Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 821 Chapter 830, Lion's Brain Mountain

Chapter 821 Chapter 830, Lion's Brain Mountain

Thanks to the convenience of relying on transportation lines, the little devil has built a relatively large telephone communication network, which can realize telephone communication throughout North China and Central China. is precisely because the devil's telephone line is too obvious that it is often destroyed and used by various troops.

What? District 1 needs to build a telephone line, but there are not enough telephone lines, what should I do?Let's go, find where the devil's telephone wire rack is, and it will be enough to pull it back...

The first thing to do in this battle against the devil's communication line is to destroy the telephone lines along the way. Let's get some telephone lines back, so that I can add a communication line on my side.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, when the Eighth Route Army attacked all the devil's strongholds and cut off the lines, the little devil thought it was another guerrilla who came from nowhere and came here to "borrow" some telephone lines for use.As a result, the various strongholds where the telephone line could not be reached were quickly attacked by artillery grenades, flat-fire grenade grenades, and even rocket launchers.

Then?There is no more, all these heavy firepower have been used, can those small strongholds on the Zhengtai line survive? ?For this war, the Eighth Route Army used a lot of good things on hand.

Destroy some small strongholds first, then large strongholds with more troops, and then blow up some bridges and so on.

Of course, the little devil naturally got the news of such a fierce attack. After all, the devil still has some radio stations as communication tools.When the devils finished summarizing and analyzing the received distress telegrams, half a day passed.As for Yangquan, why didn't they come to attack yesterday? ?The devil's first reaction was to strengthen the defense of the county, rather than rescue the strongholds outside.

Then, analyze the enemy's situation, send traitors out of the city in makeup to reconnaissance, and finally determine the attack he was under... It took another half a day.

Well, the current 62th Independent Mixed Brigade has not yet been upgraded to the [-]nd Division, has not yet absorbed the experience of being beaten by guerrillas, and has not been transferred to Hacksaw Ridge to become a master. I think I can still do it .

So, this morning, the head of the brigade, Katayama Shotaro, decisively dispatched a strengthened Takahashi team in an attempt to take down the highland next to the pillow first.

Next to the pillow... Actually, that's right, with a straight-line distance of 4 kilometers, if there are a few 120 heavy loaders on the rack, they can bomb the county town, okay!It's a pity that the 14th regiment does not have 120 repressors, only the brigade has them.

However, there are 120 heavy pressures, and we dare not or are reluctant to use them here. We haven't had the luxury to carry a cannon to the point of bombing the devil's forehead.After all, there is a brigade artillery team in the city, which has two mountain artillery squadrons and one field artillery squadron.With a total of 18 artillery pieces (6 pieces in one squadron, and the information of the second independent mixed brigade), the 385th Brigade has not yet had the ability to destroy it in one fell swoop.

Therefore, the 14th Regiment as a reserve team guarded at Shinao Mountain, coupled with the main force of the 769th Regiment on Guanshan in the direction of Ping'an County, became the main defensive force this time.

Why do you have to stay here? ?There is an infantry brigade in the city, an artillery brigade, and many expatriates. This adds up to more than 2000 armed forces.If it is held, the main force in the west can continue to attack, destroy, and take away part of the dismantled railroad tracks with ease.

On Lion's Brain Mountain, looking at the Gaoqiao team coming from the county seat, the soldiers of the 14th Regiment did not panic too much, but looked eager to try. Team Leader Kong of Team 14 (not Kong Jie) stood on the peak behind Lion's Brain Mountain, holding up his binoculars to watch the devils approaching his position bit by bit.

Commander Kong didn't go to command the battle, because on Lion's Brain Mountain, the original devil's position had been repaired and even expanded a lot.Just hand over these 60 devils to the 5th or 6th company.

"Old Qin, how do you fight?" Song, the elder of the 6th company, looked at the devil who had reached more than 400 meters, and shouted.

"Come closer and shoot! The shotgun is here, use it..." Company Commander Qin glanced at the devil's team through the periscope and shouted.

"Everyone... Quietly, the shotgun is ready to fight..." Company Commander Song thought it would be good to trick the devils, so he ordered immediately.After finishing the download, I felt unsafe, and shouted again: "Snipers, precision shooters, shoot freely, if you find the devil's grenadier and machine gunner, kill them directly!"

