Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 819 Chapter 828, the war is about to start, and the production will increase

Chapter 819 Chapter 828, the war is about to start, and the production will increase

Boom boom boom... Before the dispatched guerrillas set off, there were bursts of explosions on the armored train.

Visible to the naked eye, the turret on the top of the armored train was blown up, and some suspected human remains were thrown out.

"Wait first! This is a shell explosion, let's go there later!" Seeing the situation, Wang Zheng directly called to the team members, and going over at this time was purely asking for trouble for himself.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a booming sound in the armored train compartment. From the sound, it should be that the grenade carried by the devil had exploded.

Wang Zheng didn't know what kind of explosives were in the devil's grenade, anyway, if it exploded, it would be inferior.Then, he waited for about 5 minutes before sending the guerrillas to see the situation.

In fact, there is no need to watch the devil's life and death at this time, because the turret and grenade were killed just now, and the probability of surviving in this carriage is zero.And what about the high temperature and fire?
Didn't you see that when the explosion started, all the devils in the cab of the armored vehicle in front jumped down and burned to death...

The final investigation results were similar to what Wang Zheng thought. There were more than 20 devil soldiers in the devil's carriage, and now all of them were dead, and some of them were even burnt.

Now that the devils are gone, everyone can only simply search for some usable things and leave.Well, there are still a lot of bullets in the devil's ammunition box that can be used. The crooked machine gun and the [-] cover can be taken away. Even if it is blown up, you can't leave a part for the devil.In addition, some silver dollars and gold jewelry were found on the devil's body, which can be left in the fire.

"In this battle, our intelligence was reliable and we cooperated with each other tacitly. A total of 20 rounds of bullets and explosives were consumed..." Wang Zheng made a detailed report during the meeting at night.

This report was quickly passed on to the military division, the military district, and finally to the arsenal.Ordinarily, this has nothing to do with the arsenal, but what if the arsenal is required to support some explosives?

"You really know how to pick the time!" Minister Zhang looked at the weapon request in the report and shook his head helplessly.

"Minister Zhang, are you really going to launch a big attack this time?" Hu Changyi, who was sitting opposite, asked directly.

"Yes, the guidance document has been issued in secret, and the various troops are also secretly mobilized, just waiting to deal a full blow to the devil's communication lines! This time, no matter what, we can pull back some rails." Minister Zhang didn't either. Without telling the truth, he said directly to Hu Changyi.

"Hundred regiments battle..." Hu Changyi sighed secretly in his heart, and then asked: "Is there any mission for our nine detachments?"

"Your task is to protect the arsenal! This time almost all of our main forces are dispatched. The perimeter of the arsenal has lost a lot of barriers, and Xiao Guo's 7 detachments have yet to increase their combat effectiveness. In the entire surrounding area of ​​Jiuzhaigou, the Ninth Detachment has the strongest combat effectiveness!" Minister Zhang said.

"I understand, I will arrange the defense work!" Hu Changyi did not apply for combat missions, because there is no need for this, and the Ninth Detachment has no need for military training, so let the main force go to work.

"You kid, are you thinking, is it too ostentatious to do this, and let the devils pay attention to us?" Seeing Hu Changyi's expression, Minister Zhang asked.

"That's right... we just need to grow quietly and slowly. In the current situation, the devils don't dare to raid easily, and can only use the method of establishing strongholds on the periphery of the base area to eat away at our base area. This is for us What's the matter? Isn't it just rushing to send us equipment and supplies?"

"Uncle Zhang, tell me, based on our current speed of recruiting troops, by next year, there will be more than 20 more standard model regiments, right? If we develop like this for a few years, when we have a million soldiers, I'm afraid He's a ball!" Hu Changyi knew that things were unavoidable, but he really wanted to express some opinions.

how to say?The Battle of the Hundred Regiments was a great way to relieve hatred and lift up spirits, which made the sluggish anti-Japanese sentiment rise again, and finally made the bald head unbearable, and decided to deal with the "serious confidant" with all four hands.

Thus, there was a series of intensified frictions, fights, and murders!Well, before the Eighth Route Army, there were some who could still receive military pay, even if it wasn't much; but after that, there were no more.

"Have you heard about the "Reminders on the Formation of Operational Areas of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and the 18th Army and the New Fourth Army?" Minister Zhang said.

"I've seen it, and I copied it for me! This bald head is restricting our development, canceling all detachments, columns, and guerrillas, prohibiting military expansion, not crossing the border without orders, and absolutely obeying the Second World War The district chief's order...with all the rules and regulations, the Eighth Route Army can finish it in two months." Hu Changyi said.

"Yeah... the current situation outside is not optimistic. The Burma Highway is blocked by the British. The Japanese devils have been luring the bald heads to surrender. Germany also sent people to make peace. They want the Japanese devils to make some concessions to the bald heads to divide those who are not determined. Firm... you know, a certain bald head was forced to resist the Japanese with guns, after all, he is a Japanese student...unreliable." Minister Zhang said.

"I'm just curious, what did those who went to study abroad learn there? How come so many traitors come back?" Hu Changyi added in his heart (whether it is now or in the future).

"This depends on the individual! Those with a firm will, self-righteousness, and the arrogance of the descendants of Yan and Huang can stick to their principles and will not be persecuted by temptation. For example, Mr. Lu Xun, such as Guo...Forget it, this I don’t have a good character, so I won’t talk about it! So, you still need to read more, look at yourself more, and think more... Okay, let’s not talk about these, let’s increase the production of grenades!” said Minister Zhang.

"Grenades, right? That's no problem. Production teams from all villages can be summoned to expand the scale now. I can't guarantee anything else. 1 militia grenades a day is no problem!" Hu Changyi said.

"Then let's do it! Don't forget to strengthen your defense!" Minister Zhang said.

Hu Changyi saluted, then left the office, got on his horse and went directly to Sun Jiaji's barracks.Since the defense needs to be strengthened, it is the fastest way to issue orders from here.

In the communication room, Hu Changyi asked the communication soldiers to connect to the brigade headquarters of the two brigades outside and talk directly to the brigade leaders.The content of the call is very simple: the security level of the villagers and soldiers has been raised to the highest level, and the first brigade of the militia is immediately formed to take over the defense of the first brigade.The 1st Battalion of the Infantry was immediately mixed into an independent mixed 1st Battalion, and the 1rd Battalion left behind in Jiuzhai also completed the mixed formation.

In a word, the defense level of Jiuzhai has been improved, and the force has been expanded by 1000.

PS: Thank you chentie981 for the reward, thank you old iron.

(End of this chapter)

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