Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 815 Chapter 824, Wai point to repel

Chapter 815 Chapter 824, Wai point to repel
"It belongs to Marshal Zhang, but tonight, we Zhao Hu and the bastard, just like that black and white impermanence, sent more than ten traitors to Hades..." Uncle Shi said happily.

"Uncle Shi, who is Impermanence in Black and White?" Captain Lei's voice came from behind, and immediately after that, more than 200 figures emerged from the darkness, all eighth-way soldiers armed with live ammunition.

"Company Commander Lei... are you here with the main force? Hurry up, the little devil has taken over Zhaojiazhuang, avenge us!" Someone shouted immediately.

"That's right, Company Commander Lei, our militia team fought a sparrow war with the devil, but we couldn't stop the devil! It's all right now, the main force is here, the little devil is finished!"

"Commander Lei, we Zhao Hu and Erdan killed a dozen traitors with shotguns just now! Did we make meritorious service? Can you reward us with some weapons and ammunition?"

When the masses saw the large army, they immediately had a backbone, all kinds of problems were desperately asked, and Captain Lei's head was buzzing.However, this also let Company Commander Lei get a general idea of ​​the enemy situation in Zhaojiazhuang.As troops of the 16th regiment, they were quite familiar with the terrain here, and quickly formed a battle plan in their minds.

Company Commander Lei couldn't be arbitrary, so he went to a secluded place to discuss with Company Commander Li before returning to the crowd.

"Dayong, make another trip and take our company's scouts to the edge of the village to scout again! Comrade Zhao Hu, you have made meritorious service this time. After the battle is over, if you capture anything, you will give it to your village soldiers. Send out weapons and ammunition! However, you still have to take our comrades on a trip, we need to set up an ambush area on the way out of the village! Take your cannon too!"

"Okay folks, let's go fight the devils and take Zhaojiazhuang back from the hands of the devils! We must not let the devils give up our home!"

"Okay...we're going to fight too!" Sister Yulan was the first to respond.

"No, our main force is enough! If you feel uncomfortable, just boil some hot water and quench our soldiers' thirst later! Hahaha..." Captain Lei returned to the team after finishing speaking.

In Zhaojia Village, a small team of devils scattered among those houses with better houses in the village.

At this moment, there was a smell of meat in Zhaojiazhuang. There was chicken, mutton, duck and geese... In short, the poultry and livestock in the people's homes were unlucky, and most of them went into the pot at this moment.

At the entrance of the village, the traitors of the puppet army gathered here, responsible for the task of standing guard, and also looked after the wounded and dead bodies.It's just that the flies that smelled the smell gathered more and more, and there were bursts of stench, and the traitors suffered unspeakably.However, these people are also people who stir the spoon in the pot, so they can't leave it alone, right?What if I have that day too?

The devils were very happy eating in the village, and didn't care about the life and death of the traitors of the puppet army at all!It's just a dog, if it dies, it dies, just recruit it again.

However, the devils did not expect that the traitors did not pay attention. On the tree outside the village, Dayong led the investigators of the 16th regiment to carefully observe the situation in the village and retreated.

Soon, the combat mission was completed, and Company Commander Lei handed over all the light and heavy machine guns of their company to Company Commander Li, and asked Company Commander Li to take all the heavy machine guns, light machine guns, 50 soldiers with the best marksmanship and all the shotguns of the two companies. The Pao Squad went to the Yaoshi side of Cunkou Town and set up an ambush on the hillside.

On the other hand, Company Commander Lei gathered the buglers of two companies and scattered the soldiers of the two companies on three sides of Zhaojiazhuang. .

"It's almost time, let's act!" Captain Lei took out a pocket watch from his pocket, and looked at the time with the help of the light from the match beside him.

After finishing speaking, he took out the box cannon, held it in his hand, and pulled the trigger in the direction of the village entrance.

Pa... The sound of the box cannon was very clear in the dark night, and the devils and traitors who had rested for more than three hours suddenly became nervous.

Soon, the small fire whip exploded in the tin barrel, and the crackling sound made the devils no longer care about eating and drinking. They picked up their weapons and went out of the house to shoot outside.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock... The loud and clear charge horn sounded, and the two buglers used the same rhythm, making the sound of the horn resound throughout the mountains and plains, and it also made the devils panic.

Pa... Papa... In the dark night, all kinds of gunshots were ringing, and clusters of gunfire were very eye-catching in the dark night.At first glance, there were more than 200 enemies, and the devils were extremely nervous.

Chirp, chirp... Boom boom... Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen grenade grenades exploded in the village, which completely panicked the devils.

"Kill...go..." Platoon Leader Xu and the others shouted loudly outside the village. The two light machine guns they brought were also shooting at the village, and soldiers who approached the village threw militia grenades at them. The village exploded.Then, more shouts of killing came from outside the village, and the soldiers who were familiar with the terrain had quietly arrived at the edge of the village and were about to enter the village soon.

"Baga...we can't be surrounded! Immediately, turn towards the stronghold!" Upon hearing this news, Captain Guitian knew that he had encountered a large army from the Eight Route Army, and he didn't want to die here.

"Open the way..." The devils covered each other in an orderly manner, rushed out from the entrance of the village, and headed towards Zhenyaoshi.

"Taijun, Taijun, what should we do..." Traitors and puppet soldiers are confused, what should we do?There are also wounded and corpses...

"Brothers, I'm sorry, your wives and children, I will take good care of you, let's go, follow the imperial army!" The puppet company commander shouted loudly, and quickly followed the devil.

"I, this... hey... are all gone!" The captain of the traitor detection team also gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and followed the retreating team.

It took a lot of time for the devils to attack Zhaojiazhuang, but the speed of retreat was so fast that they didn't even want the supplies they had finally seized, and they ran at high speed.The puppet army and the traitors also followed the devil's team closely, and they all broke up the devil's formation.Hmm... The puppet soldiers can tell the difference if they are not active in escaping and have mental problems.

"Here we come... Company Commander, we are here..." On Zhenyaoshi's side, the soldiers held their breaths and listened to the scattered steps, judging the positions of the devils.

"Attention everyone..." Captain Li said angrily.

Crash... The heavy machine guns were loaded, and the light machine guns were also loaded. The riflemen put the butts of their guns on their shoulders, and the shotgunners also held the butts firmly.And the key players who followed the shotgun team also took off the grenades on their waists, unscrewed the back cover, held the drawstring in their hands and waited.

PS: Thanks to chentie981 for the tip, thank you old iron!

(End of this chapter)

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