Chapter 84
Ahem, this is the fourth time I've written a testimonial, and I really don't know what to say.

Well, thank you for your support, thank you for your rewards and votes, thank you everyone.

Thanks again for the help of editor Tian Qi, thank you for editing.

Also, thanks to Fat Dudu with a shiny name, thanks to Moonlight Xiaoxuan, and thanks to the friends in the book club.

Thanks to Wanshang’s book friends, I’m Sleeping, I’m, I’m grateful for Irfanta, and I’m grateful for the healthy and happy family of three.Thanks to all book friends who have fan value!thank you!
Well, after thanking you, there is nothing more to say. The problem of updating is to ensure the second update and strive for the third update. I dare not say more, my body can't stand it anymore.

Of course, it's on the shelves, but the sad thing is that I didn't save the manuscript, so I can only post it tomorrow during the day...

Well, let's not say anything else, today is the party's centennial birthday, thanks to the party, congratulations to the party!

As a writer who writes anti-war articles, the more information I consult, the more I feel the greatness and difficulty of the party!Also understand better what is called the people's choice!

Congratulations to our party and a poem

In the blink of an eye, a century has come.

Friends, do you know?

A hundred years ago, the common people were in dire straits, starved of food and poorly clothed, and foreign powers stared at them;

A hundred years ago, people could only bow their heads and bend their waists, bearing the exploitation and oppression of local tyrants and evil gentry;

A hundred years ago, our children either endured hunger and begging, or grazed cattle and sheep for the landlord’s family, or worked as child labor in the capitalist’s factory, becoming little radish heads?
And we, either carry heavy cargo on the wharf in order to get enough food; or work in the fields for a year and continue to starve, becoming Yang Bailao; Suffering from excessively long hours; or...

Still a hundred years ago, a group of people got together just for the rise of China.

Thus, there was the Communist Party of China!
For 100 years, they have gone through wind and rain, blood, tears, wounds, and pain; they have fought desperately surrounded by foreign enemies, and they have also worked hard to explore under many difficulties.

Generation after generation, passing by in a hurry...

Now, we are enjoying a safe and prosperous new life, and children can study in spacious and bright classrooms with peace of mind.

Now, we no longer have to worry about a bloody bayonet hitting our chest one day.

Today, today, China is no longer that country that allows others to bully, and can say to any country in the world: No!The Chinese don't follow your example!
And these are exactly the original intention of our party!

Don't forget the well digger when you drink water, and always miss the party's kindness!

(End of this chapter)

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