Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 786 Chapter 795, fishing and fighting

Chapter 786 Chapter 795, fishing and fighting

"Okay... okay... Comrades, clean up the battlefield, move!" Tang Bing did not hide his excitement, and called the soldiers of the reconnaissance company to clean up the battlefield.It is said that the 17th regiment was formed by combining some local guerrillas with the main force regiment, and Tang Bing also participated in the battle.

But... since he became a soldier, he has never participated in a battle to wipe out a squadron of devils in one fell swoop!The point is, they wiped out a squadron of devils without any damage, and the little devils didn't even have a chance to fight back!
"This strategy is good, but it consumes a lot of ammunition!" Tang Bing said when his instructor was directing the battle.

"A lot of ammunition is consumed, but you actually earn more...Look at the devil's ammo box, it's full! Even the gun chamber is full! Look at those grenade launchers, they haven't even moved. It's all ours..." Tang Bing said.

"Haha, that's right, our regiment has seized again this time, even if we get one-third of these equipment, it's enough for our regiment to equip a company!" said the instructor.

"Scary... you still want to share one-third of the spoils?? It would be nice if you could give us some ammunition! You don't care who is in charge of this battle? Who is the main firepower output? Let's come Learning..." Tang Bing said more like an instructor.

"That's what I said... Forget it, I'll go and have a look. It's good to have a good time... Oh, isn't this a squadron leader? He's an immortal, and the blood from his blood stained the puddle red , these fish can’t be’s unlucky..." the instructor stood beside Watanabe's body and said.

"Hello? Captain, it's us... yes, the reconnaissance platoon, we just wiped out a squadron of devils, no one was injured, and the devils were killed without a chance to fight back for years! Okay... I'll go now Tell our platoon leader!" On the western city wall, the communicator of the reconnaissance platoon finally got through the phone.

"Platoon leader... the captain asked us to go down and see if there is anything good in that plane!" The signalman shouted down from the city wall.

"Hey... We've been wanting to do this for a long time! Where's our sheepskin bag? Let's blow some, let's go to the plane and have a look!" Liang Qiu said.

Soon, the entire sheepskin bag was blown up, and then tied together in groups of five, with a wooden frame on top, and the soldiers rowed to the plane on a raft.The position of the plane is easy to judge. The one that was blown up doesn't need to be taken care of, but the reconnaissance plane is still in the water.

Soon, a few wooden rafts went to the plane. Immediately, soldiers with good water skills took off their coats, put on shorts and went into the water to find the good things on the plane.At this time, the cabin was already filled with lake water, and the bodies of Abe and Koizumi were soaking in the cabin...

Well, Koizumi was shot dead, Abe was trapped in the cabin and drowned alive, it can be seen from the looks.As for the glass on the cabin, it was all shattered at this time, it was caused by the shock wave of the bomber's explosion in the water.If this reconnaissance plane can still be kept intact, it is already of good quality.

"Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrurr, etc. etc., but also for the underwater soldier Zhang Ze's face to be embarrassed.Well, I took a breath and went into the water, and found that the good thing didn't hold back and wanted to talk, but it turned out to be embarrassing.

Fortunately, Xiao Baitiao Zhang Ze in the waves is good at water. Holding a radio station, he stepped on the water and went upstream, and soon reached the surface of the water.

"Wow..." The radio station was put on the raft, and Zhang Ze let out a long sigh of relief...

"Almost suffocated to death! Hey, squad leader, I found a good thing. Is this a radio station? It's just soaked in water. I don't know if it can still be used? There are two dead bodies soaked in the water, and I will get it out later. , The devil has a leather bag on his body, there should be documents in it, I didn't dare to read it in the water!"

After speaking, Zhang Ze took a deep breath and dived into the water again. On the way, he met Wang Yi who went into the water together, and the two made gestures.

"Wow..." The leather bag that Zhang Ze mentioned just now was put on the raft by Wang Yi.

"Squad leader, this purse is snorting... it should be documents, it looks like it hasn't entered the water yet! And this, this is a telescope..."

There are a lot of things on a Type [-] reconnaissance plane. Searching and searching can pull out a bunch of good things, but the reconnaissance platoon has to be busy for a while.

