Chapter 660 Chapter 669, lure the enemy
The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return... Although Lieutenant Honma who took the lead is not a strong man, under the command of the army, he must continue to move forward.Therefore, he opened his mouth and ordered: "Use the stretcher to send the wounded back to the stronghold, and the rest of the troops will continue to move forward!"

For the next itinerary, the little devils walked carefully. Even if there were deep holes on the road, the engineers would search carefully, and then fill in what could be filled, and detour if they could not.Moreover, the little devil also mobilized more than 100 puppet troops from the stronghold, and walked ahead to beat the thunder.

In short, the explosion of a bullet and thunder made the devil's marching speed extremely slow, and the little devil wanted to go to Langya Mountain tonight.

However, the more the little devils walked, the more surprised they became. How come there are fewer potholes on the road?Mine didn't come across one either?This has gone 8 miles, right?Is it possible that this is the only bullet and mine along the way?Or are we lucky not to step on it?

Well, what the little devils don't know is that the road potholes and bullet mines they first encountered were only done by a nearby militia squad.They received an order to act at night, dug a few holes, planted a bullet and mine, and ran away.After all, it was too close to the stronghold, and it was too difficult to do the work.

Seeing the smooth road ahead, the little devils are also happy, and we can go on our way with peace of mind.The puppet soldiers who were urgently recruited to come to thunder are also happy, at least they don't have to be cannon fodder, right?
As a result, the little devils speeded up, and the puppet soldiers also kept tossing their legs and feet like being chased by dogs, and the speed also increased.

However, when they walked another five or six miles, there was a bang in the team, and a dozen or so puppet soldiers who were walking together fell to the ground.

"Damn... Hurry up and save people!" The company commander of the puppet army was terrified, but he still had to bite the bullet and went to the mine pit to check.Well, the black smoke is still rising, and a puppet soldier still has a piece of black bamboo stuck in his thigh. This is the bamboo tube thunder weapon.

In Yanggezhuang, Captain Yang and Captain Ju gathered together to smoke dry pipes, and militiamen and guerrillas also gathered in twos and threes to make daily routines.

"Old Yang, calculate the distance, the little devil should have arrived even if he set off at dawn, right? Why haven't you come yet?" Captain Ju took a puff of his pipe and puffed on the pipe.

"It must have been done by the militiamen from other villages, right? A few days ago, the district chief asked us to have a meeting and asked us to think of ways to destroy the road and bury the devils in mines. After a few days, I am afraid that mines will be indispensable along the way." Captain Yang said .

"Zi..." Captain Ju took a deep breath: "If you don't come, don't come, let's wait here. Unless the little devils don't want to fight, then they will come sooner or later!" Captain Ju glanced at the place in the northeast again. On the top of the mountain, continue to wait for the devil to come to the door.

Yanggezhuang is a fortress village on the west side of the Jinpo stronghold, and it is the frontier village against the devils.It's just that there is still some distance from Jinpo, and there are some small villages with militias active in the middle.

In short, wherever there are villages along the way, there are militia organizations led by us.The militiamen may not have a few decent rifles in their hands, but there are still some indigenous weapons such as double-barreled shotguns, modified shotguns, and elm cannons.Most of them are all kinds of land mines and bullet mines are extravagant.

As for the anti-enemy weapon such as tunnels, under Hu Changyi's intentional or unintentional introduction, they are now appearing in various bases.You're not stupid. With the experience of Xiao Li's Village, tunnel warfare has naturally become popular.Therefore, the village soldiers along the way also have tunnels available.

Of course, those are all small-scale, and the one who can really fight the devils is Yang Gezhuang.But now it seems that if the little devil wants to reach Yanggezhuang quickly, he can't do it in a day or two...

In Zhangjiafen, when Jinpo's devils set off, the two assault companies of the 3rd detachment had already made preparations in the morning fog.

When the soldiers came, they had already mobilized before the battle, and they were all in good spirits.Even knowing that this operation is very dangerous and that they will die at every turn, the soldiers still maintain an optimistic attitude.And it’s different from being hungry in an ambush before, we have rations this time.

The steamed corn bread in their arms was still warm, and they ate it with pickled vegetables and boiled water, and boiled eggs. The soldiers were very happy to eat.

After carefully burying the egg skin in the soil, and finally gulping water, Captain Gao stood up.With the kettle on his back, he pulled out a Black Star pistol from the holster, and looked at it carefully: "This gun is really good, but it can hold fewer bullets."

"It's just as good as the box cannon. It's lightweight. But when it comes to fighting, it's still easy to use!" Company Commander He pointed to his semi-automatic, which is one of the 3 semi-automatics in the three teams.Well, none of the three regiments have such a gun, and the three regiments got it in exchange for supplies.

"Company commander... report to the company commander that the search team of the little devils has come out. There are more than 100 devils all the way south, and more than 50 devils all the way east!"

Listening to the scout's report, the two company commanders looked at each other, with a smile on their lips: That's right, so we don't need to go find them.

"Tell the Assault Company to continue to hide and use my gunfire as an attack order!" said Company Commander Gao.

"Assault the second company, after dozens of gunshots, and then open fire!" Company Commander He said.

Soon, Company Commander He and the comrades of the Second Company disappeared at the bottom of the ditch, taking advantage of the cover of the morning fog that had not cleared, and hid on the mountain ridge opposite the ravine. In a ravine more than 100 meters wide, two companies lay in ambush, waiting for the devil's search team to come.

After Erlian hid for more than ten minutes, the morning fog cleared, and the observation posts also saw the devils who had come to search.

I saw in the ravine, more than 50 devils with rifles and machine guns on their shoulders, just facing the rising sun and heading east, approaching... approaching...

"Crack, crack, crack..." The unique sound of the Bayi Black Star pistol sounded, and it was Company Commander Gao who fired first.

"Nani?" The devil captain of the search team at the bottom of the mountain was taken aback when he heard the gunfire, and instinctively looked towards the south hillside.At this moment, the assault in the south opened fire in full swing!

"Pa... da da da... tom tom... boom..." All the rifles, light machine guns, grenades, shotguns and other weapons in a company started to move.

"Swoosh...ahhh..." Even if the little devils were separated, they couldn't stand the full firepower of 100 people, and a dozen fell down on the spot.

"Fight back... Quickly fight back... light machine guns, over here... grenade launchers, look for enemy machine gun fire!" The devil's squad leader was not killed immediately, but he directed the devils to fight back immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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