Chapter 800 Chapter 809, Shelling

Accompanied by the bombing of its own mortar company in the rear, 1 grenadiers belonging to the 27st Battalion also opened fire more than 500 meters away from the devil's position.

Then, the booming explosion exploded on the hilltop position to which the Murakami brigade belonged, and a cloud of black and red smoke, large or small, spread rapidly, and then dispersed the entire position.

"Hahaha, keep going, just hit like this! The visual distance is 570 meters, we can't guarantee the accuracy, but this red shell doesn't need accuracy, keep going!"

"Son, have you seen it? This is the strength of our Eighth Route Army, and this is the strength of our 716th regiment! You kid still asked what was in the red cannonball, and now I'll tell you, it's filled with chili noodles. It's chili smoke, whoever inhales it will be unlucky! Hahaha..." The old squad leader who had just accepted his son said, patting Chen Gouzi on the shoulder.

"Old Chen, you have a son, don't fight so hard, look at us..." The 8th squad leader next to him said leisurely.

"Well... let you go first this time! Let's go with the shotgun team!" Squad leader Chen was very generous, and finally stopped the main attack.

Soon, three rounds of red shells were fired.Cooperating with the grenadier shells of the first battalion, the devils of the Murakami brigade ate 105 pepper shells solidly.A low hill with a radius of one kilometer was immediately covered by pepper smoke, and it even spread to the 4th regiment.

"Suck..." The 4th regiment leader took a deep breath, reminiscing about the taste of his hometown: "Ge Laozi, how much did you put in? This is Chaotian pepper..."

"Comrades... the machine guns are all set up, the precision shooters are in place, wait until the little devil comes out, shoot me!" The 4th regiment leader finished his recollection, and still did not forget to tell him.

The leader of the 4th team relishes the spicyness of the chili peppers. That is because the distance is far away and the smell is not strong.But the devils in the deep smoke can't take it anymore!This thing is not a gas bomb. Like a gas bomb, whether it is inhaled into the lungs or touched by the eyes, whoever gets it will know what it feels like.

So, when the three rounds of bombardment were over and the comrades in the mortar company replaced the explosive bombs and fine-tuned the parameters, the devils were blown up.

The Murakami Battalion is a brigade of the Ninth Independent Mixed Brigade, which belongs to the garrison force that defends Taiyuan and protects the headquarters of the First Army.This kind of army... has many recruits, lacks equipment, gas masks, and lacks training against pepper bombs...

In short, the devils at this time are coughing and crying in their own camps, and many devils have lost their sight for a short time.

"Ahem... don't panic, this is chili... Hold back, it will be fine in a while..." Captain Murakami shouted loudly, suppressing the discomfort.After shouting, Liquor has an orderly and put on a gas mask for him.The ghost soldiers did not have gas masks, but the captains, squadron leaders, and small leaders did.

"Who has water? Wash it for me..." Some devils actually learned to cover their mouth and nose with a wet towel, which is considered progress... But the water that wets the towel will soon turn into pepper water.

The devils were in a panic, and naturally ignored the defense of the position. The commander of the 1st Battalion led his men and walked quietly forward for 100 meters, even using machine guns and heavy machine guns.

And taking advantage of this more than a minute, the mortar company has been replaced with serious explosive bombs, waiting for the bombing to start.It's not that their movements are slow, but that it's important to choose a good time to fire.

It was morning, and the morning breeze was still strong. After another minute, the chili smoke on the mountain slowly dissipated.Seeing this, Company Commander Nie finally put down the telescope in his hand.

" let go!" After finishing speaking, Company Commander Nie waved his hand vigorously.

"Tom tom tom tom..." Eight 8 mortar shells soared into the sky and flew towards the devil's position.

Seeing the mortars firing from the rear, the grenadier soldiers of the first battalion had quietly approached about 300 meters from the devil's position.Taking advantage of the bombardment of the mortar company, they adjusted the angle of the grenades in their hands one after another, fired at the target they saw, and delivered a precise strike.

At this time, more than 500 devils in the devil's position just felt that the chili smoke was a little lighter, and some devil soldiers who were smoked and almost died finally felt better.However, the shells falling from the sky made these devils feel as if they were flying...

Well, some devils did fly - blown away by the blast from the shells.

The heavy machine guns and the two [-] infantry guns that the second devils placed on the commanding heights of the position turned sour as scrap iron in the first place.

"Baga... hiding from the guns, hiding from the guns... don't mess around..." Captain Murakami took off his gas mask and shouted loudly to deter the recruits from moving around.

We all know that veterans are afraid of machine guns, and recruits are afraid of shells. Captain Murakami intends to use his idealism as the captain to control the situation.As long as the recruits don't run around, the effect of the eight-way bombardment will be greatly reduced.The only bad news is that there is too much momentum on this small hill, and after digging for so long just now, a suitable position has not been dug out.

The trenches are too shallow, and there are no anti-gun holes, so the devils can only lie down in the trenches and let the shells fall.

This is betting on your life, betting your life on the number of shells and the hit rate of the eight roads!
Well, the eight-way artillery shells are indeed not many. It was over after only four rounds of bombing, and only more than 100 shells were placed on the mountain.

However, the many captains, squadron leaders, and small captains who were still alive found out when they counted the troops after the shelling was over-their own brigade actually lost more than half of the people?This is impossible, absolutely impossible!
Neither Captain Murakami nor the other devil officers believed in this result.But the result was the same: the infantry artillery brought along was gone;

"How could this be?" Captain Murakami looked at the tragic situation in his own camp, a little puzzled.

Then, he didn't have the time and energy to bother with the reason.why?Because taking advantage of the shelling just now, the 1st Battalion has already approached the Murakami Brigade less than 200 meters away, which is almost like putting a bayonet on the devil's nose!And all squads have entered the attack position, waiting to launch a decisive battle.

"Very good, very good... This game is stable! It's time to blow the charge..." Captain Huang watched the actions of the 1st Battalion through the telescope, and said happily.

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, the sound of the charge horn and the shouts of soldiers from the battalion in front sounded!
Tick ​​tock... kill... the charge horn was loud and loud, and the soldiers shouted and killed even louder. With the 1st Battalion and 1st Company as the first echelon, the official attack of the 716th Regiment began.

(End of this chapter)

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