Chapter 886 Chapter 895, Untitled
On the night of Operation Thunder, there were action teams around Yushe, Qinxian, Wuxiang, Liaoxian, and Xiangyuan, the counties controlled by devils, especially near the county towns and closer to the road.

This operation, which was supposed to be a secret operation, was actually carried out in secret.However, the action members of each group are not acting alone.

For example, Qian Yongfu led the team and cooperated with the independent group to establish a stronghold. The rest of the teams also found the local organizations at their destinations and fought with the help of the organizations.

For example, Shangshuling Village, this village is guarded on the road between Liao County and Yushe. Naturally, the little devil will not let this village go, and he has also organized a joint defense of all villages.It was a big family surnamed Li in this village who took the lead, and then organized some young and strong people with smaller surnames to form a road guard team.

Instead of giving the people weapons and food, the devil gave the head of the Li family a bastard box to suppress the villagers.It is easy to deal with such a road guard team. The villagers have a red-tasseled gun and a shotgun with a soil gun, which are good weapons, and they have little combat effectiveness.But how could the Eight Routes attack the common people?We can only maintain the situation first, and then wait for the superior to make a decision.

The common people were also very helpless. There were ghosts from the Fourth Independent Mixed Brigade on the top, the security team of the Puppet Imperial Army Army in the middle, and the detective team. With long knives and spears, earthen guns, shotguns and bows and arrows act as thugs, how can the people at the bottom resist?He had no choice but to follow along with a stick and red-tasseled spear to protect the road.

This night, more than a dozen soldiers from the North Action Team were assigned to this village. After dark that night, they came to the gate of a family in the village.

Then, a soldier stepped forward, reached out and clasped the door knocker, knocked a few times with regularity, and then knocked a few more times.

Soon, there was a coughing sound from the yard. An old lady without bound feet walked to the gate without opening it, and asked directly, "Who is outside?"

There was no answer outside the door, but fingers were clasped on the door panel, and they knocked regularly, which made the old lady smile.

"Night watchman, old man, it's getting dark, don't trip!" After the door panel was pulled, the action team members outside spoke.

"Old lady, my eyes are very bright in the dark, so I can see! Young man, come in for a drink?" The old lady's hand was already on the latch.

"Then let's hold a lamp for you old man!" The action team member outside replied, and then the door was quickly opened. The old lady welcomed the action team members into the room enthusiastically, looked around, and then closed the door .Then, he trotted into the house and reached out to light an oil lamp.

"I was looking forward to your coming! My third son is okay in the team? There are black dogs watching outside, how did you come here?" the old lady asked.

"Old man, the black dog should be a dead dog now. The organization came here this time to clean up the Li family's gang of traitors. Can you tell me about the situation?" the operator asked.

Soon, the old lady told the details of what she knew, and the soldiers of the action team also left the fortress.The three sons of this family are all on the team, but the family members are having a hard time.Naturally, the team did not treat this family badly. Now only the old lady stayed in the village to inquire about the situation, and the rest were brought into the base area by the old man and settled down.

Well, in the perception of outsiders, including the villagers, this family's life is miserable. The son was killed by devils, the old man brought people into the city and never came back, and the old lady almost went blind from crying...

But the actual situation is: the old lady cried and howled for several days to confuse the villagers, and then continued to live in the village, tending the Susukada at home, inquiring about information by the way, and occasionally helping to take care of the wounded.

There are many such common people's fortress households around the base area.It is because of their support that the Eighth Route can deeply develop the masses and carry out mass work.Well, something is different today, I am here to hoe rape.

The work of eradicating rape was carried out very quickly, and the number of a large family in a village was not very large. In a large family of more than a hundred people, the real perpetrators were the patriarchs.Then, it was wiped out, let's see who dares to help the cabinet!Not only did the traitors get rid of, but they were also hanged at the entrance of the village, with notices on their bodies, indicating that it was the work of the Eighth Route Army's anti-traitor team.

The anti-rape team has two books in their hands, one is red and the other is white.If you help the Eight Routes to do something, then write it down in the red book, and if you help the devils to oppress the people, then you will pay for nothing.When will the white account book remember enough, surpassing the red account book.Then it's time to settle the bill...

That's right, this is the red and white accounts that Hu Changyi taught everyone, and there is also the saying of red and black accounts. This is a very effective method used by our guerrillas in the war, and it is specially used to deal with traitors.Now, it is used by Hu Changyi as a fighting method of the special forces.

In fact, the basis of the red and black accounts and the red and white accounts is the ability to go deep into the enemy's rear to eradicate hardcore traitors.All you have to do is to kill a group of traitors and make the rest of the traitors feel chills in their necks, then the rest is easy to talk about.

To deal with the enemy, in the absence of force deterrence, any method will be discounted.But with death threats?The traitors themselves will make the right choice.Those who did not make the right choice, the guerrilla captains and backbones who have been trained by the Special Forces and the Ninth Detachment will help these people make choices.

After one night, the telegrams arrived at the brigade headquarters via radio waves, and then the brigade commander checked them with a small notebook.Not bad, half of the hardcore traitors in the small books were gone.

Then, the brigade commander discovered a small problem - why didn't Li Yuexuan send a message?Are you still keeping the radio silent? ?So, where did Li Yuexuan go?Won't you really make a big deal out of it?The brigade commander thought about this question very worriedly.That's right, Li Yuexuan learned from Hu Changyi, and he's so close to Li Yunlong, both of them have learned their strengths and weaknesses.

So, where did Li Yuexuan and the others go?
Changzhi City, today's Changzhi City gate is very lively, because it's the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the people will have a reunion festival no matter how hard it is.Therefore, many people risked their lives and chose to go to the city to ask for some life, buy some things and so on.In today's team entering the city, there are dozens of young men who are dressed in common people's clothes but are particularly strong.

"Look, what are you looking at? Didn't you see it was me? Get out of the way!" It was Captain Gou who led these young people.Captain Gou still maintains his usual arrogance, but if you look carefully, you will find that this guy's legs and feet are a little weak, and his hands are shaking. He looks very much like an aunt serving dishes in the cafeteria...

(End of this chapter)

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