On the south gate of Qin County, the battle of the 2nd company of a large group is still going on.For the honor of Company 222, the little devils launched attacks again and again, and were beaten back again and again.The devils also learned to be smart, and adopted the refueling tactics of small troops attacking in turn.

Not at this moment, a small group of devils, under the command of the commander, launched another attack in the most scattered formation.However, looking at the route the devils are traveling, there will always be one or two dead bodies of devils lying there motionless.

From the attack to the present, including the rest and rectification time in the middle, the battle has been fought for several hours.During this period of time, the devils did not give it for nothing, at least they had trampled out the landmines outside the city.As for the scattered bullets and mines, the devils have also found a route to attack, so they dare not step on them easily.

Clap hook... Clap hook... The devils, without the cover of heavy machine guns, stopped 300 meters away.

Then, these devil soldiers fired at the city wall from behind some temporary bunkers composed of bomb craters, corpses, and sandbags.

Although at least 400 troops have been killed in a large group so far, the devils still have blind confidence in their marksmanship.Don't dare to fight within 150 meters of the city wall.Well, the main reason is that at this distance, the shotgun can shoot a large area, and the devils are terrified.

But, is this distance safe?If it's really safe, how did those people around die?

On the city wall, Liu Chunsheng, the commander of the second company, was firmly in the center, with many precision shooters of their company on the side.

"Give me a good shot! This distance is not difficult for you accurate shooters, right? And you, you all aim and shoot well, practice your marksmanship, the little devil is there, it depends on whether you can shoot accurately !"

"Listen up, Zhang Hecun personally killed a devil pilot and took down a plane! It was also robbed, look at him, and then look at you! The guy in his hand is the same, so you can't shoot it! It’s just that the craft is not good! If the craft is not good, then practice and fight well!”

Well, Liu Chunsheng's command here is very easy, because so far, they have repelled so many attacks in a row, and only sacrificed 3 recruits.And their record, just look at the devils in the city, it's no big deal.

Therefore, the little devils either come up with a small team, and then they are all shot to death in a short time; or they come up with a small team, which can last a little longer, and they are all shot to death in the end...

"I see there is no one over there... It seems that the distance is more than 520 meters, and the height difference is 12 meters, so your parameters should be adjusted like this... Yes, try again!" Unlike the relaxed Liu Chunsheng, the same On the side of the artillery platoon that established a position on the city wall, it was very lively.

Because there is an indicator of ammunition consumption, the leaders of each artillery group, according to the devil's goal, taught their deputy on the spot.

Learn while fighting, and learn while fighting. Some fixed firepower points or suspected command points of the devils are the targets they attack.

As for the small army of devils who attacked? ?It's not enough for the infantry to fight, and the grenade can't be used easily, so what are the artillerymen doing? ?

"Pa..." The palm of the white gloved hand slapped the table: "You can't do this anymore! Sasaki, lead your squadron and attack the city gate at the fastest speed! Don't worry about the enemy's blocking , you just need to rush into the city to win!"

"On my side, I will mobilize all the grenades to cover you! Mobilize the light machine guns left by the rest of the troops to you, and you take these weapons to attack! If you take the city gate, immediately occupy the city gate, Then gradually attack the city! Go..." Edogawa Dazuo said.

"Hay!" Squadron leader Sasaki, who hadn't participated in the battle, nodded heavily, and then went to organize the team.

"Hey... There is an old Chinese saying that it is a desperate fight, and I put all my strength on it this time! Your Excellency Commander, don't you plan to send some more reinforcements?" Edogawa looked at In the north, Yoshio Shinozuka in Taiyuan City seemed to be visible.

"I really have no soldiers to send..." Shinozuka Yoshio also sighed, then closed the map and closed his eyes.

The strength of the First Army is not much at all. At the end of last month, it cooperated with the front army to fight the Battle of Jinnan and captured Zezhou City. The strength of the army is even less.Zezhou City, the location is too important, there is no alliance there, so don't worry at all!The 35th Division of the Front Army still has to guard the sad direction.

If, if the Eighth Route's attack was delayed for a few months, he might be able to draw more troops from Jinnan.However, at this moment, Commander Wei is eyeing Jincheng covetously, so Xiaozuka dare not take it lightly.Now, Xiao Zhong chose to save Jincheng between the northern section of the Baijin Railway and Jincheng.