That's right, the 385th regiment adapted from the independent second regiment of the new 14 brigade also has snipers and precision shooters in their hands, and there are quite a few of them.

Hearing the order of their company commander, the snipers and precision shooters of the 6th company quietly poked out their periscopes from the trenches, and then chose a suitable position to shoot sideways.In the 5th company on the other side, Company Commander Qin also waved his hands at his own precious sharpshooters, which means you can be casual and don't be polite to devils.

"I heard that in the Qingqiu detachment, there are more than a dozen accurate shooters in a company, and several snipers..." In the hidden trench, a soldier whispered.

"The last time I followed the special forces team to fight against the artillery tower in the east of Ping'an County, their equipment is good..." The soldiers next to them missed the days of fighting with Li Yuexuan even more.

"Shut the fuck up, don't interfere with Shunzi's aiming!" The old squad leader put down his cigarette pipe and pot, scolded a few stabbing soldiers, and then changed to another place to guard.

"Look carefully, you guys. Smoking on the battlefield is not acceptable, it will easily attract shells..." The old squad leader stuck the cigarette bag upside down in the hanging button on the side of the chest, and put the tobacco leaf bag in a bullet bag cherished.

That's right, it's the chest hanger, the original version of the chest hanger of the Ninth Detachment, which is now very popular in the main teams.As for why there is still a place to put a cigarette bag and pot on the chest? ?I sewed it myself...

"Chirp, chirp, chirp...boom...boom..." A few seconds after the old squad leader's voice fell, a grenade from a grenadier actually landed on the place where he was smoking just now.

"Hey, hey... Did you see that? The little devil's grenadier is still very accurate. The trenches that this little devil built are good. If you turn a corner, the shells won't blow up. Learn from it..." The old squad leader Said proudly.

"Pa... Papa..." While the old squad leader was speaking, Shunzi and his sharpshooters had already started.

That's right, the company commander asked us to shoot the devil's grenadier soldiers and machine gunners freely. If you find out, don't let them go.

"Nani??" Squad leader Takahashi just fired two grenadier grenades to test the firepower, and found that the opposite position had fired, and his grenadier soldiers disappeared.

After hesitating for half a second, Captain Takahashi directly pulled out his command saber and waved it towards Lion's Brain Mountain: "Death to me..."

When the order was issued, the three squads, plus a reinforced machine gun squad, immediately charged towards the position of the 5th company at the fastest speed.

"The shotguns are all ready..." Lao Qin poked the periscope out of the trench and looked into the distance of the devil.

Pa, pa, pa... The devils charged, and there were still only nine sharpshooters from two companies shooting. The sporadic gunshots and the charge of dozens of devils seemed very powerless.

However, after the gunshots, the crooked sub-machine gun teams that were setting up the machine guns no longer had machine gunners and ammunition men.

"Kill..." The charging devils didn't care that their machine gun team was finished, and they continued to charge forward.

"Shotgun team, hit...boom his mother!" Seeing that the devil's rear team had already passed the 200-meter mark, Company Commander Qin finally yelled.

As Company Commander Qin yelled, the shotgun group, which had been holding the shotgun, immediately placed the shotgun on the specially set-up shooting crenel on the trench. The bulletproof shield just blocked the front of the shooter.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the gunners don't need to aim, they point directly to the front and pull the trigger in their hands.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom... Puffs of black smoke rose from the position of Lion's Brain Mountain, and there seemed to be fire dragons spewing out from the muzzle.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." In front of the muzzle, where the shotguns passed, the shotguns of the two companies actually shot a cross shot coverage area in front of the position.The screams of ahh are the screams of the wounded devils.More, it is indeed the ghost soldiers who are bleeding all over and are gradually losing their vital signs.

A full 12 shotguns bombarded more than 40 devils, and it is already a miracle that a few wounded survived, right?
"Baga... retreat, retreat..." Takahashi didn't follow the team to charge, looking at the scene in front of him, he scrambled and retreated in the direction of Yangquan in fright.Followed by him, there are also a team of communication soldiers and health soldiers and a few devils, and at this time they are also scrambling and retreating towards the county.

Pa... Papa... There was a gunshot behind him, and there seemed to be bullets flying past his ears, which made Takahashi and the others run even faster.

