Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 817 Chapter 826, Railway guerrillas in action

Chapter 817 Chapter 826, Railway guerrillas in action
Due to geographical factors, the weapon of directional mine has not yet appeared in the conventional combat weapon sequence in Jiaodong.There are directional mines, but only a part of the old troops of the 115th Division.

However, with the gradual stabilization of production and the expansion of the scale of the arsenal, directional mines have also begun to enter the catalog of production products.Fully equipped, just around the corner!

How about getting the moon first if you are close to the water?The directional mine was first used by the 772 regiment during the ambush in Qigen village. Now all regiments will deploy this kind of explosive device.For the finished directional mines, there are at least 4 columns in a row, which can be used at critical moments.

Now, this newly built small arsenal located in the head of the Zhao family has finally produced directional mines.Even though, this arsenal mainly focuses on shotguns...

Landmines are simple to manufacture, low in price, and easy to deploy. They kill the enemy suddenly and injure the enemy unexpectedly. They are important weapons for defense.Moreover, no matter how powerful the opponent is, facing landmines is like a nightmare.And... mine clearance is also very laborious, especially mines laid by others.

Hu Changyi knew exactly this, that's why the arsenal produced landmines when it was still a small workshop, and used them in the war against Japan.

In addition to mine warfare, Hu Changyi worked hard to promote tunnel warfare. This person has actual combat experience in Xiao Li's Village in Qiu County.Now, don't know what it has developed into?forget?After the battle of Xiangchenggu, when ambushing the devil team in Xiao Li's village, they used tunnels.

Now, since it has been decided to train the village soldiers in the tactics of landmine warfare, the tunnels can also be explained along with it.Landmines and tunnels cooperate with each other, and they are elusive, the best combination.

Things in Jiaodong have come to an end for the time being. Even if a man named Zhou Weiguo made some name in Hutou Mountain, no one cares too much.The Eighth Route Army has too many talented people, and there is not much difference between one more Zhou Weiguo and one less Zhou Weiguo. It is not a new thing for special operations to be in the 386 brigade now.

How elite is Zhou Weiguo?Can it compare to the combat effectiveness of the nine-department special forces team that is fully semi-automatic (adjustable and fully automatic)?

For the Eighth Route Army, an elite special force can only produce more weapons and ammunition than can equip an army in a year.As for the arsenal of the Eighth Route Army, the combined production capacity can arm two regiments a month.

Of course, every extra unit of resistance against Japan will increase by one point. This is a good thing for resistance against Japan, but it is a nightmare for devils.

Zaozhuang, Weishan Lake, among the reeds...

Crash, clatter... A small boat, under the control of the boatman, shuttled through the waterway among the reeds, startling the wild ducks living here.

Soon, the boat passed through the reeds and stopped at the simple pier by the lake.At this time, there were several people waiting on the pier, still wearing the clothes of railway workers.

The boat stopped, and the boatman who punted the boat stopped the boat. The young man who had been sitting in the cabin first put a few boxes on the pier, then picked up his own package and jumped onto the pier. The boatman tied up the boat and followed.

The people in the clothes of the railway workers saw the coming people on the simple pier, so they went up to meet them, leaving only one person looking around.

"Old Hong... I hope you come back... Tell me, I, who was the squad leader in the mountains, now work as the second leader in the Devil's Foreign Firm, and I really feel bad!"

"Brother Hong..." A tall man even hugged the visitor, looking very excited.

"This is not a place to talk, take your things and go!" Lao Hong waved his hand and led a few people towards a carbon field near the railway.

In the carbon field, everyone sat down, and the box brought by Lao Hong was also placed on the table, but it had not been opened yet.

"I was ordered to go to the mountain for a meeting this time, so I have seen it!" Lao Hong drank his saliva, and then continued: "I thought I was going to a meeting this time, but I didn't expect it to be a hero meeting!"

"It turns out that there are so many heroes in our team! Let me tell you something... How much honor is it for our railway guerrillas to be able to stand alongside so many heroes? After the hero meeting, I After studying in the military area for a while, I just came back!" Lao Hong talked for more than half an hour before it ended.

"Brother Hong, then there is no reward in the mountain this time?" Lu Han asked.

