Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 693 Chapter 702, well, that's it

Chapter 693 Chapter 702, well, that's it

"Captain, the devils don't even know that we are supplementing the regiment, okay? We hide in the mountains all day long and help the fertilizer factory (the code name of the Laogou Arsenal). How long has it been since we have fought?" Well, whoever said that It was none other than that idiot Li Tieniu, the commander of the security company of the supplementary regiment.

"Company Commander Tieniu, stay safe and don't be impatient. We didn't fight, but our training didn't fail at all. Look at the battle below. Our soldiers are skillful in their coordination and have already put their tactics into actual combat. Said Tailor Chen, secretary of the regiment.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity, those clothes, whose soldier is that? How can you open up the devil? It's hard to deal with!" Diao Qixian is now the deputy company commander of the guard company. Seeing the battle at the foot of the mountain, he immediately I remembered my old job.

"Not bad, a few recruits finally had a chance to see blood! Not bad, who is that? Good guy, no wonder the blacksmith had to give him a saber-chopping knife. It's two halves! Xiao Diao, this is better than you. It was much bloodier when it was Sap," said Wang Han, the commander of the special warfare company.

"I know that guy. Seven people in his family were killed by devils, and he escaped by going hunting in the mountains. This is a blood feud!" Wang Xiaoer said.

"Okay, watch carefully, those who are suitable for admission to the special warfare company will enter the special warfare company, and those who are suitable for entering the guard company will enter the guard company. Go to the individual and send a signal to the third battalion commander to end the battle, Dongyangguan There was the sound of cannons over there, it should be that the secret service team has succeeded." Zhao Fengnian said.

"Yes!" Immediately, a soldier nearby took out his bugle and blew the rallying call.

"Comrades, use guns to kill those with guns, hurry up!" The commanders of the third battalion immediately changed their unhurried attack stance when they heard the assembly number. The soldiers took out their black star pistols and pointed at the remaining Dozens of devils pulled the trigger.

After a burst of gunshots, the devils were completely wiped out on the spot, and none of them escaped.

"Go, take a look at those cars, and drive all the ones that can be driven to Qingqiu. How can a car be exchanged for more than a dozen long artillery grenades? Although we haven't had a chance to use them yet, I heard them say that this long artillery grenades Blowing up bunkers is a must!" said Zhao Fengnian.

"Leader, when are we going to Qingqiu? I miss those old brothers!" Tailor Chen said.

"Yeah, it's been more than a year since we separated. Fortunately, those members of the original guerrillas are still there. When the Hanchang Avenue is opened up, we will go to Qingqiu to visit relatives. After all, the Ninth Detachment is our guerrilla group." The old base of the team. First battalion and second battalion, organize your recruits to clean up the battlefield." Zhao Fengnian said.

"Yes... from the first battalion, the recruits come with me; from the second battalion, all the recruits come with me..." the two battalion commanders greeted.

Soon, only the veterans of the first battalion and the second battalion, the guard company and the newly expanded special warfare company were left by Zhao Fengnian's side.Well, the special warfare company was originally a special warfare platoon. I heard that after the expansion of the special warfare platoon of the Nine Detachments, Zhao Fengnian also expanded.

Speaking of which, the supplementary regiment of the 386 brigade is probably the most misnamed regiment.It is said to be a supplementary group, but it does not do supplementary things at all, and it has properly developed into the main group.Don't talk about replenishing troops for other regiments, Zhao Fengnian is benevolent if he doesn't rob the veterans of other regiments.

In a sense, the nature of the supplementary regiment is more similar to that of the Ninth Detachment. They are all troops guarding the arsenal and belong to the nature of the garrison.Or why the 386 Brigade included the supplementary regiment when it built the model regiment?That's why.

Hmm... The real replenishment of the 386 brigade is the replenishment brigade, and their soldiers have supplemented part of the independent regiment.

In today's battle, Zhao Fengnian brought 3 main battalions and 3 directly subordinate companies (special warfare, guards, artillery), and used 500 troops to deal with the [-] troops reinforced by the devils.Because of the good equipment, the bombing of the mortar company was not used in this battle.

Zhao Fengnian's tactics are to use snipers and accurate shooters to kill the driver of the devils to fight the parking team, shotguns and directional mines to sweep the side, snipers to kill the devil's machine gunner, machine guns to shoot the densely populated places of the devils, and finally the third battalion commander led three The battalion rushed down to hand-to-hand combat.

Well, in hand-to-hand combat, it's basically a 4v5 or even [-]v[-] situation.

In order to train the recruits and let the recruits see blood, after a wave of shotgun shots, the soldiers were asked to fight the wounded devils.The recruits were either trembling, or working hard, and finally saw blood.

In order to reduce casualties, there are two veterans holding semi-automatic watches beside each recruit, and they will help the recruits when they are in danger of being lost.

Well, even though there were still some casualties in this way, a lot of good seedlings were found.These mighty recruits will naturally undergo special training in the direction of assault infantry, special forces, and scouts.

Therefore, the recruits also accounted for the vast majority, and the devils of the [-]st Independent Mixed Brigade, whose combat effectiveness had been severely weakened, became the nourishment for the growth of the supplementary regiment.They used their deaths to train a group of soldiers who had seen life and death for the supplementary regiment.

"Okay, send a telegram to the brigade department..." After cleaning up the devils at the foot of the mountain, Zhao Fengnian ordered to send a telegram to the brigade department.

"Hahaha, very good, now Licheng is in our hands! The next step is to concentrate our efforts to take down She County and control the eastern section of Hanchang Avenue in our hands!" The brigade commander slapped the table excitedly.

"After these two days of fighting, I'm afraid comrades will consume a lot of energy, so Shexian County needs to wait for two days. In addition, we have to completely clean up Licheng, which will also take time." The political commissar said.

"I didn't say anything, just follow our original plan! Don't worry, whatever day was originally planned will be that day. That is, I didn't expect this battle to be so smooth, and the speed of attacking the county town to pull out the stronghold is too fast!" The brigade commander was quite emotional Said.

"Yeah...but with so many good weapons in hand, hurry up...hahaha..." The two looked at each other and laughed.

In Shexian County, the devils of the First Independent Mixed Brigade received a report from the traitor in a panic: Eight Routes placed 500 locust army corpses near Chunshuling, and asked the locust army to send civilians to restrain them.Remember, don't send troops, don't bring weapons.

That's right, it was the traitors who brought the devils, but the news to the traitors is our common people.Although the common people hated these two devils anxiously, they still boldly went to Shexian County with letters and gave the letters to the two devils wandering on the street.

The second devil still wanted to arrest someone, but he boldly wore a grenade around his body. Does that mean you try to move me?If the second devil really dare not try, he will try, because if he tries, he will die...

Therefore, when the Eighth Routes were busy cleaning up the traitors in Licheng, stabilizing the people, restoring the lives of the people, and establishing a defense node at Dongyangguan, the devils in Shexian County really organized more than 1000 people, brought large carriages and The pusher came to collect the devil's body.

(End of this chapter)

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