Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 841 Chapter 850, the team goes directly to the chapter

Chapter 841 Chapter 850, the convoy drove back directly
Dress up as a devil, drive in a convoy of devils, and take the county towns and roads controlled by devils, what is this called?This is called black under the lights!What Li Yuexuan plans to play today is black under the lamp!
Soon, Li Yuexuan and the others took out the special military uniforms of the devils from their backpacks. They were all modified from the good military uniforms of the devils, and they fit just right.On the other side, Chen Tie took the lead in taking the military uniform off the devil's driver, and then chose one that almost fit him, trying to dress himself as the devil's driver as much as possible.

On Niu Jiacheng's 1st company, after raising 47 auto soldiers, there are still more than 100 people.They were not idle either, and formed a new formation with comrades from the transport company who couldn't drive, with Guan Gong and the newly joined puppet troops, and packed up the materials looted from the stronghold and prepared to take them away.

Things like food are not very easy to carry. Fortunately, the truck pulling the cotton still has a lot of spare load, so a bag of rice can be stuffed directly into the cab.If it really can’t fit, then divide it into small bags and carry one bag on each person’s back.In addition, Li Yuexuan and the others took the money looted from the stronghold; those pots and pans were loaded into a cart from the stronghold, and Niu Jiacheng and the others dragged them away...

About half an hour later, the originally bustling Watershed stronghold had become deserted, only the flies attracted by the bloody smell began to enjoy the feast brought to them by the blood and leftovers.

How do you say that those puppet soldiers who fainted after drinking the added chicken soup dealt with it?In reality, Lao Guan recognizes the cooks, the evil ones turn their heads directly, and the conscientious ones are stuffed into the cart and dragged away.

In Wenzhuang Village, the temporary brigade headquarters of the 386th brigade, the brigade commander received the latest telegram.After reading it, the brigade commander stretched out his hand and handed the telegram to Commissar Wang.

"So, Xiao Li and the others succeeded, and they are heading towards Wu Township along the highway?" Political Commissar Wang read the telegram with a look of disbelief.

"Yeah, I got it, I used some poison, caught more than 200 chickens, oh, I also captured a calf, and I'm being led by the 1st company of the 1st Brigade to Songshu Village. This Li Yuexuan, you dare to send a telegram to report any situation!" The brigade commander also laughed.

"Then there's nothing to say, let the 772 regiment make some noise to attract the attention of the devils. Tell me, can Li Yuexuan and the others return smoothly?" Political Commissar Wang looked worried.

"Well, I really don't dare to say it! But Xiao Li, following the example of that little nine-tailed fox is really bold, and he really dared to do it, and he did it! Blind man, if they really bring the convoy back this time, I personally asked them for a group first-class merit! Li Yuexuan and the others directly participated in the individual first-class merit! The devil's reinforcement plan is messed up. In the next step, the little devil will probably mobilize some troops to trouble us." The brigade commander said.

"Huh? Looking for trouble? Just looking for trouble! If they come this way, the pressure on the north side will be less, and we can break the devil's encirclement plan, and break them one by one!" said Political Commissar Wang.

"Well, the hero sees the same thing! Now, you should be busy and mobilize the people! The convoy can reach us, no matter what you are pulling, move the supplies as soon as possible!" said the brigade commander.

"Then, I'll go get ready!" Political Commissar Wang didn't delay, and took people directly to organize the people.

On the side of the 772 regiment, after receiving an order from the brigade, the regiment leader Cheng Xiazi exposed the location of a battalion between Wuxiang and Qinxian, which made the little devils in the two counties suddenly nervous.

At this time, the convoy returning the same way had already arrived at the Quandian stronghold along the Baijin Highway.

When they got here, the convoy didn't stop, and drove over with a bang, leaving only exhaust fumes for the puppet soldiers lined up on the side of the road.

"Nani? What's the matter? Where did this convoy come from?" In the stronghold, Captain Gao Cang looked at the convoy going away with a confused expression. He hadn't heard of a convoy heading this way?

Based on the principle of prudence, Captain Gao Cang picked up the phone, shook the handle, and prepared to call the wing headquarters.As a result... the telephone line was cut off by Eighth Road again...

Then, unwilling to give up, he asked the communications soldier to send a telegram to the wing headquarters for information.

On the side of the United Team Headquarters, they did not pay much attention to the telegrams received from the Quandian stronghold. Instead, they first dealt with the information reported by Wuxiang and Qinxian: a large number of eight-way troops appeared on the outskirts of the county, well-equipped, and their intentions were unknown. .That's right, the 772 regiment made a feint, which directly confused the devil's intelligence analysis.

By the time the devils dealt with the problem here and went to deal with the report from the Quandian stronghold, it was already more than ten minutes later.Then... the regiment department needs to contact the division headquarters, and the division headquarters needs to find out the division's logistics regiment, and also get in touch with Taiyuan to confirm whether there is a convoy coming.After these were processed, more than an hour passed.

The devil's efficiency is very low? ?In fact, it's not low, but the level of intelligence has a priority!Well, the Zhengtai Railway is at war here, and all kinds of information are flying around like a snowflake. Who cares about information from a small base?It would be great to think about it!
Just as the devil's communication and intelligence department was processing the information, a long convoy of devil's military trucks ushered in Wuxiang County.

On the truck, the devil's driver's clothes were disheveled (some of them were too small to fit, and they were simply unbuttoned with their arms open), and beside them were soldiers escorting the truck with serious faces.Oh, there are also officers holding a command knife, looking coldly at the puppet soldiers who are setting up Luka.

"Cough cough cough... this... the prince has worked hard..." The convoy was forced to stop by Luka, and the puppet squadron leader of the Wuxiang Guard hurriedly came over and nodded and bowed.

Well, in fact, this squadron leader named Gou San didn't want to come over, but he had the highest official position in the audience, so he should be added.

Gou San nodded and bowed here, watching the door of the truck in the second row being kicked open, and a ghost officer with the rank of captain walked over shaking from side to side.

Pa, pa, pa... Four big mouths were smacked directly on Gou San's face, two on one side, neither side nor side.

"Baga! You, you are so courageous, you are dead..." Zhao Yuanbao's Japanese is very standard, but it is really awkward to speak in such a weird tone.However, the smacking of the mouth feels good, and I really want to do it a few more times.

"Madam... Majesty, please forgive me. This is because of the south, there are eight roads in the south. We are closing the city..." Gou San wanted to explain, but a man who looked like an interpreter came over.

"You bastard is too bold! Still sealing the city? The imperial army's convoy was shot on the way, so they hurried back. Look at the bullet holes on this car, do you want to seal the Taijun in the city? Besides, you’d be happy to let the Eighth Road beat the Taijun? Huh? Why don’t you quickly remove the roadblock...” Li Erniu’s rhetoric with a gun and a stick scared Gou San to quickly get the roadblock removed.

Good guy, good guy, Taijun was scared back by Balu, that is to say, Balu might be chasing after him, and then Taijun was blocked outside the city and something happened... Gou San was almost scared to pee, and he didn't dare to stop. think.

The roadblock was cleared, the convoy continued on, and rumbled into the county seat, then continued to drive forward rumbled, and came directly to the east gate.

(End of this chapter)

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