"Haha, there really are! Xiaopo, open the boxes, open them all!" Lao Hong said with a slight smile.

Soon, Xiaopo opened the six boxes one by one, revealing the items inside.Good guy, everyone's eyes widened when they saw the things in the box, their expressions were wonderful.

"These are weapons given to us by our superiors! A total of 50 Bayi pistols were made by us! There are a total of 1 rounds of bullets. And this, is it a semi-automatic rifle only used by the sharpshooters of the main force? Look at the scope! The gunners have also heard of this gun. It is very accurate and can be used directly with captured bullets, which just makes up for our lack of long-range shooting firepower!" Lao Hong said.

"Hiss... so many..." Wang Qiang's eyes were extremely hot. This pistol is not big, so it is very suitable for hiding on the body. Climbing on the train will not affect the movement. With a capacity of 10+1 rounds, it can guarantee firepower even in battle.

"Brother Hong, tell me, what instructions does your superior have? With these weapons, even the armored train of the Japanese devils, we dare to fight!" Lu Han said.

"Crack..." Lao Hong angrily gave this little brother a headache. This is a habit he has developed since he was a child, and his hands itch for a while.

"Take a fight, you know how to be reckless...Old Hong, tell me, how do you do it?" Wang Qiang also asked.

"How to do it? The first step is to integrate our teams and formally form the Lunan Railway Brigade. After we are combined, we will conduct training first to improve our collective combat capabilities! In addition, the work of the intelligence station must not be left behind. , Wang Qiang, you still have to be the second head in Chint Yangxing!" Lao Hong glanced at his old comrade-in-arms Wang Qiang.

"Okay... as long as the organization needs it, I will continue to be this second devil..." Wang Qiang also knew that his work was important, and the team also needed to grasp information.

"Then, let's talk about our next move! Our next move is still to destroy the devil's railway system! But from now on, we will not fight independently. Once there is an important combat target, the superior will dispatch other A large army of troops will cooperate with us in fighting! Comrades, the first thing we need to do now is to get familiar with this pistol!"

"Our guerrilla team, who can pick up the train's manpower, selects 50 people with the best skills to form a special operations team. I will personally direct the training and train the combat ability on the train!"

"When we train for some time, we will have a suitable opportunity..." Lao Hong looked at a train approaching from a distance, with a dangerous smile on the corner of his mouth...

10 days later, it was still Weishan Lake, in the reeds...

"The sun is about to set in the west, and the Weishan Lake is quiet. I play my beloved earthen pipa and sing that touching song..."

With the sound of playing the earth lute, moving songs also sounded. This is the soldiers of the railway guerrillas who are resting after training.

"Brother Hong, this song is so well written, it was written especially for us..." Xiaopo said after finishing singing.

"Yeah, this is what the comrades at the top wrote for us, it's called the song of the railway guerrillas! Comrades, we fought on the railway line, and the organization has not forgotten us, and is always caring about us! For example, in the distribution of weapons this time, the comrades participating in the meeting can choose weapons according to their own needs. And I, the pistols specially approved by the organization are designed according to the nature of our operations! Comrades, we are now The training is almost done, and it's time to act!" said Lao Hong.

"Are there any actions? That's great..." The soldiers were training in the reeds every day, and they were exhausted for a long time. Even with wild ducks and wild geese as companions, they were as lonely as snow.

Wait, what's the deal with wild ducks and wild geese? ?You don't need to fire a gun for pistol training, do you?Killing a target, where can hitting a living thing improve marksmanship?

A few days later, a ticket car running on the Jinpu railway line stopped at the station. Passengers crowded on the platform got on the car one after another, and the train blew its whistle and left the station.

At this time, the train was running very slowly, and the carriages were also extremely crowded. All kinds of passengers were recorded in the same carriage with the devils escorting the train, or the devils who took the train, which seemed chaotic.

Passengers these days, especially those who can afford trains, basically have a little money.Of course, there are also low-level people who spend all their money to buy a ticket, and then go to the big city to ask for a living.

As the train started, several special passengers began to come alive in the carriage.

For example, this one, holding a piece of black cloth directly, made a trick for the big guy.Covered with a black cloth, turned over and over again, and then one by one the eggs fell from the gaps in the folded black cloth, and fell into the top hat below; there is also this one, who actually took out roast chicken and liquor from the suitcase, and followed the devil who escorted the car The officer ate and drank.

