Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 855 Chapter 864, picking mushrooms?

"Drive, drive..." When Hu Changyi rode his bicycle to the shooting range, Su Wei followed him in a donkey cart.

"Su Wei, what are you doing?" Someone asked Su Wei.

"Hey, are you putting a heavy machine gun on the donkey cart? Are you afraid that the donkey will be kicked by the sound of the gun?" Someone asked Su Wei again.

"Director, mine is finished!" Su Wei wiped off his sweat and said.

"Well, not bad, very good...Come here, ride a bicycle around the shooting range, get a feel for it!" Hu Changyi pulled Su Wei past him to ride a bicycle, and then looked at Su Wei's works.

Well, it can be seen that because of the urgent time, Su Wei didn't build a big car, so he modified a small donkey cart.The original shaft of the cart was not changed, not even the board, but an iron plate was added to the board, and a tripod for a heavy machine gun was welded on the iron board.That's right, the Min [-] tripod with the bulletproof plate was directly welded to the car plate, and it was firmly fixed together.

Around the cart, there are four more iron pipes, and under the shaft of the donkey cart, there are two more hardwood support bars connected by hinges.

"Come on, take the donkey away!"

As soon as Hu Changyi waved his hand, soldiers immediately unloaded the donkey and took it away. Hu Changyi also took the opportunity to break off the support bar under the shaft of the cart to support the donkey cart.In this way, the little donkey cart becomes an uneven square platform.If the iron pipes at the four corners are inserted into wooden poles for support, then the platform will be very stable.

"Not bad, it saves time and effort..." Hu Changyi is very satisfied with Su Wei's work, even if everything seems rough, he is still very satisfied.In particular, there is a layer of boxes around the donkey cart, which is just high enough for the shooter to sit down.Of course, it is fine for the shooter not to sit on the cart, and the height is just right to stand under the donkey cart.

As for the safety protection of the depends on how strong the donkey pulling the cart is.For example, the surrounding car panels are also replaced with bulletproof steel plates, and the car panels are also replaced with the material of bulletproof shields.

"Factory Manager, how about this one?" Su Wei came back after riding around, and asked with a squeak as he parked the bike sideways on the shooting range.

"Boy, the modification is not bad! You can go to the logistics support team to implement it like this, so that there will be more cars like this in their fleet." Hu Changyi affirmed Su Wei's method.

"Hey, factory manager, let's try it?" Su Wei looked eager to try.

"Okay, let's try firing a few shots!" Of course Hu Changyi knew that everyone wanted to shoot, so he naturally agreed.As for the platform issue?What could be wrong with this?

Soon, gunshots rang out on the shooting range, and the second and fourth shooters on the donkey cart side couldn't wait to shoot a bunch of bullets after the machine guns on the bicycle, which was considered an addiction.

"You all talk about it yourself, is this bicycle suitable for our team?" Hu Changyi asked after everyone stopped.

"Factory manager, this... there are more people in our team who can ride bicycles than those who can ride horses! It's not even as many as people who can drive cars..." Someone said weakly.

"Well... well, let's send this car to Xijing Town, together with the machine gun, and see if the heads of the headquarters like it, then give it to them." Hu Changyi himself didn't think that the bicycle was real. It can be popular, that is, get a sample out and try it out.Well, this is in China. If it is on Ah San's side, it will be replaced by a motorcycle, which will be amazing...

"You guards, get ready. Tomorrow morning, we will go wandering around the surrounding mountains to see if there are any suitable mushrooms. Let's pick some!" Hu Changyi said.

"Director, do you really plan to grow mushrooms? This mushroom has no seeds and no roots, how do you grow it?" Someone asked.

"This mushroom, its seeds... are called spores, right? Those things are very small, and they float away with the wind. Then the spores find a suitable place, and mushrooms will grow!" Hu Changyi said simply.

"Buns?? Buns stuffed with mushrooms?" Minister Zhang didn't know when he arrived, but he couldn't hear it.

"Well, when the mushrooms grow, let's eat buns stuffed with mushrooms! Stuffed with mushrooms and beef!" Hu Changyi said casually.

"You..." Minister Zhang shook his head: "Let's go, tell me about your two plans!"

"You guys, pack up your things, Su Wei, go do your work!" Hu Changyi asked Su Wei to work on the shooting platform, and then followed Minister Zhang to his office in Hujia Village.

The office in Hu's Village is actually Hu Changyi's accommodation, including the guard platoon, which is also camped here, in the yard where his office is located and several surrounding yards.Of course, it's not a matter of land. The point is that Minister Zhang's office is not far from Hu Changyi's office, and it's very convenient for them to communicate and work.

In the office, Hu Changyi poured two large mugs of boiled water, and handed a cattail leaf fan to Minister Zhang, and each of them sat facing each other in front of the stone table in the yard.

"Tell me, tell me all the methods you think of!" Minister Zhang said.

"No, Minister Zhang, I remember saying it before, that is to establish base areas, develop militias, and arm the people..." Hu Changyi carefully stated all the methods he could think of.Well, there are many methods learned from military teaching films, and some feasible or imaginary methods from many military novels, and even the methods in his own novels.

Hu Changyi didn't know whether his method would work or not, but Minister Zhang knew it!Well, Hu Changyi belongs to that type of theory, a breakthrough from zero to one.Then, Minister Zhang will improve it according to the current situation, solicit opinions, and turn 1 into a higher number...

The conversation with Minister Zhang lasted about an hour, and then Pang Hu from the cooking team came in with a few plates and some steamed buns, and Hu Changyi and Minister Zhang ate directly.It's just that today's dishes are a little different, because in addition to a plate of Chinese cabbage, there is actually a plate of fried bean worms and big-mouthed water longicorn.Good guy, this nutritional value is high enough.

After the meal, Minister Zhang left, and Hu Changyi moved a little to prepare for a night run.Of course, before running at night, you need to think about picking mushrooms tomorrow.

Autumn has already entered, and there have been a few rains in the past few days. The long-mouthed longhorn came out of the soil and paired up to breed the next generation. There will also be many mushrooms on the mountain.So, go around the mountain, and then you can grow mushrooms...Of course, after finishing the mushroom work, I will spend some time modifying the trucks and converting them into machine gun assault trucks.

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