Chapter 727 Chapter 736, surrounded again
"Which way are we going?" Li Yunlong encountered this question after cleaning up the battlefield in Shangzhai.

"Go to the east! There are only two regiments near the detachment, let's go with them!" Li Yunlong thought for a while and said.

Soon, the temporary regiment took the road that was very close to the detachment, and rushed towards Beiyang City and Nanyang City.

The time has come to March 3th, and the siege and interception against the 7th Army has continued all day and night.

During this day and night, no matter who is fleeing, it will be uncomfortable.In fact, the distance between the two sides is not too far, only more than 30 kilometers.Counting the rugged and winding mountain roads, it covered more than 40 kilometers.

The marching distance of more than 40 kilometers is nothing to the old eight roadmen.When we flew to capture the Luding Bridge, we ran 240 miles, which is much farther than this. There are two points for the 97th Army to cross the Zhang River, because the location of the river crossing is different, the chasing troops are different, and the results of the war will be different.

Cross the river from Xujiatan, one day after crossing the river, follow the mountain road down the river, and then continue to the southwest at the corner of the Zhanghe River.After going through a long mountain road and passing through some villages, the team will arrive at Donggang Town.

Crossing the river from Nanyang City, walking south is a ravine that is about ten miles away, and going south along the ravine is Duli Town.From here, 20 miles to the west is Donggang.From Donggang to the south, after passing through a stretch of rolling hills and mountains, is Lin County.

There is also Xigang to the west of Donggang Town, and there is a place called Lujiazhai beside Xigang.And the team on the left, after marching all day and night, was already waiting here.

"Regimental Commander, are you so sure that the 97th Army will go this way?" On the hillside to the east of Lujiazhai, the team of the new regiment had already established a position.The battalion commander of the new regiment, Zhang Dabiao, was asking his new regiment commander, Ding Wei.

"I don't know if the 97th Army will go this way. I only know that this is the best way to go from Zhanghe to Lin County. Look at our west, from here to the southwest Further south, there are relatively flat valleys along the way." Ding Wei pointed to Lujiazhai behind him.

"You are looking at this side." Ding Wei pointed to a mountain road to the south: "From here to the south, you can also reach Lin County, but you have to climb mountains, and the road is all mountainous."

"If our team is being chased, I will choose the most difficult mountain road, wear down the enemy chasing us, and even find a suitable place to fight back. But we are chasing the 97th Army, they I wouldn’t choose a difficult place!” Ding Wei said with a smile.

"Head, I heard that our old head has also led the team to join the battle? He is leading the team to chase the enemy right now, can we meet him?" Wang Chengzhu asked.

"What? Missed your old regiment leader? I thought about it too. We haven't seen him for a month. However, I guess your regiment leader will not take the usual path. At this moment, he probably brought a group of temporary drills into the ravine and went directly to Lin County!" Ding Wei said.

"Isn't that a siege? Our team leader..." Zhang Dabiao said.

"It's not disciplined, right? The chief didn't say which way he had to go? As long as he can catch up and stop the enemy, that's fine!" Ding Wei knew Li Yunlong too well.

"Regimental Commander...Regimental Commander, the enemy is here, and a regiment has entered Donggang Town!" At this time, the scouts who had left Donggang came back and reported.

"Did you see it? This is the enemy's advance force! Didn't say anything, we have been fighting for two days and one night, this time we will pick a soft persimmon and squeeze it! Wang Chengzhu, how many shells do we have?" Ding Wei asked .

"Reporting to the commander, there are still 82 rounds of the 480 mortar shells we brought, and... 15 rounds of super-caliber long artillery shells!" Wang Chengzhu said.

"Haha...Okay, that's great! Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong, you old boy worked so hard to get the equipment for the team, but let us Ding Wei have a good time!" Ding Wei took over the new team Later, he was taken aback by Xinyituan's family background.

Good guy, this equipment, this ammunition reserve, Li Yunlong is indeed a good player in developing the team.

"Listen to my orders and hide! No one is allowed to show their heads, and no one is allowed to reveal their positions! Second Battalion Commander, isn't your battalion good at playing fireworks? How powerful! So, when to fight, it's up to you!" Ding Wei said to Shen Quanzhong, the commander of the second battalion.

"Regiment leader, don't worry, as long as the enemy enters our ambush area, the 50 sets of fireworks I brought will let them know what is called the [-]th floor of hell!" Shen Quanzhong assured his regiment leader.

"Xizi...Wang Xikui, right... When your old regiment leader left, he specifically told you, Zhang Dabiao, and Wang Chengzhu to leave, but I didn't agree to let Wang Chengzhu go. How about it? This time, let's fight an ambush. Have a look at your craftsmanship?" Ding Wei looked at Wang Xikui.

"Regimental commander, don't worry, I will prevent the enemy's machine guns from firing...Of course, if the enemy still has machine gunners alive!" Wang Xikui glanced at the second battalion commander and said.

"Commander, what about me? What is our artillery company doing? Also, my regiment commander still owes me half a catty of Fenjiu!" Wang Chengzhu leaned over and said.

"Before your artillery company can make a move, you stay on the ground and listen to the phone. Once you give you an order, give me a hard bomb!" Ding Wei said.

"Yes...but my Fenjiu..."

"I treat you to drink! After the fight, go back to the station, a catty of Fenjiu, enough!" Ding Wei said.

"Damn it, why are these Eight Routes moving so fast? I left a total of 2000 people fighting along the road, how can I catch up?" Zhu Huaibing was looking angrily at the information sent by the scouts.

That's right, one regiment of the advance regiment of the 97th Army (the fastest to retreat) has passed Donggang and is almost at Lujiazhai.But the main force of the 97th Army was walking in the ravine east of Donggang.But at this time, they got the news that Eighth Road was catching up.

"Tell the team in front to speed up the march immediately, and we won't rest! Hmm... These eight groups were chased and beaten by us at the beginning, they are really powerful!" At this time, Zhu Huaibing had a deep understanding of the former Red Army. understand.This feeling of being chased and beaten is really uncomfortable!

The one chasing after the 97th Army was naturally the youth column crossing the river from Xujiatan. Commander Xu led three regiments directly to catch up with the main force of the 97th Army.

At this time, the main force of the 97th Army still has 8000 people, and its strength is still very sufficient.However, the morale is low, and without the baggage, how much fighting power do you have if you are already hungry?Well, several villages along the way have been robbed by them, and the food they got has been consumed by several meals.

Originally, Donggang Town was a good supply point, a small mountain town surrounded by mountains, surrounded by a lot of flat land, the chain production is very good, and a lot of food supplies can be obtained.It's just that there is no time to raise food for them now.

(End of this chapter)

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