In fact, it was pure luck that the devil could win the battle of Jincheng this time.why?It was Yan Laoxi who helped.

After the incident in December last year, coupled with the anti-stubborn campaign at the beginning of the year, the armed forces of the Eighth Route Army were driven out of the area in southern Shanxi.And without the assistance of the Eight Routes, is there a mass base, just relying on the Central Army, has the Central Army ever defended the place? ...Even if both the 12st Army and the 71th Army were transferred, they failed to hold Jincheng.


87 was disabled in two battles, and then reorganized. The 36th Division was also disabled in the bloody battle of Fujin Mountain, and then reorganized. The 88th Division... During the defense of Nanjing, the division commander, Flying General Sun Yuanliang, came to condolences to the female students, and even fled the battle, and then the troops were wiped out;

There are also members of the 90th Army, Hu Zongnan, etc., need I say more?

Even so, Jincheng was lost... and then Zhongtiao Mountain lost its flanking barriers...

Therefore, no matter how the captain Naoko Kuzuki asked for tactical guidance, the troops that could be dispatched to them really couldn't be squeezed out.Therefore, Captain Edogawa could only helplessly look at Sasaki who had put his team in order, and waved them to prepare to attack.

"Get ready, move forward quietly, don't shoot guns, enter the temporary fortifications in front!" Sasaki waved his hand, and led his squadron quietly approaching the place more than 300 meters ahead.Not to mention, as the number of dead people increased, the defense here became stronger and stronger.

Well, the devils piled up the dead comrades in front of them, forming a bunker.

"Company commander, the devils have dispatched a large force!" At this time, the observation post on the city wall, Shan Ying, reported to Liu Chunsheng.

"After waiting for so long...the little devil is finally willing to send a large army!" Liu Chunsheng looked excited, and finally waited for the big battle.

"Brother, should we discuss something?" While Liu Chunsheng was observing, Qiusheng came over.

"Hurry up and get out of the team without authorization. This is a mistake!" Liu Chunsheng showed the momentum of a brother.

"Go down, go down, but you can put water here, let the devils enter the city, okay? I'm so suffocated in the city!" Qiu Sheng shouted as he went down the city wall, not paying attention to the teasing of the soldiers around him. eyes.

"All of them, the devils moved a squadron, cheer me up, and fight hard! Prepare shotguns, prepare some grenades, put the devils at 200 meters and fight again. Throwing grenades are ready to fight... and the king Ren Yuan, stop training, concentrate your firepower, and focus on blasting the devils!"

On the city wall, Liu Chunsheng was directing the battle, while the devils under the city wall quietly set up grenades behind the bunkers.

"Tom tom tom..." The devil's 14 grenades were fired together at this time, and the howling grenades flew up towards the city wall.

"Damn it, I'm careless... Fight back, all the heavy firepower, fight back..." Hearing the roar, Liu Chunsheng shouted loudly.

Da da da... Da da da... As soon as Liu Chunsheng's voice fell, the continuous machine guns on the city wall that had never had a chance to fire finally started firing.Three consecutive machine guns directly stuck the front bulletproof shield on the crenel, and the machine gunner hid behind and fired, which was very safe.

At the same time, the 1 grenade launchers of the 9st company also fired grenades in a targeted manner according to the point at which the devil grenade launchers were launched.As for the mortar platoon, the coordinates are also fine-tuned to fire shells.

Well, having said so much, the time is actually very short, and everyone is doing this at the risk of being bombed by grenadier bombs.

Therefore, when the devil's grenades exploded on the city wall, the sound of firing from various sources rang out on the city wall at the same time.

Tom tom tom... grenades go into the air; smack, smack, smack... snipers open fire on Jag grenadiers;

And, of course, the rattling machine guns.

Boom boom boom... 14 grenade grenades exploded on the city wall, but this did not affect the firepower on the city wall, it just stopped the firepower for a while, not for a second.

"Long live the emperor underground, board..." Looking at the castle, Sasaki has already taken off his officer's coat, wearing a white shirt, wearing a aunt's scarf, waving a command knife, and launched the charge...

(End of this chapter)

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