Chapter 810 Chapter 819, joining the clan
"What did you say? Huchi...huchi..." When the old man heard that he was going to build a house for the Japanese devils, even if it was a factory shed, he was so angry that Hu Changyi was so frightened that he quickly gave up.

"Old man, calm down, let's talk about it..." Hu Changyi said softly.There is no other way, if the old man is not dealt with, the young and strong in the whole village will probably kill the devil engineers alive.Believe it or not, these people are regarded as very enthusiastic towards our Eighth Route Army, but it is different when facing the enemy!

That's right, it's that sentence: Treat comrades with warmth like spring; treat enemies with coldness like severe winter!
"You...speak!" Thanks to his age, the old man has already been fluent in his ears, and he will be an octogenarian next year, so let Hu Changyi continue to talk.

"Didn't someone say something called learning from barbarians to control barbarians. We are now in the war of resistance, and we need soldiers to fight desperately, and technical personnel to work hard. For example, this time, we will build a light railway in the middle of the factory. , we can’t do this job, we can only let the captured devil engineer guide us to do this job.”

"Old man, think about it, it would be a pleasure to kill this devil's prisoner, but don't we have to work hard to dig a hole and bury it? Why don't we let the devil work with us to pay off the debt? This matter is just like... ...Well, is it a nature to let the captives do menial and tiring work?"

"Besides, the engineers of these devils have been known by their superiors. They are professors and construction experts in China. They have been building roads since they came to China. They have never harmed anyone. That's why we can accept them. Devils should be damned, but There is always a need to treat them differently. To win over a group, to suppress a group, to divide a group..."

"Okay...don't talk, follow me into the ancestral hall!" The old man was about to stand up tremblingly, and Hu Changyi quickly reached out to support him.

"I'm getting old..." The old man glanced at the arm held by Hu Changyi, feeling a little nostalgic: "When we were young, we went out to study, study and do business, and saw too much darkness. In the Sino-Japanese War, listening to the defeat, I just Feeling that the Qing court was exhausted, I wanted to do something for the ancestors."

"However, the sky does not follow people's wishes. At that time, some people in the Qing court held illusions about the court, thinking about reforms, and trying to save the dying Qing court, but they failed. I was thinking about ruining the Qing court. No, I really don’t have that ability! Later, Mr. Sun started a revolution, the Qing court was finished, and the result... the world is as black as crows!"

"Since then, I stopped paying attention to foreign affairs, and went back to my hometown. I was in this deep mountain, waiting for the changes outside. However, the four children in my family who dared to venture out, went out to the mountains. Until... Qiqi incident, until the arrival of the Eighth Route Army, I finally saw a glimmer of hope for our nation."

"Later, your kid came, and then set up a factory, and then one victory after another... Now, I just want to live well, live a few more years, maybe in my lifetime, I can see another A new country has been established, a real country where the people can live dignifiedly, without needing to kneel down to anyone, and live like individuals!"

"Come on, this page is for you!" While the two were talking, they had already entered the ancestral hall, the old man took out the genealogy tree from the altar table, and opened a page: "You, it's in my branch, right?" , are my grandchildren, don't you feel wronged?" The old man had already prepared for this.

"Don't be wronged, don't be wronged! I think I, Hu Changyi, was a homeless child, and was brought up by the organization, and regarded the organization as my home. Now, I have a home again, and I have roots!"

"Grandpa, you sit down, what rules do you need for this? Shall I kowtow to you?" Hu Changyi didn't know the rules of recognizing ancestors and returning to the clan in this era, but kowtowing to elders should be a rule, right?

"No, stand! As I said, I just want to see our common people stand up and live! Just bring me a cup of tea! Originally, this matter should invite the parents of each family to come together There is a meeting, but I decided to avoid this process. I think, if you enter the genealogy, no one will object!"

"Grandpa, please drink tea!" Hu Changyi ran out, brought in the teapot and tea bowl that he drank just now, and respectfully offered a cup of tea.At this time, the old man had already filled in Hu Changyi's name on the genealogy.From now on, Hu Changyi is considered to be a member of the Hu family village. There are homesteads and land in the village, and the clan elders and the group will marry him a wife? ?
"Okay, you go to your business, I'll tell everyone about the little devil! Just think of a few Dongyang dogs raised in the village!" The old man waved his hand and said.

"Shall I help you out?" Hu Changyi asked.

"No, I can still walk! Kid, remember, don't make mistakes, don't embarrass the ancestors of our Qi family army!" The old man waved his hands away, and Hu Changyi bowed and left.

"I didn't expect that..." Walking on the road, Hu Changyi also lamented the impermanence of the world, how did this enter the family tree?Forget it, it's not important, as long as you can kill devils!

"Ding... Congratulations to the host, successfully integrated into the 9527 plane, and has his own roots in the 9527 plane. Note that the host has already experienced the incident of "On the Taihang Mountain", some of the incidents of "Underground Traffic Station", and the part of "Eighth Route Army" Events, brief introduction to participating in "The Legend of the Heroes of Wutai Mountain" and other events, and the "Hundred Regiments War" event is about to usher..." The voice of the system rang out abruptly.

"Stop... I know what I'm doing! I also know what I should do, I don't need you to remind me! I just want to know if I have accumulated enough merit points, can I go back?" Hu Changyi had a rare conversation with the system.

"Yes!" The system voice sounded.

"That's fine, you can flash back automatically, keep the system assistance, and come out when you need it!" After Hu Changyi finished speaking, he ignored the system and continued towards the office.

In fact, he has known for a long time that this 9527 plane, which is said to be called the world of swords, might as well be a mixed body of various events.Therefore, he is planning to play a big game at the last moment, and then happily accumulate enough merit points and soul to return to the original world.

Hehe... This is the system, there must be hundreds of chapters that haven't appeared, right?Many people should forget about it.

What do you think Hu Changyi wants to play? ?Hmm... From the system, exchange enough knowledge of basic industries, chemistry, medicine, etc., and leave a complete industrial system?
Doesn't count? ?How much meritorious service is a Prime Minister worth?It seems that there is nothing written in the book... Cough cough, death is the biggest thing, just sing a good life, and don't play disco on it.

(End of this chapter)

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