Chapter 684 Chapter 693
Surrounding the point to fight aid...or call it to hit the aid at the same time as the point, this move we Eighth Route has used is already superb.

However, the little devil always had no suitable way to deal with it. It wasn't until Neji Okamura tried out the cage policy that he got better.

Now, Neiji Okamura is not yet in power, and the devils in North China are still at the time when they are led by the nose and beaten by the eight roads, but there is nothing they can do.

Counting the numbers, since the end of the Battle of Wuhan, the devils in North China have carried out large-scale sweeps behind the enemy's rear for countless times, but each time it has not had a good effect.Now, the devil is guarding the county seat well, but he has received the news that Zhaodian's stronghold has been beaten.

If the devils are the devils from the 109th Division, the 108th Division,... all the devils who have been beaten by the Eight Route Army in this way, I am afraid that the devils in Licheng should close the gates and send all the soldiers to the city defense fortifications to wait. The battle is coming.

However, the ghosts of the 36th Division really have never fought a frontal battle with the Eight Route Army... Well, there may be a battle, but they have never encountered such a tactical method.This caused the devils of an infantry brigade in Licheng to directly send two squadrons of infantry reinforcements.

The ghosts of the two infantry squadrons actually had cars. They crowded together in more than a dozen trucks, and led by three sidecar motorcycles, they rushed all the way to Zhaodian in a gorgeous way.

"嗤嗤嗤...嗵嗵嗵..." At this time, Tang Jiangyong and the others scattered the 8 sects and 82 forces in the hidden place under Taoer Mountain.Replaced with a long artillery grenade with a 150mm warhead, it was pulled with a primer.With the dull explosion, the long artillery shells flew towards the gun tower on the mountain flickeringly.

"Shoot, shoot..." Squadron Captain Yamaguchi greeted loudly on the second floor of the gun tower, directing the firepower of the machine guns in the gun tower to suppress the eight roads.

As the war continued, the devil's gun towers were constantly changing.In the past, there were windows on the first floor of the Ai Pao Lou, but now they don't even have windows.Well, the little devil was terrified by the grenade thrown by the eight-way raid.

And in some places, the devil's gun towers even put the stairs on the second floor. After going upstairs, remove the ladder and outsiders will not be able to go up.The first floor is basically a warehouse with no windows or doors.

"Quack... Ce Ce Ce... Pa Hook..." From the firing port of the gun tower, all kinds of firepower continued to shoot at the eight roads.

"Da da da... Papa..." Eighth Road's counter fire was even more intense. The bullets kept hitting the wall of the gun tower. Occasionally, a few bullets penetrated the shooting holes and would take away the lives of several devils.

" come the firepower of the Eight Routes is so strong?" The captain of the Yamaguchi squadron hid behind the sandbag and muttered in a low voice.

"Boom boom boom..." Suddenly the entire gun tower was covered by a huge explosion.Amid the sound of the explosion, the gun tower shook violently, and several bright holes suddenly appeared on the wall of the gun tower. Shock waves and masonry fragments shot into the gun tower before the holes appeared.

"Ahh..." There were two huge grooves on the first floor of the gun tower, and the shock wave carried bricks and shell fragments back and forth inside the gun tower, killing and injuring the devils inside.A few were still intact, but their faces were blackened, with black and red blood flowing from their mouths, and there were various pieces of meat in them.

As for the second floor?After the explosion, it was quiet, only the 5 holes on the left, right, top, bottom, and top were showing light and cold wind.

"Clatter..." After a while, some bricks and stones began to fall from the damaged part of the hole.

"Boom..." The falling bricks made the load-bearing wall unable to bear the weight of the third floor, and the entire blockhouse collapsed to one side.

"My mother..." Shen Quan held up the binoculars and looked at the collapsed cannon building, his eyes widened.

"Battalion Commander, look quickly, a cannon has fallen..." Well, two [-] infantry guns on the third floor fell on the hillside with the collapse of the turret.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Rush up and finish off the remnant enemy!" Shen Quan yelled and was about to pull the big knife from behind.

"The grenadier, cover it with a wave of explosive bombs!" The first battalion commander held Shen Quan back and gave the grenadier an order.

"Comrades, let's go..." The soldiers of the second battalion shouted and began to climb the slope.

"Tom tom tom... Chirp chirp... Boom boom boom..." The grenadier leaped over the charging team and exploded directly on the devil's position and the ruins of the gun tower.

"Kill..." The soldiers of the second battalion had all experienced infantry coordination training, and no one cared about the explosion of the grenadier, and they still rushed up the mountain.

"Baga, hurry up, speed up..." The devil's gun tower collapsed, and the gun tower, which could be seen from Licheng, was shortened by more than half, and the devils who were adding reinforcements saw it.Therefore, he urged the drivers to go towards Zhao's shop as if they were flying.

The devil's truck drove very fast, because the devil actually leveled and rested Hanchang Avenue during this period.

"Da da da... Ce Ce Ce..." On top of the sidecar motorcycle, the devil's machine guns kept firing on both sides of the road, which was their habit.

"Prepare..." Not far from Zhao's shop, Cheng Xiazi raised his hand: "Hit!" He raised his arm fiercely.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom..." On the side of the devil convoy, the shotguns of the 772 regiment gathered to cover and stand by began to fire in salvo, and countless steel balls and iron sand were fired at the convoy densely.

"Bump... squeak... crunch... duang..." Well, the flying fragments pierced the truck's tires, and some devil's drivers were also killed.As a result, the out-of-control trucks began to scurry around, some rear-ended, and some directly hit the nearby rocks...

"Machine gun cover, commando, kill..." Cheng Xiazi personally directed.

"Da da da... da da da da..." Many of the 772 regiment fired at the convoy from all angles with machine guns.

"Comrades, let's go..." The battalion commander roared, and hundreds of soldiers rushed towards the convoy with shotguns, rifles, squad machine guns and other weapons.

"Boom... Kacha..." The comrades with shotguns held guns at their waists, and sprayed at the place where the devils gathered.

"Puff, puff..." The soldiers with rifles took the opportunity to go up, and the long bayonets kept harvesting the devil's life.

For the soldiers of the 772 regiment, is such a battle a trivial matter?Some veterans who had experienced the Long March even killed devils like a tiger descending a mountain.I saw that their movements were not that big, but every time they made a move, they always used the smallest force and the shortest distance to stab the devil's vitals.

As for the devils who fought against them, they often saw the bayonet pierced in their chests before they could react effectively.

The Bayonets' bayonets are now dominated by three-edged bayonets.Although the assassination effect of the triangular thorn is not as powerful as in the legend, there is one thing that is true, that is, the penetrating power is very good, and it will not be squeezed by the pressure in the human body and it will not be easy to pull out.

(End of this chapter)

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