.

"Kill... the recruits follow me..." A squad leader surnamed Guo rushed down the hillside as fast as he could with a shotgun in his hand.Behind him, followed by five recruits, judging from the long barrels in their hands and the red cherry blossoms, this is a red-tasseled gun.

Well, the red-tasseled gun is paired with the shotgun. The comrades of the third regiment have kept these cold weapons in order to save bullets and increase the combat effectiveness of hand-to-hand combat.The difference is that the soldiers still carry rifles on their backs, and the red-tasseled guns are only used when charging.

", touch..." Squad leader Guo rushed quickly. With sharp eyes, he saw three devil soldiers hiding behind a rock, and fired two shots directly at the rock. .

Behind the stone were three devil recruits, who had never experienced battle, they were still in a daze at this moment, but instinctively obeyed the order and hid.It's just that, after hiding, but no new order was issued, the three devils were a little at a loss.

Where is the person who gave the order?Oh, well, lying on the side, there are at least 5 bullet holes in his body, it looks like Min Ersi did it.

(End of this chapter)

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