"'s a pity, the devil was a little far away, and he ran a little fast, so he missed it!" The sniper Shunzi regretfully put down the Ma Sihuan sniper rifle in his hand.

"Still waiting to do it? Go to a few people and clean up the battlefield!" Company Commander Qin made a gesture to a platoon leader next to him and shouted directly.

"Understood!" The platoon leader understood what his company commander meant, and led the soldiers out of the trench, carefully aiming their guns at the devil's wounded soldiers.

"Surrender or not? Hand in your guns and not are an immortal, how dare you resist...", zi...After more than ten minutes, the platoon leader returned with his men and all his equipment.

"Reporting to the company commander, the battlefield has been cleaned up. The devil's wounded soldiers fought stubbornly and tried to fight back. They have all been killed! These are our captures!" The platoon leader reported loudly proudly.

"Very good, hand over the booty to the political commissar, and ask how to divide it?" Company Commander Qin shouted.

"It's... the company commander!" The platoon leader led the people, carrying weapons and ammunition, and walked towards the political commissar.Before he had gone far, a communication soldier ran over.

"Company Commander Qin, Company Commander Song, the political commissar said that the seized weapons will be distributed among themselves, and we need to strengthen our firepower!" After the communicator finished speaking, he ran away.

"Hahaha...comrades, it's time to divide...Old Song, come and take half of it..." Company Commander Qin greeted him, and Company Commander Song was not polite, and asked the soldiers to come and take away half of the rifles and ammunition box.As for those crooked tricks talking about devils? ?Even though the gun wasn't very good, Company Commander Qin ordered people to move it to the battlefield and sent a machine gunner.

Well, a bucket is filled with bullets, and then it is equipped with an ammunition hand. When you are fighting later, you can hit it a few times. If it jams or explodes, then switch back to the rifle and continue fighting.In short, this is a waste snack, which can also be used.Of course, before this, it is necessary to fire a shuttle of bullets first, and Sanba Dagai also has to try to fire a shot.

why? ?Who knows if the shotgun can still be used?Wasting a few bullets is better than killing your own soldiers, right?After all, it was captured and made a fortune.

The 14th regiment was very happy, but Katayama Shotaro in the city was not happy, and even slapped Takahashi a few big mouths, it was really crackling.

"Baga... on the mountain, organize your squadron immediately and prepare to attack! Order, artillery team, immediately deploy artillery positions, target, Lion's Brain Mountain!"


The preparations on the devil's side were progressing very slowly, and even some of the devil's family members ran to the barracks to cry, because of a small team that went out just now, only these few people came back, and the rest died.Among the devils who died, many of them brought their family members over from China.Otherwise, where did so many expatriates come from?

"Baga... don't cry! Your husband, father, son... have already died for the cause of the empire in front of the Lion's Brain Mountain outside the city! Now, if anyone of you wants to avenge your relatives, come to the commander Register with the Ministry, I will arm you, give you weapons and ammunition, and follow the troops to fight!" Katayama Shotaro stood directly in front of the command department, intending to arm these expatriates.

There are quite a few expatriates in the city, thousands of men, women, old and children, and hundreds of young men who can carry guns to fight. Are they armed?As for the question of combat effectiveness?Aren't those Tuba roads armed from ordinary people?The people in Tegao have understood that most of the soldiers are farmers, hunters, miners... just put down the handle of the hammer and imitate the barrel of a gun.

In the afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Goro Yamagami had already organized his own squadron. Takahashi, who had left his troops and fled in the morning, was also in the team. The [-] rifles with plaster flags were at the forefront of the team.A few of them will take the lead in the attack later.

For a distance of 4 kilometers, more than 150 ghosts walked for an hour before stopping hundreds of meters in front of Lion's Brain Mountain.

"Okay, let's start..." On the top of the city gate, looking at the mountain squadron already in place, Katayama Shotaro waved to the side.

"Shooting..." On the city wall, 12 mountain cannons were lined up and began to bombard Shinao Mountain.

Chirp chirp...boom boom boom...shells exploded round after round on Lion's Brain Mountain, and the soldiers of the 14th regiment just huddled in the trenches and hid in the simple anti-bomb holes, waiting for the shelling to end. PS: Thank you for the scholarly drunk for thousands of years, chentie981 for the reward, thank you for the scholarly, thank you old iron.

(End of this chapter)

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