Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 844 Chapter 853, things are needed, cars are also needed

Chapter 844 Chapter 853, things are needed, cars are also needed
"Huh... I can finally relax!" Among the trucks in the front row, Company Commander Chen Tie wiped his sweat with a towel, and said in a relaxed tone: "To be honest, when you first said that you were going to drive past the devil's stronghold, I was I really want to object, really, I think it is very unreliable!"

"However, when it came, the orders I received were mainly those of your captain. So, I thought, let's go all out, isn't it just to drive through the barrier, at worst, let this life go in!"

"But the result... there is no danger, quack quack..." It could be seen that Chen Tie, who was grinning, was extremely relaxed at the moment, which was the relief after extreme tension.

"Actually, Old Chen, if we fight, our chances are great! You are nervous because you don't know our strength enough!" Li Erniu said.

"Yes, Company Commander Chen, if you have time, you can go to our training ground and have a look. After seeing how we train, you will have confidence!" Zhao Yuanbao also said.

"By the way, I heard that you are still driving armored vehicles? How about it, does our detachment leader have any ideas?" Chen Tie asked.

"I think you, old Chen, have any ideas? Do you want to drive an armored vehicle to fight?" Li Erniu asked.

"Hey, I really have this idea. When it comes to logistics and transportation, how can there be any stimulation from front-line battles? For example, today, it's really exciting... Ah ha ha quack quack..." Chen Tie started laughing again.

After passing Wuxiang County, there are two small strongholds of devils to the east.However, these two small strongholds did not dare to intercept the convoy at all, and even the devil's sub-captain led the puppet soldiers to stand in a row by the side of the road, respectfully sending the convoy past them.The performance of the devils and puppet soldiers caused another series of laughter in the car.

About ten minutes later, the convoy had already left the county for more than 20 miles, and had completely escaped from the area under the complete control of the devils. The people on the convoy were completely relieved.

"Communications, send a report to the brigade: I have collected the net, and 157 big fish are about to pass through Changle Village!" Li Yuexuan said, looking at the position next to him in the convoy.

Soon, the communications soldier with the vehicle took out a real-time communication radio station with an antenna, which was seized from the convoy and used directly.

"Hey, Jiuding Mountain, Jiuding Mountain, I'm Qingqiu Fox, I'm Qingqiu Fox, we've closed the net, and we're about to reach Changle Village, please instruct!" The communications soldier got in touch with the brigade's radio station.

"What? Here we come? Ask them if they fought... No, the devil saluted them and slapped the devil's mouth? Hahahaha..." Has been transferred to the temporary brigade headquarters in Beizhang Village, and the brigade commander is also Laughed out loud.After laughing, the brigade commander said: "Send a letter to Cheng Xiazi and ask them to pick up the convoy. The devil's convoy is his own! Also, let Cheng Xiazi show me the road. Before dark, you must not Let a devil come over from Wuxiang!"

"In addition, send a letter to the political commissar. The things have been brought back and are ready to receive!" After the brigade commander finished speaking, he did not intend to stay at the brigade headquarters. He went out, got on his horse, and headed south.

Soon, calls were made to both sides.Commissar Wang was waiting by the Zhang River, not to mention Cheng Xiazi from Changle Village had already seen the convoy approaching, and he was very nervous at the moment.

Then...the phone call came, Cheng Xiazi and the others were relieved.However, the roadblocks on the highway were not removed, and Cheng Xiazi specially sent a few soldiers familiar with the Special Forces to guard there.

"Crack..." The convoy stopped far away to the west of the roadblock, and then Zhao Yuanbao and Li Erniu, who had already changed into the combat uniforms of the Special Forces, walked over.

Well, this time there was no slap or curse, everyone nodded, the roadblock was removed, and the convoy continued.Then, when the convoy arrived at Political Commissar Wang's side, they did not encounter any obstacles.

Creak... The convoy stopped again, and the soldiers in the car got off and stood on both sides of the convoy.At this time, everyone changed into their own military uniforms, and they no longer looked like devils.

"Platoon leader, why do I feel that our platoon did nothing this time?" Behind the convoy, a soldier from the reconnaissance platoon of the 1st brigade asked his platoon leader Liang Qiu.

"What else do you want to do? Didn't we participate in the whole process? When we beat the devil's convoy guards, didn't we also shoot twice? When we came back, didn't we also hide in the car and prepare to fight at any time? Say, you What else do you want to do?" Liang Qiu said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, it's nothing, it's just... why did it go so smoothly this time?" the soldier muttered in a low voice.

"Isn't it good if it goes well? You have to kill seven times and seven times like Changshan Zhao Zilong to enjoy it? Let me tell you, all this way, all rely on wisdom and courage to go so smoothly!" Liang Qiu said.

"You're right, I know Zhao Zilong, but where is Chang Shan? Do you know, platoon leader?" the soldier asked.

"Chang Shan... Now, in SJZ..." Liang Qiu said with a toothache.

"Hmm... who am I, what am I doing, where is this..." While the two of them were talking, they heard someone muttering in the carriage next to them, followed by a thin sound.

Then, Liang Qiu and the others looked up, just in time to see the head of a puppet soldier sticking out of the cart, with big eyes and small eyes coming from both sides.

"Wake up, brother..." As Liang Qiu spoke, the muzzle of the black pistol was pressed against the puppet soldier's forehead.

"Ah... forgive me, Ba Ye, I, I didn't do anything bad..." Just after the effect of the drug, the puppet army was still in a daze, but suddenly woke up suddenly.

"Okay, come down! And you, stop eavesdropping, you've all been captured by the Eighth Route Army!" Liang Qiu yelled loudly, and escorted 57 puppet soldiers out of the car.That's right, these puppet troops are exactly those puppet troops that were judged to be able to be incorporated during the watershed stronghold's turn-around and split-up operations.At this moment, the effect of the medicine was over, and they all woke up, but they were disarmed.

The puppet soldiers are very honest, especially when facing hundreds of heavily armed Eighth Route Army, they are even more well-behaved. They stand lined up on the side of the road one by one, waiting for the review of the Wang Political Commissar.At this time, Li Yuexuan had already reported the entire process of the operation to Political Commissar Wang, and also said about the general seizures.

"This is the puppet army captive you captured? Well, very good, very good, Xiao Lin, these puppet troops are handed over to you!" Political Commissar Wang waved his hand, and naturally there were professionals in charge of reforming the prisoners to receive the puppet troops.

Then, Commissar Wang looked at the full cars one by one, and even pulled out a bag of rice from under the driver's seat to have a look.

"These things... Come on, start the car, let's go north and pull it directly to Xianwang Village!"

(End of this chapter)

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