Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 880 Chapter 889, Operation Thunder

Chapter 880 Chapter 889, Operation Thunder
Li Yuexuan and the others certainly wouldn't fight on their own, that would be a waste of resources, okay?Therefore, after receiving the order from Hu Changyi, the reconnaissance platoons and special forces of the three infantry brigades assembled one after another.

The next day, at noon, Li Yuexuan led the team, followed by three reconnaissance platoons, and they all appeared at the temporary station of the brigade headquarters.The scouts from the Independent Regiment, the New First Regiment, the New Second Regiment, the 772 Regiment, and the 16th and 17th Regiments came together.Well, this is a special order from the brigade commander. No matter where your regiment is fighting now, even if you are fighting the emperor's old den, you must send a platoon of elite soldiers from the reconnaissance company to come over.

These group leaders were a little surprised when they received the order, but when they heard that they were following the special forces to perform special missions, they rushed to mobilize the team.That's right, the special operations team has a great reputation despite its small number of people, especially the heads who have recently received a lot of ammunition from the brigade headquarters, and they know how powerful the special operations team is.

"Hello Brigadier..." On the drying yard in front of the station, more than 500 strong and mighty soldiers stood together and greeted the Brigadier.

"Hello, comrades...well, you have agreed to come here together? Very good, good. Now, the platoon leaders are here for a meeting, and the rest of the soldiers are temporarily resting." After the brigade commander finished speaking, he led the meeting.

But before leaving, he subconsciously glanced at the direction of the sun-drying field.Here, there is a relatively short truck parked here, but the truck is covered by a canvas cover, and the specific appearance inside cannot be seen clearly.Of course, others don't know, but the brigade commander does know, because this is a newly modified assault truck from the arsenal, and it was specially driven by the reconnaissance platoon.

The brigade commander felt a little itchy about the assault truck, but he patiently held a small meeting with the platoon leaders.

"This time you are mobilized here. The main combat goal is to break the devil's whole-village joint defense mechanism and create favorable conditions for our sabotage battle. This time..." The brigade commander talked about the problems he is encountering now, and finally Said: "Now, you can divide the work among yourself. Li Yuexuan is the overall person in charge of this operation. Here is a detailed list, all of them are traitors who have committed the most crimes."

"My request is not high, just follow the list given to you, and get rid of these traitors who work hard for the devil! In addition, the businessmen who colluded with these traitors, as well as the main figures of the devil, also find opportunities to get rid of them. Li Yuexuan is in charge of how to get rid of it, and just give me a report at the end. Well, freedom of movement, try not to hurt innocent people. Also, this..."

The brigade commander took out a small book and said: "This is the specific information of these traitors. Li Yuexuan, if you take it, it will be helpful to you. In addition, in order to cooperate with your operation this time, I will target Wuxiang and Yushe. The county launched an attack to attract the attention of the devils and give you a chance. Do you have any questions? Ask them if you have any."

"Yes!" Li Yuexuan was the first to raise his hand, and when he saw the brigade commander's signal, he stood up and asked, "Report to the brigade commander, besides cleaning up these traitors, can we make this operation bigger?"

"Bigger? How big are you talking about?" The brigade commander asked Li Yuexuan.

"Brigade Commander, if you come across a suitable stronghold, can you pull it out? If you meet a devil who is alone, you can clean it up? If you encounter a convoy that is easy to fight, you will be robbed directly. If you can meet in the city Can those who are above the level of devil's assistant officer be sent back to the emperor?" Li Yuexuan couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes after a series of greetings.

"What you said is not a big problem. You can figure it out. But one thing, don't lose too much. I mean, don't lose too much of your troops! If you can't guarantee your own safety, some targets can If you don’t fight, don’t fight. For example, if you sneak into Lu’an Fucheng, if you can’t escape after fighting, there is no need to fight.” The brigade commander said.

"I see! How much is our weapon support and ammunition support this time?" Li Yuexuan asked again.

"Full support! You only have less than 600 people in total. Our brigade can still afford to support you with the weapons and ammunition you can use! Well, now, I officially announce: Li Yuexuan and Li Erniu are the chief and deputy leaders of the operation to clean up the traitors." The official start. The code name of the operation is Thunder! This Thunder operation is to use thunderous means to strike at the enemy, deter the enemy, and win over those enemies who are not firm."

"Okay, I've finished what needs to be said, Li Yuexuan, Li Erniu, you continue to hold a meeting to discuss the action plan." The brigade commander finished speaking and left the meeting room.

Soon, the roar of trucks came from outside the conference room, and the exclamations and shouts of soldiers seemed to be heard.If the expectations are good, the brigade commander is looking at the modified assault truck.

Well, the brigade commander was indeed admiring the newly modified truck, which was circling the threshing floor.

The shape of the truck can generally be seen to be the base of the [-]-type military truck, but there is a layer of bulletproof shields on the front, cab, and bucket.The overall height of the cab, in particular, is much lower. The front and sides are directly covered with shells made of bulletproof shield steel. On the front of the cab is a switchable observation window, and the front is a fence-shaped observation surface.

On the co-pilot's position, there is also a switchable observation window on the front, which is placed parallel to the driver's position.The difference is that a thick gun barrel protrudes from the co-pilot's position and is directly fixed on the front cover of the car, which looks a little weird.Moreover, the barrel basically does not have much room to move, and the swing angle from left to right and up and down is extremely small.

Of course, this is the barrel of a shotgun, which is responsible for hitting a large area on the front of the car, and it doesn't need much movement angle.But if you open the iron door of the co-pilot and observe the shotgun carefully, you will find that there is a long box hanging under the bolt of the shotgun.What do you mean?It means that the shotgun has an extra magazine, which contains 5 rounds of loose shot.

That's right, during the time it took to modify the truck, Hu Changyi made a little design and let the machine process a shotgun.The new shotgun can hang a semi-fixed magazine, or you can pull the bolt to add a round of shells.I didn't do this before, because after adding a magazine, the whole shotgun would be very heavy, which is not conducive to marching operations.Now that it's in the car, it doesn't matter.

No matter how much weight is borne by the truck, the soldier in the co-pilot only needs to fire when necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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