Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 882 Chapter 891, Thunder Team 1: How about we attack?

Chapter 882 Chapter 891, Thunder Squad: How about we attack?

The little devil started to work in a hurry here, so he naturally ignored some things.For example, in the night of that day, one group after another set off from the brigade headquarters, and after separating, they each started marching towards their own goals.At the same time, there is also a supply unit, which also carries the necessary supplies, and moves towards the designated location.

That's right, with the cooperation of the main force, the secret Thunderbolt operation started, and Li Yuexuan and the others started to act.

Special warfare is definitely not an isolated operation, it is a systemic problem.Especially since the key area of ​​Operation Thunder is within the Japanese-controlled area, it requires the cooperation of all troops.

In order to keep it secret, only the political commissar and the head of the main regiment participating in the battle knew about their own scouts, and they followed the special forces to perform special missions.specific actions?do not know.

The special operations team is so famous, they do all kinds of work, maybe they can get another team back?If you want to know, ask the brigade commander.

Then, the brigade commander would say: I don't know their specific action plan, only Li Yuexuan knows a general action plan.The specific actions are in the hands of the person in charge of the area after zoning.

Well, the brigade commander is not talking nonsense, he really doesn't know the specific action plan.In other words, the person in charge of the small area action team did not know the specific action plan.When we really take action, we will be guided by a general action policy and adapt to the enemy's situation.

No, the Dongguan stronghold in Wuxiang, which is the closest to the brigade headquarters, ushered in the first small battle of Operation Thunder.

The location of the Dongguan stronghold is naturally on the east side of the county seat. It is the first stronghold established by the devils outside the city.

Today, the main regiments of the Eighth Route Army began to attack the county seat, and the devils in the stronghold stayed in the stronghold, posing a great threat to the Eighth Route Army.Such a stronghold could have been destroyed with a few long artillery shells, but the main force participating in the battle was not willing to waste it, and just cut off the connection between the stronghold and the county.

"Captain Li, we don't need this, right? Pull over two long cannon grenades and just blast them. We have to go to Weijia Village to fight against rape!" Qian Yongfu, the first squad leader of the Special Forces, knew Li Yunlong well, so he was stopped by Li Yunlong when passing by.The point is, the main force he brought was the scouts of the Independent Regiment.

"I know how to use long cannon grenades, but aren't you going to Weijia Village? In the morning, Wei Guifang from Weijia Village brought his family into this stronghold. The platoon leader of the stronghold is his son. So, don't go there either. It's the south, just fight here! What's the matter, are you afraid that I, Li Yunlong, will learn your special warfare tactics?" Li Yunlong said with a bull's eye.

"Okay, since the target is here, let's solve it together!" Qian Yongfu stopped talking, but looked at the terrain and firepower arrangement of the Dongguan stronghold.

In fact, when they came from Wuxiang last time, the soldiers of the Special Operations Team already knew everything about the strength and firepower of the devils here, and now they are just checking to see if there are any changes.

"There is actually no good way to attack such a stronghold. If the time is early enough, we can send people to infiltrate or something according to the layout. Now, it is better to attack! In this case, the weapons we brought should not be idle. It’s over, let’s attack directly!” Qian Yongfu looked at the situation of the stronghold, then asked the soldiers of the independent regiment, and directly ordered the attack.

"If we attack by force, I still need you guys? I have so many fighters here, any company can take it down! If we use long cannon grenades, it won't take long." Li Yunlong said.

"Then, Commander, we don't have a better solution. After fighting for so long during the day, the devils and puppet soldiers are very skilled. It's not even a thought to sneak in quietly. How about we use long cannon grenades?" Qian Yongfu asked.

"How many long artillery shells did you bring?" Li Yunlong asked.

"The brigade commander opened the warehouse, and our action team brought five long artillery grenades, and more grenades and other ammunition." Qian Yongfu said.

"Then... just use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken, and you can command the fight! Try to leave as much supplies as you can," Li Yunlong said.

"Since this is the case, why don't you try another method?" Qian Yongfu said suddenly.

In the stronghold at this time, the captain of the devil's dog nutrition hadn't fallen asleep yet, so he stayed on the second floor of the gun tower, watching the little fire outside.In his impression, each of these fires is a pot and stove where the Eighth Routers cook at night.But the actual situation is that the Eight Routers deliberately lit it up to confuse the devils, and the figures beside the fire are all straw dummies.

The cooks of Balu have long learned how to dig smokeless stoves. They just cook, and they can do it just by finding a place.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the captain of the dog nutrition always feels flustered and has a feeling of imminent disaster.

In the barracks below the gun tower, the puppet soldiers and Wei Guifang's family stayed in the barracks without much movement. There were also puppet soldiers on duty in the three machine gun bunkers outside the stronghold.This situation has lasted for half a day. Balu cut off the telephone line and deployed snipers by the river, and there are many snipers wandering around this stronghold. I dare not go out to find water to drink.

"Third brother, is there any water?" In a bunker, a squad leader of the puppet army asked hoarsely.

"Squad leader, it's long gone. We didn't prepare water here. Who would have thought that Balu would be so terrific! Or, let's drink some from the machine gun?" the third child suggested.

"Fuck off, even if I die of thirst, I can't drink water from the machine gun. This is our weapon of battle, and it is our life! Gulu... Gululu..." The squad leader spoke resolutely, but his stomach did not let up.This is also helpless, since I haven't eaten at noon, the eighth road has started to fight, and I haven't had any water or rice for more than ten hours.

Listening to the stomach grunting one after another, the puppet soldiers in the bunker stopped talking, and some of them turned their heads to look at the camp outside the bunker.There, there were a few puppet soldiers lying upright, who were going out to get water.This time the siege of the county, the independent regiment was the main force along the way, and it was Li Yunlong who came up with the idea of ​​cutting and besieging this stronghold.

Li Yunlong's order was originally to concentrate his forces to attack the county, leaving only Xizi and the others to practice marksmanship here.Unexpectedly, it brought such a lot of pressure to the puppet army.

(End of this chapter)

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