What's more, they also brought delicious pastries and shared them with the devil soldiers escorting the carriage one by one; even those who were good at musical instruments sat on the side and played the pipa, which made the devil officers beside them mesmerized.

The only bad thing is that the tune is a bit complicated, not as good as "Stripping Cotton" at all... Playing Cotton... Playing Cotton... Half a catty of cotton can be played in twos and eights...

"Is this considered Chinese?" Across the seat, a middle-aged man with two beards couldn't stand it, and complained to the newspaper reader next to him.Fortunately, there is no mobile phone network at that time, the originator of this keyboard man.

"Hey..." On the side, another person wearing a top hat and a long gown, sighed, shook his head helplessly, and even unfolded the newspaper, with an expression that I couldn't see and couldn't care about.

There are all kinds of passengers on the train. It is a small abbreviation of a society, which brings together all kinds of people in the world...

Humming...clanging...the train was driving in the dark, the headlights penetrated the night and shone on the railway, the steam and soot on the train were suspended, like a dragon sneaking.

Just as the train was passing through a culvert, several figures sprang out from the darkness, quickly ran towards the train, and nimbly grabbed the handle on the front of the train.

The locomotive, the ghost driver who was driving, looked ahead and didn't notice the door behind him at all. There were two figures poking out one from the left and the other from the right.

"Biu..." With a pistol equipped with a muffler, he killed the devil's driver with one shot, and two guerrillas boarded the cab.

"Are you Eighth Road?" A railway worker in charge of lighting the fire quickly asked, saying that we are Chinese through and through, so don't kill us so easily.

"Well...we are the Eighth Route Army!" Peng Liang didn't say much, and signaled the workers to continue adding carbon.

The worker master was excited now, shovel after shovel of charcoal was filled into the combustion furnace of the steam engine, and the train ran even more vigorously.


Hahaha... The ghosts in the carriage were also very amused. The devils who were full listened to the music, and looked like some kind of bull.

"Wanggou..." Peng Liang reminded the front of the car.

"Rush over!" Lao Hong said firmly.

Woohoo... Peng Liang was also unambiguous, and directly increased the speed of the train, and rushed past Wanggou Station with a whoosh.At this time, the devils in the carriage didn't care about the situation outside at all, they were still enjoying it.

"Baga...!" At Wanggou station, seeing the speeding train, the devil station master immediately called to report.

On the side of the Devils Railway Guard Headquarters, the Devils officer received the call and immediately led his troops to board an armored train to chase the train that had the accident.This kind of situation has not happened once or twice, the devils have gained experience, and there is no sense of panic at all.It's just that they used to rob trucks, why did they attack the bus this time? ?

While the devils boarded the train to chase after them, there were a few guerrillas busy on the side of the culvert where Peng Liang and the others climbed the train.

The sleepers under a section of the railway track were sawed and dragged away, and then several huge explosive packages were placed in the dug pit, the long lead wire was dragged out hundreds of meters, and the soldiers hid in front of the detonator.

"This is the explosive specially given to us by the superior to blow up the devil's armored train!" Wang Zheng was hiding here with more than a hundred guerrilla fighters, ready to watch a good show.

That's right, in this operation, stopping a train by the railway guerrillas is one of the operational objectives, and overturning this armored train is another operational objective.

Railway guerrillas are not afraid to climb trains, but this kind of armored iron turtle can't deal with it.Now it's all right, the superior directly allocated the high explosives, and specially sent a blasting team to them.

Do you think this is the former railway guerrillas?This is a world supported by the Jiuzhai Arsenal, with the Arsenal!

Hu Changyi naturally knew the operational significance of the railway guerrillas, and he himself had no less ideas about the railway.Therefore, appropriating some explosive kits made of Kaizi explosives has become a proper measure.To be honest, if he wasn't afraid of making too many moves and making the devils jealous, he even wanted to equip the railway guerrillas with weapons like rocket launchers.Bazooka, sneak attack on armored trains is still very good.

PS: Thank you chentie981 for the reward, thank you old iron.

(End of this chapter)

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